
Monday, February 11, 2013

As King Number One is About to Fall

Zohar VaYeira 119:  There will be wars (or a World War in the north) in which 2 kings will perish...

The war in the North is reaching a critical phase.  The Sunni majority is getting closer and closer to Downtown Damascus, and one of the relatively moderate Sunni clerics is asking Assad to peacefully negotiate his surrender in order to avoid massive bloodshed in the Center of the Capital.

As the rebels advance on the Center of Damascus, it is hard to guess how Assad will leave power, but like America invading the island of Japan back in WW2 (if that had occurred) tens of thousands might die in the final battle for the center of Damascus.  Will he use Sarin gas?  Or will he just be killed?  The next question will be what will the Russians, the Persians, the Chinese, and the North Koreans who have troops on the ground protecting Assad's regime do?  They will be there to protect what power structure that suddenly has collapsed?  Their figurehead reason for being there will suddenly be non-existent.  The Russian base in Tartus for instance, will simply be a Russian base in a non-existent country.  This is where NATO enters the fray.  When the rebels rid Damascus of Assad, the West will ask why are the Russians still there?  This will get messy really quickly.  And the following will occur:

Yishayahu 17:12-14 on the final downfall of Damascus at the End of Days:

Woe to the tumult of many nations, who are as tumultuous as the tumult of the seas;  and to the uproar of the nations, who roar like the uproar of powerful waters.  Nations roar like the roar of many waters, but He will rebuke them and they will flee far away; They will be pursued like the chaff of mountains before the wind, and like pollen before a stormy wind.  At evening time, behold there is fright; before the morning dawn, he is no more.  This is the lot of our assailants and the due of our spoilers!

It seems that we are very close now.


  1. Of all the nations/countries that are within Syria, are they the same ones mentioned in the War of Gog UMagog? Who's missing?

  2. Russians are Meshech and Tuval. The Persians are the Persians. China is Magog after the Mongols scaled the Great Wall 900 years ago? NATO is Gomer and Togarmah (Germany, Great Britain, France, and the Turks). Yea, they are all there. Except there is really no Gog. Obama is not Gog. He is anti-Gog who wants to destroy his own country and distribute its wealth amongst the 3rd world. Yet, we missed a Biblical opportunity in the previous Shmittah cycle, but we are left with the same nations anyway.

    The prophesy says that the chaos would start at evening time (Tisha B'Av 5772). L'Eit Erev (toward evening time) is gematriah 772. The Not Yet Dawn part may refer to Adar which is often called Ayelet HaShachar (Purim as the Morning Star). Dawn is Rosh Chodesh Nisan. I am not sure, but this seems to indicate that this blows up into a world war in Adar.

  3. Let us wish chemical weapons should never find a use, especially not against EY.

    How do you explain that at this time, among all sorts of issues which are threatening the very existance of the Medinat, six (not one, not two) of the IDF paratroopers who liberated the wall in 1967 went this morning to an event organized by "women of the wall" etc etc (BTW the ladies have a reserved place where they can do their reform things, according to the religious freedom that the Medinat prides itself very much about). Forget about it being beyond disgusting, and I can sure understand there are chilonim and reform jews; however, chilonim usually spend their time at the cafe' and not at boring "egalitarian" services, and the former paratroopers are not reform jews and never before showed any interest for that religion. Yet they woke up early, went to the Wall, and participated in that event. What I wonder is, don't they have anything better to do with their time? It seems that at this time, the most diverse groups of people have found one thing in common, a burning desire to destroy Judaism as we know it since 2000+ years. These people don't mind any other religion, no matter how absurd, only Judaism, and are willing to sacrifice in order to cause grief to the "ultraorthodox". I don't have an explanation about why.

  4. It is reported in the news the pope is resigning... any comments on that?

  5. what about the pope leaving ?

  6. I wonder how the resignation of the Pope fits into all this?
    He announces his resignation on the first of Adar, and will resign on the 18th of Adar.

  7. Ratzinger is resigning on the 19th of Adar. He will leave vacant the see (ie he is not going to take care of ordinary affairs) on Feb 28th at 19.00UT, which is 20.00 central european time. At this time of the year, it will be night in Rome according to all opinions I can think of.

  8. I read that the veterans went to 'protect' the women.

    I'd like to know what would be so terrible if the WOW were allowed to be with the other women at the Kotel? I don't think it is so terrible, because if you just watch the flow of women, you will see many many non-Jews there and they make their sign while there. No one throws them out! So why don't we just allow all women to daven there however they want. After all HaShem is in control. Beside, the Kotel was built by a non-Jew, and our truly sacred area is now behind Muslim guards.

