
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Quick Four Part Scenario for Economic Collapse

There really is no way of knowing how precisely HaShem is going to bring about the economic collapse of Western Civilization in 5772. It can either happen abruptly in 12 month segments, or it might be catastrophic and take place during the course of the25 to 30 day period from today, Hoshana Rabbah, until the middle of Cheshvan. I am leaning toward the catastrophic collapse for two reasons.

1. There is much that should take place this year besides the economic collapse of Western Civilization to make the world a spiritually healthier place to live. So a quick collapse will allow time for these other things to happen.

2. Yosef when he was thrown into a pit by his brothers was in a pit with snakes and scorpions, but he miraculously survived the dangers. The snake as was presented in the previous post about Greece being the face of Rome corresponds to the Primordial snake of Rosh HaShana and therefore the month of Tishrei. The Scorpion is the Mazal for the month of Cheshvan. This seems to be an ancient hint that in the year that Mashiach ben Yosef shows up, the months of collapse are Tishrei and Cheshvan.

So here is a quick scenario for a catastrophic collapse which might possibly occur in this fashion:

Europe is now spinning out of control. PM Merkel of Germany and the banks are rebelling against excusing more debt losses. Things are looking quite probable for chaos when the European Union meets on Sunday, October 23rd. Their self-imposed deadline is Oct. 23rd which is strange because that is a Sunday. But that is their deadline. This should worsen in stages over the next four weeks.

1. This week because the last 3 days of Sukkot only Edom is judged and Hoshana Rabba which seals the judgment for the nations of the world. According to the Vilna Gaon, the 1st, 2nd, and 4th days of Sukkot are reserved for the children of Ketura (Hinduism and Buddhism) and the children of Yishmael (Islam). The 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th days of Sukkot are reserved for Edom. So on the third day of Sukkot, the day of tiffereth (charisma), it was Shabbat, and there was large scale rioting in the streets of Rome. Italy of the G-8 economic powers is the nation most tied to Edom's version of tiffereth. On the 5th day of Sukkot, this past Monday, Merkel announced that there is no agreement in sight for unity within the EU to somehow raise over 2 trillion Euro to prevent the collapse of the Eurozone at the October 23rd meeting. Germany is most associated with Edom's version of hod (glory) since hod as discussed before is most associated with this worldly prosperity. As we see with modern day athletes, whoever gets the glory also gets the money. Then there is Malkhut (kingship) the 7th sefirah associated with the United States and Canada who are a combination of France (chessed) and Great Britain (Din or Gevurah) in their makeups. Think of France being the right shoulder and Great Britain the left shoulder of an upside down triangle, and the US and Canada being the point. So who knows what will occur later today if anything associated with the US and Canada on Hoshana Rabbah or on Shmini Atzereth. It could be nothing specifically since the collapse will probably be triggered by nations in the Eurozone. So if anything happens on Hoshana Rabba itself, it may revolve around coincident problems in France and Great Britain at the same time. The 6th sefirah yesod (foundation) in Edom is most associated with Russia. Since Russia has no real clout in the EU, the 6th day of Sukkot passed without incident.

2. (Stage 2) next week actually starting on Shmini Atzereth itself because after Hoshana Rabba, HaShem wants to start blessing Klal Yisrael on the judgment for the New Year. So all the good from the new judgement starts to flow on Shmini Atzereth. This Shabbat is Shabbat Bereishit when we bless the New Moon for Cheshvan. So the flow for Cheshvan actually begins this weekend before Cheshvan is actualized with the New Moon on the following Friday and Shabbat, October 28 and 29.

3. After Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan because Edom has run out of bracha from the Tal Min HaShamayim (Dew from Heaven) for the New Year and for all time, Western Civilization will simply run out of spiritual gas. The month of Tishrei 5772 is actually judged on the previous year's judgment. So the loss of bracha for Edom only becomes evident after Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan. In short all the blessing on Edom for all of human history might simply come to an end at the end of this Tishrei. At this point all Edom will have left is the shmanei ha'aretz (the oil of the earth) which they have as long as the US keeps troops in Iraq and at the pivotal port facility of Batzrah at the confluence of 2 or the 4 rivers that come out of the Garden of Eden. All the talk about the US actually leaving Iraq will necessarily have to come to an end when it becomes clear that the US will have no physical gas for its civilization if Persia gains hegemony over the Shiite areas of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This will become more obvious when Western Civilization runs out of the spiritual gas (the dew from the mouth of G-d) at the end of the month of Tishrei 5772.

4. In some cases the Din for the New month is held in abeyance until the tenth of each month when it is finally sealed. This is especially true for bainoni nations such as the United States who have tremendous merits for all the good that they have done in history as a force for good in the world along with all of negative things that they did when goodness came into conflict with making money. Under such circumstances where there has been a direct conflict between this worldly prosperity and the will of G-d, America has always chosen prosperity over goodness. So it is a 2/3rds nation. 2/3 of the time when America could be good without sacrificing its prosperity, America chose to be good. Yet, the 1/3 of the time when there was a direct conflict between the two, America chose the evil path. This makes the US a bainoni nation (a nation where the scales of justice are weighted towards its goodness and its wickedness. This would seem to indicate that Europe will collapse first, and America might be dragged down a couple of weeks later.

Again this is a possible scenario for a quick collapse. I am not saying that this is precisely how it will occur. Just prepare yourself for this type of catastrophe.

So those are the four stages. We are already seeing stage one.


  1. Interesting my understanding is that God always likes to hide himself, likes to suprise and shock,so I do believe something quite the opposite and different might happen. Who knows, lets see...

  2. I know that Sukkot is a time of joy and now Gilad is home I should be feeling joyful. But right after Shabbos I started feeling such anxiety and dread. I'm trying to shake it off so I can enjoy the rest of the chag and Shabbos but it hasn't been easy..

  3. blessed simchat torah to you and yours.
    thanks for writing. i look forward to reading you articles. greece protests turned violent an hour ago. i sent the article to you.

  4. where is this vilna goan quote?

  5. Yosh55: Here is a link to explain what the Vilna Gaon said. You can look more deeply into the matter yourself.

  6. Very interesting development:

    European Union chiefs are drawing up plans for a single “Treasury” to oversee tax and spending across the 17 eurozone nations.
    The proposal, put forward by Herman Van Rompuy, the European Council president, would be the clearest sign yet of a new “United States of Europe” — with Britain left on the sidelines.
    The plan comes as European governments desperately trying to save the euro from collapse last night faced a new bombshell, with sources at the International Monetary Fund saying it would not pay for a second Greek bail-out.
    It was also disclosed last night that British businesses are turning their back on Brussels regulations to give temporary workers full employment rights, with supermarket chain Tesco leading the charge.
    Meanwhile, David Cameron is attempting to face down a rebellion tomorrow by Tory MPs in a vote over staging a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU.


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