
Wednesday, August 09, 2017

The Fire and the Fury of the Year 777

So how did this day begin?  We may be asking this question every day now until Hoshana Rabbah/ Shmini Atzereth 5778.  Well now the news is out there.  Kim Jong Un can miniaturize a nuke and place it on every rocket that goes up and comes down without burning up on re-entry, which is only  a problem with ICBMs who travel long distances in outer space.  And then there are EMPs whose rockets don't really have to come down once the warhead is launched into space.  That was how we started the morning.  Then Donald Trump issued his "Fire and Fury like the World has never Seen" remarks before what appeared to be a Cabinet meeting.    And now in retaliation, North Korea just threatened the entire island territory of Guam and Andersen AirForce Base by saying that "The KPA strategic force is now carefully examining the operational plan for making an enveloping fire at the areas around Guam with medium-to-long-range strategic ballistic rocket Hwasong-12 in order to contain the US major military bases on Guam, including the Andersen Air Force base."

So we know that after a day of  "To the Moon" major escalation toward the actual bloody conflict of the 3rd battle of the 3rd War of GogUMagog, we don't have to look far into our holy sources to see a reference to Fire being the main theme of the 7th year after 77 decades of the 6th Millennium.  We find it in our davening on Hoshana Rabbah, the 7th day of the 7 day festival of Sukkot during the 7th and final circuit around the Bimah in front of the Holy Ark.   This hakafah (Circuit) says that the main theme of this year of sevens would be Fire which would descend to earth in honor of our Avot, Moshe, Aharon, and a host of other leaders and prophets from our long history.  It goes like thus:

In the merit (For the sake of) of the towering one (Avraham) who was hurled (by Nimrod) into flaming ...................................................................................................................................... FIRE!
For the sake of the son (Yitzchak) who was bound upon the wood near the .............................FIRE!
For the sake of the strong one (Ya'akov) who wrestled with a Ministering Angel of ................FIRE!
For the sake of the tribal flags which you guided with a light and cloud of ..............................FIRE!
For the sake of the one who was raised up (Moshe) to the Heavens and was made exalted like the Angels of ................................................................................................................................... FIRE!
For the sake of the one (Aharon) who was to You like the Deputy at Erelei .............................FIRE!
For the sake of the Gift of the (Ten) Commandments that were given from .............................FIRE!
For the sake of the canopy of curtains (that were) a cloud of .....................................................FIRE!
For the sake of the ceremony at the Mountain upon which You descended in .......................... FIRE!
For the sake of the Camaraderie of the Temple which You loved more than Heavens made of ......................................................................................................................................................FIRE!
For the sake of the one (Moshe) who (yearned) until the sinking of the .................................... FIRE!
For the sake of him (Aharon) who took a fire pan and removed an anger burning like ............. FIRE!
For the sake of him (Eliyahu) who zealously took great vengeance (for G-d) with ................... FIRE!
For the sake of him (Yehoshua) who raised his hand in prayer and down came stones of .......... FIRE!
For the sake of him (Shmu'el) who offered a nursing ewe to be completely consumed by ......... FIRE!
For the sake of him (David) who stood in the granary and was shown favor with ...................... FIRE!
For the sake of him (Shlomo) who prayed in the Courtyard (of the Temple) and down came .... FIRE!
For the sake of the agent (Eliyahu) who ascended to Heaven and was exalted through a chariot and horses of ........................................................................................................................................ FIRE!
For the sake of the holy ones (Chananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) who were cast into the .......... FIRE!
For the sake of him (Daniel) who saw myriad myriads and streams of ....................................... FIRE!
For the sake of the ruins of Your City which was devoured in .................................................... FIRE!
For the sake of the descendants of Yehudah's Generals whom you will set as a flaming ............ FIRE!

For the sake of all those and more who were burnt in fire throughout the Centuries and finally in the Shoah, G-d Almighty presents the FIRE and the FURY.


  1. Soros-McMaster connection exposed

    So we have globalist in Trump's administration! So now we have some additional indications of Trump the Snake, i.e., Trump could turn out to be a fake, a sleeper globalist among other things. Globalism is very bad for Israel.

  2. Once again you are ecstatic about a new New event. You have been trying to use a particular event to associate it with another event and all is based on the event. You continue to ignore all the necessary steps before the event can be triggered. You have continuously brushed these realities aside, and for that reason fail in each new event that comes.

    Part of the problem is the sources of news that is used. One has to ignore the main news protagonists that are in business for ratings. Their goal is misdirection. It's time to start a more deeper analysis of geopolitical events. The media are simplistic in their approach and are incapable of educated analysis. Their ONLY purpose is to "speak" to "each other".

    You are unaware of the pawn you are being played in these events. You have a purpose but have yet to find it and only you can. I would almost guarantee that the event you so desire will not come about in the way you imagine. It will be in a manner you may be unable to imagine since you haven't yet even considered it. When Sukkot comes and goes we will see where you take us.

  3. Sharbano: Maybe I missed something in your or their nuanced speech, but do you think that Trump and Un are faking this War talk escalation?