  9. nsturagThey do not want to be around ordinary holy Jewish, G-d fearing women because their soul will feel inferior even though they think their mission is far more superior than merely pouring their heart out to Hashem. Their souls instinctively know and is pained when they see Jewish women davening with real kavanah that they are far away from this sweetness and authenticity. They are striving against the wind for honor and the perceived elevated position of man that in turn lowers them because they heard the word "can't." They do not understand the vital importance of the Jewish woman within the Jewish world and home. If they did they wouldn't be making such a fuss and vying for attention and kavod.

  10. is the Pope one of the two kings of the North? Popes usually die in office. I never heard of one resigning before. ???

  11. There is an xtian prophecy by a St. Malachy who accurately has predicted the last 111 popes and says the 112th will be Peter the Roman who will be the very last who will see the destruction of Rome and the churches end. Dov, could this be associated with the meterorites destroying a conference in Rome you talked about?

  12. Is anyone else worried about Obama's upcoming visit to Israel?

  13. Dear Neshama
    in regards to the nuns and other ladies who do their sign, this is none of my business: they consider the western wall significant to their own beliefs and according to my rabbis we are in exile and we don't provoke the nonjews. We also don't go inside the area you refer to, both because we consider it forbidden al pi halacha and because it is seen by the nonjews as a provocation. Should the Rabbi who is in charge of the Western Wall plaza decide it's proper to forbid the sign you are referring to, I would not have a problem with it. That said, I think it is only ignorant fools who do that sign at the Kotel, because I don't recall the many popes and bishops and clergy who have been there, with many cameras and video, to ever do that sign, nor to leave notes with reference to anything but to a generic "God". This is also the case for catholic theologists whose outlook strongly opposes Judaism, such as Carlo Maria Martini who lived many years in Yerushalayim and who, by the way, went from time to time to the "Italian Synagogue" and was always very respectful.

    In regards to the WOW, I do not appreciate they are treated as a legitimate expression of religiosity which should be allowed to desecrate an area with the status of a synagogue. Much less do I appreciate the hypocrisy, because, should the ladies attempt - say - going to the Haifa gardens and making a mockery of that religion, they would receive no sympathy at all, and of course the police would deal with them, with many apologies to our nonjewish citizens. I realize that others think different from me and since some years there is a designated area for such people, and now, Netanyahu is discussing "reviewing" the status to permit more. Fair enough, and thank you for clarifying where you stand.

    In regards to the veterans, I am glad they have run out of enemies and all there is left is the "evil haredim" that "monopolize" prayer at the Kotel. Isn't life fantastic, there is not one single Jew who needs protection from dangerous antisemites, anyone who wishes may buy an apartment in Umm-Al-Fahm which is after all undisputed Israeli territory and can move there no problem. Notice, I am not suggesting to arrange demonstrations there, simply to buy estate, do business and live in peace, buy a building and turn it into a synagogue, establish a jewish school etc. If I am incorrect and it is problematic to do so, as I have the strong impression it is the case, then it is all about priorities: what is more important in those people's eyes? Defending freedom of religion everywhere in Israel (and notice I never advocated harassment to churches or mosques or any other establishments, including bars, clubs and discos) or harassing a very specific group within israeli society?

  14. Isn't an asteroid about to pass earth on the 15 February. Hmm interesting.

  15. Agree this time with Daniela's comment. As far as the WOW - they have an agenda so don't be fooled that they are davening with kavanah. It's all, with all the other things and trappings going on in Israel, to take away every bit of real Judaism from EY. There is no doubt about that and whoever doesn't see it is either living in a bubble, blind or stupid. Why are they pushing? Peoples of all faiths from around the world come to the kotel and show some respect. These supposed Jewish women have no respect for a holy site (even though it was built by Herod, a non-Jew) nor do they have any respect for Torah. They are part of the feminist movement and as far as the officers going there to support them - well, this is not the IDF of two decades ago. Many of the higher echelon are in with xtian fundamentalists and a new 'Israel' minus Torah Judaism, r'l.

  16. Issachar & Yosef Could you clarify what you mean? I am a bit confused. This pope is the 265th pope and he is Benedict but real name of Joseph (yosef )..and he is German. Are you saying that the NEXT pope will be the roman Peter? But i thought the meteorite shower was about to happen. thanks

  17. There is a lot to comment on here, and doing so will take some time. But first I wanted to correct a couple of errors.

    1. Herod may have been a son of a convert to Judaism. We know for sure that he was the son of Antipater the Edomite who may have been forcibly converted to Judaism by Yochanan Hyrcanus son of Shimon HaMaccabee. Apparently both, his conversion was forced and Yochanan ben Shimon HaMaccabee was a Tziduki. Therefore his conversion was rejected by Chazal for both obvious reasons.

    Yet, there is another opinion that he was at least matrilinearly a descendant of families that had come back from Bavel at the time of the rebuilding of Yerushalayim. Now this may have been a made up tale, but it is impossible to disprove because many of the families who came back from Bavel did live in Edom at the time. And Herodos would have gladly invented this at the time he ruled in order to mollify the hatred against him. Yet, there is no way that we will really know since Antipater's own history is lost in the fog of history.

