Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Day the Music Died: Bye Bye Miss American Pie

According to the Talmud in Chulin 92, there are three mitzvot that the nations of the world accepted on themselves basically in order not to really anger G-d to the point where they will lose the merit of previous generations.  They vowed to never grant marriage contracts to homosexuals, to never weigh out and sell human flesh in the marketplace, and to show respect for the Torah.  America just lost that merit of previous generations today.  It stands before HaQodesh Baruch Hu as a corpse.  The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which defined marriage as between one man and one wife was overturned in a 5 to 4 decision.  And the really really sad part is that 3 of the 5 Justices on the High Ct. in the US that voted to overturn that law of the US Congress (as being unconstitutional) are...Jews.  Sorry, America, I am ashamed of these folks today.  To Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Elana Kagan, I have to ask why?  Why would you consider making your host country a corpse?  Do you really think that the Creator of the Universe is not taking notice?  Are you that cavalier to endanger the lives of American Jews when the country has its Divine bracha completely removed and when Americans start looking around for a scapegoat?  Do you think that righteous G-d fearing gentiles are not in tears over watching the Jewish community in the United States destroy what was their blessed country from within??  Do you think for one minute that they will ignore that 3 out of the 5 Justices that signed America's death warrant are people with Jewish mothers?  Oy mah haya lanu!!

This short post will be updated later, bli neder.

One actual verse and the chorus from Don McClean's Bye Bye Miss American Pie:

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.
No angel born in hell
Could break that satan's spell.
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite,
I saw satan laughing with delight
The day the music died

He was singing,
"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry.
Them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
And singin', "this'll be the day that I die.
"this'll be the day that I die."

Dear G-d America, what have you done to yourself?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Zot Chukat HaTorah: This is a Decree of the Torah, And Now It Begins

In 1242 in the streets of Paris, France on the Friday before Parshat Chukat, 24 cartloads of Talmuds were burnt in a wild conflagration of flames decreed by one of the 365 Principle Saints of the Roman Catholic Church.  His name was Louis IXth, King of France also known as St. Louis.  Forty days earlier on the exact same spot at the urging of the Jews of France, copies of the RaMBaM's works Sefer HaMada (The Book of Science) and Guide for the Perplexed (Moreh Nevuchim) were burnt.  Apparently the Jews of 13th Century France had a serious problem with the confluence between Torah and Science and Aristotelian logic being used to prove the existence of G-d.  The Rambam (Moshe Maimonides) was known in both spheres to the consternation of many.  So they had the Catholic Church burn his books.  Forty days later on Erev Shabbat Parshat Chukat, all the Talmuds in France with rare hand-written Tosefot in the margins were burned on the exact same spot.  So for burning the books of the Rambam, the greatest logical sage and codifier of Jewish Law since Moshe Rabbeinu, G-d looked down from Heaven and said Zot Chukat haTorah, and the Jewish community of France was destroyed for hundreds of years without one drop of blood being spilled.  You see, it was only the Talmud that was burned that day.  Read Kinah 41 from your Tisha B'Av Machzor.  I did it several times sitting in the shadow of the St. Louis Art Museum at the same spot that Scott Joplin played the "The Cascades" on the promenade for the 1904 Worlds Fair.  (Some say that he only performed on The Pike at the Worlds Fair because he was a black man.  I will have to check with the MO Historical Society.  But the song "The Cascades" was about the waterfall that flowed from where the statue of St. Louis sits today.)  Right next to the 110 year old promenade, there is a statue to the Talmud burner himself, sitting on a horse sitting in front of the Art Museum....A fitting climax to a dying city.  Before the city (St. Louis) built that statue of the Talmud burner whose name it bears, it knew no pitfalls.  From the moment that that statue graced the the 1904 World's fairgrounds of Forest Park, it was downhill from there.  Such is the fate of those who curse G-d's chosen and burn His precious library of books.  It is kind of funny how the Catholic University in town, St. Louis University, has a Talmudic Law section in their School of Law.  jokes on us I guess, or Louis the IXth is turning over in his grave.

So on this very day, it seems to have begun.  The United States has now decided that Assad has used poison sarin nerve gas weeks after it was already proven.  But the Obama Administration wracked with scandals needs a foreign war to distract our attention.  Is it a wag the dog scenario in the generation whose face is a dog??  Considering that Obama is being cajoled by Billy "bark bark" Clinton, perhaps this is the case.  (I believe that "zu billen" is to bark in Yiddish.  Please confirm that one.)  So here it is:

Zot Chukat HaTorah

So it will start with a no fly zone over Southern Syria 25 miles deep.  How will the Russians respond?  How will Persia and Hezbollah respond?  Again we shall see.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Hindenburg Just Blew a Gasket

This morning after davening, I casually looked at the various market data for a few minutes.  And my eyes almost popped out of its sockets.  The Nikkei 225 Average in Japan dropped a whopping 6.35% overnight.  This is an especially precipitous drop considering that a DOW Industrial Average drop of over 2.5% is considered carnage in the American market.  To be honest, I am not a stock market whiz.  To be a whiz in the market, one has to master the art of the bandwagon of idiots effect which causes the masses to follow their instincts into this lying market today.  In short one has to be brilliant in the area of how idiots think.  And there are many brilliant people like Warren Buffet who have mastered this area of social science.

