Vendyl Jones just passed away at 3:15 this morning, Monday morning, in Texas. This is a great loss for the world as this Noachide soldier is now with G-d. He found the annointing oil for Kohanim, Kings, and the First Temple's utensils and the incense that was used in the 2nd Temple. He, at the end of his long life, wanted to drill a bore hole into the Cave of the Column in Qumran to see if the treasures of Betzalel were hidden there including the Menorah, the Golden Table, and the Ark of the Covenant. All of these things were hidden during the reign of Josaiah (Yoshiyahu), the great king of Yehudah, in the waning days of the First Temple period. Yet he ran into political resistance, for Qumran is in what was or is to become Palestine. Someone else will have to carry on this mission when the proper time comes. For now, Baruch Dayan Emeth for the soul of this great man.
His funeral info is as follows:
Local funeral home in Grandview, TX:
Clayton Kay-Vaughn Funeral Home
109 S. Third Street
Grandview, Texas
phone number: 817-866-3311
He is survived by two children who converted to Judaism and three other children who did not. I am personally aware of Sarah Richardson of Ma'aleh Levonah here in Israel and another son, Gershom Bar-Yonas (son of Jones) formerly of Mitzpeh Yericho. The 600 kilograms of incense that Vendyl found in 1992 are actually being stored in Ma'aleh Levonah, which means Bringing Up Levonah. Levonah is frankincense, one of the eleven spices in the Incense and one of the its major ingredients. How appropriate.
Update on the funeral service for Vendyl Jones:
2:00 pm Thursday 12/30/2010
Beth-El Congregation
4900 Briarhaven Road
Fort Worth, TX 76109
phone no. (817-332-7141)
Website: For a map and directions
(The location is just north of I-20 off of Hulen St., west of I-35W. There are numerous hotels on I-35W and on west of the I-20 & Hulen St. intersection.)
Beth-El Congregation is a reform temple. It was the largest venue that could be secured at short notice for a large influx of Noachides and Jews who appreciated Vendyl's work while he was alive.
Thank you for posting this. I often wondered what ever happened to him. I liked to read his papers on various topics. He was a dedicated soul, a striver for the Jewish people and Hashem. His discoveries hopefully will receive the credit the deserve when it comes time to rebuild the Temple.
ReplyDeleteBaruch Dayan Ha Emet. I wonder if there has been anyone like this man. His discoveries are incredible. Thank you Dov for making me aware of this righteous of the gentiles. If you learn of a successor, please let us know.
I am so sorry to have heard the news this way. Vendyl had married my husband and I 7 years ago. He was a great man and I cared about him very much. I only wish I had heard about the funeral before it had passed.I learned a great deal from him and he instilled in me a great desire to learn more. I am really going to miss him.
ReplyDeleteToday, post Shabbat (Saturday May 21, 2011)was a a very sad evening for me. Today I learned, belatedly, of the passing of my good friend, and mentor, Vendyl Jones of Kiryat Bialic, Israel and (now) Waco, Texas. I had the blessed privilege to serve as his office manager (when his office was located in Arlington, Texas). As a result, I also accompanied him to Israel on his dig ,in 1983, seeking the "Ashes of the Red Heifer". I am now an Orthodox Jew and the Chief lecturar of the Alumni ReDiscovery Bible Association in Tempe, Arizona, thanks to being exposed to the TORAH by Dr. Vendyl Jones over 28 years ago. He can never be replaced - only succeeded. I will be in a 'shivah' mindset for a week in his memory. Avraham Tzadok ben Avraham HaRishon
ReplyDeleteI too learned belatedly of Vendyl's passing. He was an actual answer to prayer because I always knew that buried somewhere there should be answers to the many questions I had even as a young girl...and then sometime many, many years ago our small church in Mooringsport, LA, sent our pastor and his wife to Israel where at that time Vendyl was their guide. Then the miracle happened when he came to our church. I just absolutely couldn't keep my mouth shut from asking question after question and thru the years he became such a dear friend whom I respected and loved deeply - I yearn for him! I have misplaced and sadly maybe have lost my signed copy of his wonderful book "Will the Real Jesus Please Stand". My husband has promised to take me to see his widow, Anita, not only for a very long overdue visit, but am also hopeful that perhaps she may still have an extra copy of his book that I would love to have again - I want to pass it down to my family! 11/30/2018