    In addition to this, if Herodos was a son of a Edomite convert, then he himself could only marry another Edomite convert to Judaism according to halachah. This also caused a rift with Chazal when he did not marry an Edomite convert, and he frequently responded to such rifts with Chazal by murdering them. more later about the Pope

  18. to answer mkf, the list of popes was from St. Malachy's time in the 1100's so it was a prophecy of the final 112 popes. The current pope is 111 with the title Glory of the Olives which the current pope has olive branches in his crest. The final pope and the 112th from Malachy's prophecy is called Peter the Roman. His name does not have to be Peter, these were some nicknames of these popes.

  19. Issachar and Yosef Reuvan
    Christians cant make prophecy. St Malachi was a christian and was not a prophet. Christian prophecy doesn't count. We follow Torah only.

  20. FInchleyRoad2/12/2013 1:29 AM

    Lightning strike on St Peter's - someone Upstairs is not pleased:

  21. Peter the Roman, if I am not mistaken is Shimon Peter who instead of leading this mistaken Messianic movement did teshuvah and wrote Nishmat Kol Chai? Ah here it is, the medrash on this matter:

    So if this Peter the Roman leads the Church now, if any of that is to be trusted, perhaps he brings them away from the awful 2000 year old Avodah Zarah that has shed rivers of Jewish blood.

    I have a longer comment to write about all this news about the Roman Church, but my son's Bar Mitzvah is coming up. And we are planning a Bo BaYom Torah reading at the Kotel next to, of all places, the women's section so that my wife and friends can hear my son read. I pray the WOW crew don't show up that day.


    The noose is closing in on Assad. This dam that was taken by the rebels is on the Great River, the River Euphrates. Hmm. It kind of gives "Nations roar like the roar of many waters" a new meaning.

    Plus apparently there was a suicide attack at the Turkish/ Syrian border on the Turkish side of the border. I am not sure if 7 or 13 were killed in that attack. News is rushing in at a fast pace now.

  23. @DovBarLeib

    Mazeltov on your son's Bar Mitzvah!


    Thank you, you are correct it will be the 19th of Adar when the Pope resigns.

    Interesting Pope Gematriot and comments here:

  24. A warning from an interesting source:

  25. Dov, It's getting to the point of pure stupidity. The historical movement after Yeshua or J*sus was murdered, was led by his brother Yaakov or James. He was known as the Teacher of Righteousness. He led all the opposition groups against the Romans who where let in by the Pharisee's (modern day rabbis). Yaakov was a Sadducee, since he took over from Yeshua, Yeshua was also a Sadducee. The xtians where an overseas movement, they had nothing to do with the actual movement in Palestine at the time. Since the movement in Palestine was led by The Teacher of Righteousness, leading all opposition groups against the Romans, this letter you provide is complete and utter nonsense. We have every right to be angry at the Great Lie, but providing the Truth to the time period, you as a Jew, its your responsibility and this article you provide is nothing but lies. Truth, not tradition of men will utterly bring the geulah. Start helping in bringing the geulah instead of further delaying it.

  26. Here Dov, look at this youtube video about the Yaakov Ossuary by Prof Robert Eisenman. He get's side tracked by explaining the early messianic movement, the leader of the sect James etc. You can get a wealth of information. It's just before 16 minutes where he starts speaking.

    We took a wrong turn in history, all religions are lying about the time. The truth only reverts back to the Torah of Moshe, never to the lies of xtianity, nor the redactions that we have all bought today. Such fear when the truth comes out. Enjoy.

  27. Firstly, Mazal Tov on your son's Bar Mitzvah.

    That is so interesting, about 'Peter' and Nishmat Kol Chai. Thank you.

    Yeshayahu Isaiah Ch 17 seems to be describing what is happening now ... The harsh prophecy concerning Damascus; Behold Damascus shall be removed from [being] a city, and it shall be depth of ruins ... and "At eventide, behold there is fright; before morning he is no more. This is the portion of our plunderers and the lot of our spoilers."

    Such a pleasure to read and comment on your blog.

  28. Shiloh: I am not sure what you are referring to when you write in about the historical Yoshke. On this blog we call the Pharisees or MePhoRShim, Chazal. Sadducees are Tzidukim as in my comment above. The Oral Torah is holy because it was also from Har Sinai but not written down. The Tzidukim had no Oral Torah because they did not believe in it. Yet, the Oral Torah is part and parcel a part of Judaism since Har Sinai. For instance when it comes to kosher Shechitah, there is no written description of how to do it in the entire written Torah. But Moshe does mention in the Written Torah that he showed us how to do it. His showing us how to do it in a way that was not written down at the time is therefore part of the Oral Torah. We now read about it in the Talmud in Chullin.