But there is something called the Hindenburg Omen, and this time it is for real.  Here are two articles on this Omen Here and Here .  I realize that we have had false starts and apparent imminent collapses before, and then the Central Bankers would come in and put on a nice big bandaid which usually involved printing more money and therefore maximizing liquidity.  The maximized liquidity would therefore overwhelm the plummet in the Velocity of that money because for all intents and purposes the Western economies are either comatose or dead since the Financial Collapse of 5768 (2008).  So they have been playing games with our minds and our sanity for almost five years.  Yet, sometimes the dam breaks.  And I am wondering aloud, is a massive 6.35% drop in the Nikkei in just one day a sign that the dam has broken?  We shall see.

Today is the Fifth of Tamuz, the day that Ezekiel saw the Chariot of G-d by the Rivers of Babylon.  Also the Walls of Yerushalayim were breached for the first time on the Ninth of Tamuz in the year 3338 at the time of the Babylonian destruction of the First Temple.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

The Brave Man

According to Sefer Kol HaTor, there are 999 incremental steps to bring us to the point of Mashiach ben Ephraim.  According to the Zohar, those steps ended in 5772 1/2.  We should therefore see evidence in 5773 that someone in an influential position in the Israeli government is willing to tell the moribund Western World to Go the way of Azazel (Hell in the English vernacular).  That person has stood up, and at least as of 9:30 this evening, Netanyahu has not yet fired him.  His name is Depurty Defense Minister Danny Danon.  In plain Hebrew and English he has simply said that as long as this government stands, there will never be a 2 State Solution.  I am sure the Ba'al Kerry is fuming.  He thought that he had us all under his thumb...but instead Danny Danon just gave him the third finger.  I can imagine that Sammy (Samkel) Power is busy writing up the UN Security Council resolution for the invasion of Israel as I type this.  But facts are facts, every single "sucker" who would have been willing to buckle under to Kerry in Likud was shown the exit door in the Likud Primary with the possible exception of Tzachi HaNegbi after the 8th Day of the Gaza War.  Four measly days later after the war was the Likud Primary (well actually four and five days later in an unprecedented two day primary).  About half of the 11 or 12 Yisrael Beiteinu MKs which merged with Likud happen to agree with Danny Danon and 18 of the 19 in Likud behind Netanyahu.  That would mean about 25 of the 31 Likud/ Beiteinu folks in the Knesset hold by what Danon is saying.  The process of growing up has taken us through 20 years of Oslo Hell.  So while the Witch of Eindor (Tzippy Livni) lurks with a list of unprecedented concessions to the Ba'al Kerry, Danny Danon just in one fell swoop, snatched her training wheels from underneath her vengeful stare.  This is not to say that the Witch of Eindor or Madam Justice Minister has not been busy forcing us all to accept women with tefillin in the Women's Section at the Kotel.  But in year 73, it appears that over half or 3/4 of Mankind is dancing around a wide open pit that leads directly to Hell.  And they are dancing a wild dance in praise of the forces of darkness.  They are dancing in a frenzy, and they will do whatever they can do to destroy what is Holy.  Let us call Danny Danon's bravery a partial victory against the wild frenzy.   If King Sha'ul fires him tomorrow, I will write an addendum to this post, bli neder.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

The Manchurian Candidate, Indeed

I have been debating in my mind:  What should be my post before full fledged war begins here on our northern front?  I wanted to do a post about the Jubilee of Jubilees 5776 (Yovel HaYovelot), but I want to first wait until the Syrian/ Hezbollah war begins here first.  The other possibility was my 2nd post on String Theory (Universe in 10 Dimensions) of Membrane (M) Theory (Universe with an 11th Dimension), and I was about to start writing it when I saw this today:

I found it startling that the President of the US went to university around the same time that I went to university, and no one in his graduating class even met him!!  And No One in his Political Science Dept. except for one Israel hating Professor (Rashid Khalidi??) remembers him.  Surely other Professors besides Rashid Khalidi would have remembered this Marxist/ Muslim bozo.   Let us be honest.  He should have been a model student in the Political Science Dept. at Columbia.  He would have fit well into their America hating/ Israel hating profile for being a top student.  Now that he is in year 5 of his 7 years of mayhem as Pres. of the United States, we here in Israel should thank HaShem that he has not yet used his fully focused energies to destroy us, whom he hates more than he hates anything else.  So far he has used those energies destroying his "host" country from within.