    So the Tzidukim are simply all wrong. If Yoshke's brother was a Tziduki, then he was just as mistaken about his role in G-d's world as his brother was. I am letting you comment here on this issue only once because there is really no place in Judaism to consider anyone as the "historical Messiah" or even Mashiach ben Yosef which I believe whom you believe Yoshke to be. Yoshke was no more than a 1st Century Jewish rabble rouser who disrupted holy business on the Temple Mount by destroying the property of businessmen doing holy business in the Ct. of the Gentiles. I will look at the video with Robert Eisenman though because I believe he is one of the more credible researchers on the Dead Sea Scrolls. But I am telling you now. The Tziduki movement is a dead end in Judaism as it should be. We hold by the Oral Torah and therefore by our MePhoRShim (Pharisees).

  29. Thank you Dov for responding so beautifully and eloquently to Shilo's rantings. He comments everywhere he can disparaging our holy Chazal and believes only in the Written Torah. This is called blasphemy. He forgets, and you put it so well, on how would a Jew know the way of shchita or putting on Tefilin, etc., etc. He might be a Karaiti or who knows. No one seems to get through to him.

  30. I should also point out that if Yoshke's brother or if those who followed Yoshke thought he was Mashiach ben Yosef, the the 100% opposite of who he was supposed to be occurred. Yosef is called Sitno shel Esav (Edom), Esav's accuser. The power of Edom is supposed to fall in the world, along with Amalek being wiped out, when the phenomenon called Mashiach ben Yosef (Ephraim) occurs. THE OPPOSITE HAPPENED HERE 2000 years ago when Yoshke's Jewish followers thought him to be Mashiach ben Yosef or Mashiach ben whomever else. The rivers of Jewish blood that have flowed at the hands of European Xtians for the last 2000 years attest to this fallacy. The total opposite of what he, MBY, was supposed to stop occurred. His rise and death have caused us nothing but misery for 2000 years at the hands of our brother Esav. But now the Pope is pooped, and our brother Esav might come for another bowl of red lentil soup. Well when the pooped Pope retires, maybe we should ask for the keys to the "Upper Room" back, the room over King David's tomb. Edom is compared to iron, and he would like to block our prayers at the tomb of David HaMelekh from reaching Shamayim so that the real Mashiach ben David will soon show up. So their fantasy place of where they think the Last Supper occurred can never become a Church because an iron partition prevents prayers from reaching Olam Atzilut, the Universe of the 10 dimensional Divine Throne. Perhaps HaShem is protecting us from the Roman Church creating over our heads an iron partition. (An explanation on how iron is tied to Olam HaBriyah because it is impervious to the Nuclear strong force will appear in another post that I will do very soon. Yes, the four universal forces of nature are in one to one correspondence with the Four Universes. Electro-magnetism is from Asiyah. The Weak force if from Yetzirah. The Strong Force is from Beriyah. And Gravity is from Atzilut.)

    By the way on my first trip to Eretz Yisrael back in 1983-84, I stayed for two weeks in one of the dorm rooms of the Diaspora Yeshivah before moving on to a different Yeshivah. I lived those 2 weeks in a bedroom of a 800 year old Crusader fortress. A churchbell about 100 meters away would ring at 5:15 every morning and disturb my sound sleep. I was glad to leave that impossible situation with the church bell on Har Tzion going off at 5:15 am everyday near by. My room was very close to this place called the Upper Room of the Last Supper built by THE CRUSADERS!! over King David's tomb. I never understood how a building built at the time of the Crusades could be the so called holy spot of the Last Supper. And I doubt that there would have been such a room in ancient times in ancient Judea over the kever of the greatest king of all time. So it simply does not make sense that that was the place where Yoshke had his last meal either. So another lie will soon be exposed. With the Pope pooping out perhaps we can get the keys to the Upper Room over King David's tomb back.

  31. I should also point out that if Yoshke's brother or if those who followed Yoshke thought he was Mashiach ben Yosef, the the 100% opposite of who he was supposed to be occurred. Yosef is called Sitno shel Esav (Edom), Esav's accuser. The power of Edom is supposed to fall in the world, along with Amalek being wiped out, when the phenomenon called Mashiach ben Yosef (Ephraim) occurs. THE OPPOSITE HAPPENED HERE 2000 years ago when Yoshke's Jewish followers thought him to be Mashiach ben Yosef or Mashiach ben whomever else. The rivers of Jewish blood that have flowed at the hands of European Xtians for the last 2000 years attest to this fallacy. The total opposite of what he, MBY, was supposed to stop occurred. His rise and death have caused us nothing but misery for 2000 years at the hands of our brother Esav. But now the Pope is pooped, and our brother Esav might come for another bowl of red lentil soup. Well when the pooped Pope retires, maybe we should ask for the keys to the "Upper Room" back, the room over King David's tomb. Edom is compared to iron, and he would like to block our prayers at the tomb of David HaMelekh from reaching Shamayim so that the real Mashiach ben David will soon show up. So their fantasy place of where they think the Last Supper occurred can never become a Church because an iron partition prevents prayers from reaching Olam Atzilut, the Universe of the 10 dimensional Divine Throne. Perhaps HaShem is protecting us from the Roman Church creating over our heads an iron partition. (An explanation on how iron is tied to Olam HaBriyah because it is impervious to the Nuclear strong force will appear in another post that I will do very soon. Yes, the four universal forces of nature are in one to one correspondence with the Four Universes. Electro-magnetism is from Asiyah. The Weak force if from Yetzirah. The Strong Force is from Beriyah. And Gravity is from Atzilut.)

    By the way on my first trip to Eretz Yisrael back in 1983-84, I stayed for two weeks in one of the dorm rooms of the Diaspora Yeshivah before moving on to a different Yeshivah. I lived those 2 weeks in a bedroom of a 800 year old Crusader fortress. A churchbell about 100 meters away would ring at 5:15 every morning and disturb my sound sleep. I was glad to leave that impossible situation with the church bell on Har Tzion going off at 5:15 am everyday near by. My room was very close to this place called the Upper Room of the Last Supper built by THE CRUSADERS!! over King David's tomb. I never understood how a building built at the time of the Crusades could be the so called holy spot of the Last Supper. And I doubt that there would have been such a room in ancient times in ancient Judea over the kever of the greatest king of all time. So it simply does not make sense that that was the place where Yoshke had his last meal either. So another lie will soon be exposed. With the Pope pooping out perhaps we can get the keys to the Upper Room over King David's tomb back.

  32. Read where it is not Dovid HaMelech's tomb. He is buried on another hill. Also, heard many times from others, that this is really not his tomb. But, of course, it looks good for them to have property on King David's Tomb.

  33. Dov

    Perhaps going off at a tangent here, but there remain doubts at to whether the Tomb of King David is authentic?

    Main doubts are based on the belief he was buried in the City of King David, to the South of the Kotel.
    But in itself there are now growing amounts of evidence that the City of King David stretched from the area of today's Jewish Quarter to the West of the Kotel, to the current tourist attraction of "Ir David" to the South, into the valley to the South where the Pool of Siloam and Hezekiah's Tunnels are.
    So much remains the scope of debate and discovery.

  34. Dov, I agree with you, he will be Esav's accuser, only he could do it, after you see Eisenmans proofs that the whole thing is a lie. Meveen? Anyway, just look at Prof Robert Eisenman, the video I suggested to you which he say's the James Ossuary is a fake by the way. He has literally hundreds of hours of university lectures on the subject at hand. You can read his books based on the dead sea scrolls, unredacted Jewish texts.

    Please get back to me after you see and understand Prof Eisenmans proofs. Its literally earthshaking and WILL bring down Esav, Xtianity and all it's lies. But there may be collateral damage. Hope you don't mind. Be well

  35. Another day and another victory for the rebels near Aleppo.

    This follows yesterday's capture of the largest dam in Syria on the Euphrates River.

  36. I don't believe that the Pope is the 2nd king to fall. His retirement, the first Pope retirement in over 600 years, is a far more foreboding sign for Western Civilization in general. In Nebuchadnezzar's vision when he saw the statue of the Four Kingdoms. He saw the Roman kingdom as two legs of iron. At the feet the iron (Edom) was mixed with clay (Yishmael). One leg represented the Western part of the Roman Empire, and the other leg represented the Eastern part of the Roman Empire with the capital in Constantinople, now Istanbul. If the stone that hits the foot in Rome also hits the foot in Istanbul at the same time, then Erdogan will be the 2nd king to fall in the war in Syria. He may very well be the gilgul of Constantine. Yet, Assad, the gilgul of Antiochus must fall first. The iron mixed with clay at the End of Days allows for Erdogan to be a Muslim and still be the gilgul of Constantine, the actual founder of the Roman Church.

  37. Daniel 2:34 As you watched, a stone (that is only one stone) was hewn without hands and struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and crumbled them. Then they crumbled together, the iron, the clay, the copper, the silver, and the gold. They became like chaff from summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away and no trace was found of them. And the Stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the entire earth.

    Yishayahu 17 again: Nations roar like the roar of many waters, but He will rebuke them and they will flee far away; They will be pursued like the chaff of mountains before the wind, and like pollen before a stormy wind. At evening time, behold there is fright; before the morning dawn, he is no more.

    Before the morning dawn as pointed out before might very well be Adar of 5773. I heard that there was an asteroid about to come to the earth this Friday?? Nah. just a thought.

  38. First of all mazal tov Dov on your son's upcoming bar mitzvah !
    I have much to say on this subject of the East and the West of the Roman Empire. It was the subject of the book I never finished, starting & rewriting it several times. :(

    I will think on important points to mention and post tomorrow or the next day hopefully.

  39. Daniel 2:34 As you watched, a stone (that is only one stone) was hewn without hands and struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and crumbled them. Then they crumbled together, the iron, the clay, the copper, the silver, and the gold. They became like chaff from summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away and no trace was found of them. And the Stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the entire earth.

    Yishayahu 17 again: Nations roar like the roar of many waters, but He will rebuke them and they will flee far away; They will be pursued like the chaff of mountains before the wind, and like pollen before a stormy wind. At evening time, behold there is fright; before the morning dawn, he is no more.

    Before the morning dawn as pointed out before might very well be Adar of 5773. I heard that there was an asteroid about to come to the earth this Friday?? Nah. just a thought.

  40. Iron and Clay mixed together. Istanbul is Constantinople.

    Great Song!

  41. Asteroid 2012 DA14 will make the closest pass by to earth ever by a large object without hitting the earth. It is about 40 meters in diameter. It will pass by earth when it is Friday evening here in Eretz Yisrael on the 6th of Adar. In the US it will be Friday afternoon on the 5th of Adar. It will pass by about 17,000 miles from earth which is slightly more than two earth diameters. The diameter of the earth is about 7900 miles. It will be within the satellite belt where they orbit the earth, and I guess it might knock out a satellite or two or three or more. I don't know if this is the stone not hewn by human hands.

    But here it is;

  42. In order for a satellite to be in geostationary orbit above a certain location on the earth, the satellite must be about 21,951 miles above the surface of the earth. Most telecommunication and weather satellites orbit the earth at that altitude in order to precisely keep up with the earth's rotation over particular points on the earth. That distance above the earth's surface is littered with satellites at that altitude in order to have a geostationary orbit. The wandering 40 or 45 meter asteroid will pass well within that altitude approaching and leaving the point of its closest pass by at 17,200 miles this coming Friday.

  43. As a former xtian who followed it for 34 years and now forsken it almost 14 years, I have researched the topic and have come to the conclusion the WHOLE new testament story is pure fiction! There was NO Yoske as the new testament claims. It is basesd on a few Yoske type individuals with a bunch of pagan man god myth added up to get a completely ficticous story. There is not one mention of Yoske by any historian of that time period. I find it ironic that xtians tell their children about santa clause and the easter bunny (stories around their 2 main festivals)which is pure fiction and indoctrinates them to believe a bigger fiction yet, the story of Yoske. Yoske as described by the new testament NEVER existed!!

  44. Plus I should point out the following. Several times in Devarim (Deuteronomy) the Torah warns us that in the wanderings of our exile we might be tempted to worship gods of wood and stone. Poignantly, the Vilna Gaon identifies the god of wood with Xtianity and the god of stone with Islam.

    This can be understood on multiple levels. 1. Wooden life forms in the Plant Kingdom sprout, grow, and die yearly with the cycles of the sun. So the god of wood requires a solar calendar. 2. Spiritually, wood in the Beit HaMikdash represented HaShem's attribute of Love and Compassion. The last day that one could bring wood for the altar in the Temple was on Tu B'Av our famous Festival of Love. So Xtianity as a religions shuns the Judgement side of G-d by saying that through Yoshke, one's sins in the World to Come are forgiven. I am well aware that Xtians believe that G-d's rules of justice still apply in this world. They simply don't believe that at least for them, those rules don't apply in the next world. Plus all the apostles except one were from the wooded Galilee. Only Judah Ish Kiryat from Kiryat Arba is the villain of the entire tale. And all the crosses in churches are of course made of wood whether those crosses have an figure drooping from them or not.

    So Islam is the mirror image except the god of stone has justice which is very very strict. Extenuating circumstances that are part of halachah for instance do not have a place in Sharia Law. The birth stones on the Choshen HaMishpat (Breastplate of Judgement) are all associated with the cycles of the moon. So their calendar is strictly lunar. And the place of their worship? It is a giant stone cube in Mecca made of granite and marble. Now, they would say they are not worshiping the stone, but that the stone somehow represents their intimate relationship with Allah, the moon god or G-d. You decide. Even their name for G-d comes from Elokim and denotes strict justice.

    Compare this to the Jewish calendar which is also lunar, but 7 times every 19 years, a 13th month of Rachamim is added. In the Nusach Sephard and Ashknenaz siddur we even hold that HaShem has an extra attribute of mercy in such years with two Adars. He is kapparat Pesha in such years on Rosh Chodesh during the winter months. That would be sins that were committed maliciously and not just intentionally. This of course keeps Pesach in the Spring at the time of the wheat, spelt, and barley harvests as a festival of HaShem's Infinite Lovingkindness at a miraculous level. And of course in years with 13 months, Purim always comes in the 2nd Adar to draw on the extra attribute of Mercy in the first 7 months of such years. So the proper mixture between Din and Chessed to get Rachamim requires a luni-solar calendar.

  45. Where does the following link fit into yout scenario?

  46. The following link should explain who was Lapidot the husband of Devorah from Sheivet Ephraim:

    In Chap. 9 of Pirkei D'Rebbe Eliezer it says that Lapidot of Ephraim was an Am HaAretz who made wicks for the Mishkan at Shilo. He took the wicks to his wife Devorah who showed him how to thicken the wicks so that the Menorah in the Mishkan would burn more brightly. In short She taught him Torah.

    The best situation will be if Bennett first goes in to the Government with the Chareidim and then over time they bring in Ya'ir Lapid. His name means that he will shine unlike his father who was called Tom which in Hebrew means that He will cease or that he had ceased because of his hatred for G-d brought about by his experiences in the Shoah. It is an amazing medrash, and explains perfectly what is happening right now.

  47. Try the link to the part about Lapidot again. Include the number 3669 in the link.

  48. I should point out that it is simply impossible that Lapidot and Devorah's 2nd husband, Barak were the same man. Barak was from Sheivet Naftali and even lived in a place called Keidesh Naftali because that is where his inheritance was. Devorah was a Judge on Har Ephraim. She obviously had the property after the death of her first husband, Lapidot. She did not walk everyday from Keidesh Naftali to Har Ephraim. Sheivet Naftali was in the far north. In order to get to Har Ephraim from Sheivet Naftali she would have had to walk through the nachalot for Zevulan, Yissachar, and Chetzi Sheivet Menashe day in and day out. It stretches the imagination to say that Barak of Naftali and Lapidot of Ephraim were one and the same.

    And lo and behold they are both here. Naftali and Lapidot, two separate men, are back for another go around called the Final Redemption.

  49. I should also point out that the paradigm of the redemption at the time of Devorah is most appropriate for many reasons. 1. It involves the participation of the B'nei Yithro at the end of the process to help secure the redemption. In our Dor, the B'nei Yithro are the Druze of Yisrael, Lebanon, and Syria.

    2. Most importantly of all the judges, Devorah brings us back to the spirituality of Torah m'Sinai. She was the highlight of the period of the Shoftim. She and Barak of Sheivet Naftali are key to bring us back to these spiritual heights. I should point out that in her song, Shirat Devorah, she poignantly sings that Yissachar the Sheivet of Torah scholars came into the battle and fought valiantly. Imagine that.

  50. Oh, that was great, Naftali and Lapidot "are back for another go around called the Final Redemption.

    Now, I wonder, is there a new Knesset member by the name of 'Devorah'?

  51. OMGosh, "in her song, Shirat Devorah, she poignantly sings that Yissachar the Sheivet of Torah scholars came into the battle and fought valiantly. Imagine that."

    That's amazing. You just don't disappoint.

  52. Yes, because we don't yet have Devorah or Mashiach to unite the camp of Beit Yehudah with the camp of Beit Yisrael lead by Ephraim, we have to lean toward the Chacham who has earned his stripes. HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef learned from his Oslo error and did not repeat the mistake in the ultimate test of common decency called the unilateral Disengagement from Gaza. At least with Rav Ovadia Yosef, he put his human decency kadmah to his vast Torah knowledge. As early as early May 2004 before the Likud referendum, he railed against Sharon and his evil plan. And in large part because of Rav Yosef, over 60% of the Likud rank and file voted down Sharon's plan. Now Sharon just bulldozed ahead and ignored the results, but that was not the fault of Rav Ovadia Yosef. And when in December of 2004, Tommy Lapid took his 15 "I hate G-d" seats out of Sharon's government, Shas stayed out of Sharon's evil government and did not enable the Disengagement. He therefore has earned his stripes as the Chacham haDor. In the early stages of this process whatever compromise needs to be worked out to integrate Chareidim into the general society should be worked out with Rav Ovadia Yosef. In the early stages Bayit Yehudi should lean toward the Rav on all issues regarding full time Torah learning and Hesder programs for part time learners who are then free to serve at least part time in some sort of national service. I wish I could say the same about UTJ. I am not sure if they will trip up any deal or not. I do notice that some of the criminals who lied to their Gadol about the nature of the Disengagement still have leadership roles in party positions. If Me'ir Porush would be leading that party right now, I would feel that things are safe and sane with UTJ, but that is not the case. Working with Rav Ovadia also requires working with the leadership of UTJ. And I am not sure that whatever deals are worked out with Shas will be accepted by UTJ at all. So that is a big tripwire which could topple the bare 61 seat majority that Bayit Yehudi has with the Chareidim. And then there is tripwire number two. After forming a government, talks about some of Lapid's valid ideas will need to commence immediately. And barring no war which is likely to happen in Syria, negotiations with the secular non-Erev Rav Jews will need to commence. This give and take discussions will take months. And tripwire number 3 is Bibi himself. Bibi senses the loss of his dynasty is afoot. He will not be handing over his Dynasty of Shaul to his chosen successor. He is already behaving with tremendous amount of suspicion.

    Whether it is Shaul being suspicious of Naftali or being suspicious of David, it would not matter. He knows the jig is up after the Gaza War Surrender with the loss of his dynasty and has not accepted HaShem's verdict which is the loss of his dynasty even if he himself continues to rule. The way he is negotiating with Bayit Yehudi is pretty bizarre. He knows he needs them and has no coalition without them. So there are a lot of tripwires here. But events in the North should soon overtake these shenanigans.

    But in stage one, we need to hold that Rav Ovadia Yosef is the Gadol HaDor, in issues dealing with the preservation of the Torah, who has earned his stripes of common decency kadmah to the Torah. (I am not excluding some of the Great Chassidic Dynasty leaders like the Rav of Erlau or the Sanzer Rebbe, but they are not in a position to influence thinking of the party leaders of UTJ.)

  53. I am actually trying to the ignore some of the very ugly campaign rhetoric. Hopefully Rav Shmuel Eliyahu and Rav Ovadia Yosef can work out their differences.

  54. Finally, here is the most recent news about Damascus itself.

    I realize that this puts a damper on the destruction of Damascus anytime soon. But this is Reuters. They are rarely right and they are never right about Israel because frankly, they are part of the MSM which does not have a G-d centered moral compass. Yet, I believe that the Battle for Damascus is reaching a tipping point, and at least Reuters observations about life in Damascus are probably correct. The rebels are gaining all over the country now, and Damascus will prove to be no exception. The Battle for Damascus will be exceptionally bloody. There are now 70,000 dead from the Syrian War. That is up by 10,000 more dead in the last 6 weeks. So the rate of the death toll is rising again to over 6600 dead per month. Once the first rebel offensive reaches the center of the city, the death toll will skyrocket even more and the end will come sooner than the pundits say it will. Assad has basically lost control of most of Syria's north already. Aleppo and Homs lie in ruins. Damascus is what is left to be destroyed.

    During WW2 the US was afraid that one million American soldiers would die if the US had to invade the Japanese home island. So they nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the war ended really quickly. The same is true of Damascus except the rebels don't have nukes...yet. So when the real battle for the capital really begins, expect a bloody mess. It makes one pine for Redemption during the Shmittah cycle of the kinder, gentler Gog ben Gog Bush Jr. But certain powers at be amongst us did not want it the kinder, gentler way. So we get it, but with a bloody mess.

  55. It is quite amusing how the coalition dance keeps changing partners. I think that Netanyahu is 'using' Bennett to out-maneuver Yair, who is the real threat. Yair is a funny combination of arrogance, threat, and naivete. Yair really doesn't know about Torah-true Judaism, and attends a Reform temple. I also think that Shas is sitting still and watching the dance, hoping it is called upon to make a difference.

    One of the prophecies speaks about the results of a massive war, with humungous amounts of dead, that will take many months to bury them all. Sorry about the cryptic description. I've never been a politically involved person, but here in Israel, it's so lively and reflecting our history (Navi) intertwined with the redemption. Fascinating.

    1. However, do you think those in Syria have had the manpower and time to bury the dead?
    2. It seems obvious that the 'rebels' have been fully supplied with ammo (think bengazi) and maybe even more harsher stuff?
    3. If and when they get to Damascus, it seems very likely that nefarious fumes may rise in the air and float who knows where.

  56. dov, the very ugly campaign rhetoric you are trying to ignore...does this include the awful things Rav Yosef said publicly about Bennett and Bayit Yehudi? I understand and appreciate that he acquired a certain status by his opposition both in language and actions to the gerush. But for Bennett and Bayit Yehudi to "lean to Yosef" as you said, after his totally inappropriate and yes, ugly attack on them, seems...a bit strange. I see that Bennett is a peacemaker, and more of a politician than some like, but ...are you really saying they should look to him for direction? I do think that regardless of his bizarre and wrong attacks, Ovadia Yosef still should be respected....and one should not stoop to that same level (forgive me)but he loses total credibility for many people with the words that come out of his mouth publicly.

  57. Warning to Amalek?

  58. I may have written this previously, but I believe Jordan has the second King; and that would surround Eretz Yisrael with her enemies (ulgh).

    OB should be flown over all the arab nations and then into tiny Eretz Yisrael ... before landing in Lod - to give him some real-time perspective. What about Ettinger's suggestion that the Sixth fleet should pull into Ashdod: In the face of dramatic threats in 2013, President Obama could facilitate a dramatic enhancement of the mutually-beneficial bilateral strategic cooperation. For example, the upgrading of Israel’s port of Ashdod into a home port for the Sixth Fleet; the relocation of advance aircraft, missiles, tanks and counterterrorism systems, from Europe to Israel, for U.S. use in case of emergencies in Jordan and the Gulf area. U.S. focus on mutual threats, rather than on the Palestinian issue, would reassure Riyadh and deter Tehran.

  59. Hezboolah leader reported to have been flown to Iran for emergency cancer treatment.


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