  4. The Torah verse for the year 5777 :-

    For a fire is kindled in My nostril, and burneth unto the depths of the nether-world, and devoureth the earth with her produce, and setteth ablaze the foundations of the mountains. Deuteronomy 32:22

  5. The netherworld?? The NETHERWORLD?? Look at that verse one more time in Hebrew!!

    ב כִּי-אֵשׁ קָדְחָה בְאַפִּי, {ר} וַתִּיקַד עַד-שְׁאוֹל תַּחְתִּית; {ס} וַתֹּאכַל אֶרֶץ וִיבֻלָהּ, {ר} וַתְּלַהֵט מוֹסְדֵי הָרִים. {ס} 22 For a fire is kindled in My nostril, and burneth unto the depths of the nether-world, and devoureth the earth with her produce, and setteth ablaze the foundations of the mountains.

    For a Fire is (BORED OR DRILLED) in My Nostrils. The word Qadcha means to drill or to bore or drill a hole. down to where you may ask? The verse continues.

    and Blazes or Burns until She'ol OR IS IT SE'OUL!!!! since a Shin can be pronounced like a S if the emphasis dot is placed on the left.

    Devorah, This is the verse that Rav Levi Sa'adia Nahmani zt"l quoted 22 years ago when he spoke about nuclear bombs coming into Persian and Syrian hands from NORTH KOREA!! What the verse is saying is that HaShem uses his nostrils to Drill a bore hole with fire down to Sheol or Seoul. Take your pick.

  6. Anyone looking for that video can find it here:

  7. Rav Nahmani speaks from over 22 years ago He quotes the pasuk in question at the 1:20 mark on the video. He does say that the nukes that our enemies will use (or try to use) against Israel will come from North Korea, not from Iran or Iraq. Tracing the events of the last 20 years, in 2006 or 2007 Olmert of all people had to bomb a nuclear reactor that was being built in Syria for Assad and the Iranians by North Korea. The Persians and Hezbollah were deeply involved in that project too.

  8. Wonderful, now I need to go to sleep. Pleasant Dreams.

  9. You know, I just recently bought a Butterfly portable Adductor machine from Seoul, South Korea on EBay. I use it every night before going to sleep. Now when I use it, I wonder that if I ordered another one today, would I ever get it? Horrible thoughts. Five million people, half of whom study Talmud too.

  10. I don't want to be a nudnik, but all the preparations made by IDF to win a full-scale war against Iran and Hezbollah are going to waste? All the Arrow 3, Iron Dome, David's Sling, F-35, Merkava IV, Namer, intelligence gathering, improving infantry brigades, etc... all of that was for nothing? In the end we are not going to use this amazing army? At least Mashiach couldn't use those tools? Israel spent all that money, time and efforts FOR NOTHING? (Gaza saw only a very small part of Israel's power and wrath) We are not going to participate in Hashem's revenge against our enemies and haters? What do you say, Dov?

  11. Shatbano, please If you know something, just say it!?


  12. I do not believe there are nuclear bombs, nor rockets capable of leaving the atmosphere. This information makes a long post, but has been months in the making, and I am always refining it.

    Fake "Space Rockets" and Fake "Nukes" - A Controversial View

    One realizes that since there is international collusion to lie about nukes and space activity, the entire Geo-political landscape is totally manufactured, and in control of the Global Edomite Network of Rome. It seems that currently the big push is to bait Trump into a war, that will escalate beyond imagination, thereby distracting attention from Iran, who has been behind the scenes receiving money and buying arms to make the final GogUMagog siege. Now that ISIS and other Sunni factions are being cleaned out in the Levant, the corridor for Iran is opening. The drive for starting a war with Korea is intensifying, which would undoubtedly involve China and Russia.

    Shalom Aleichem; Baruch Hashem!

  13. Well, for now, I can only say, we wait and see.

  14. Superb Reb Dov! Yes, I thought of Rav Nahmani and his “SEOUL” warning when I saw a map of So Korea that would be bombed to smithereens by NOK if the US was to attack NOK! Amazing.

    1. What I’d like to have clarified, is "For the sake of him (David) who stood in the granary and was shown favor with ...................... FIRE!” What does this refer to, what happened, and when did it occur to Dovid?

    2. And another thought, if NOK can target the US mainland, or Hawaii, why did he choose GUAM? Just because of the airbase? OR MAYBE HE CANNOT REACH AMERICA?

  15. I posted three times about the McMaster (& the Generals) being deep state and globalists, and so did IsraelRising. I don’t think Trump is a globalist, he’s too business minded and focused on repairing the American system. The globalists are fighting back within the presidency. This is a war (in the white house) like what’s happening in the rest of the globe-world. However, one sentence/word from the mouth of Trump is enough to drive the world crazy (the mouth of nation-leaders is controlled by Hashem).

    Also, Reb Dov, re "Olmert of all people had to bomb a nuclear reactor that was being built in Syria for Assad and the Iranians by North Korea.” The US is now in Lebanon fighting with Hezbollah ?? and Assad against ISIS. This mix could move the nuke attempt from NOK to Syria, pushed by Persia/Iran. After all they are in Syria. You see their footprints in NOK and SYRIA and IRAQ – circling the ME and little Eretz Yisrael.

    Gino, I believe there will be a mishmash of fighting all over the world, like Rabbi Berger (of Har Zion said), so that one does not know who they are fighting. That’s the collection of armor and weapons that will be left behind when Mashiach kills them all with FIRE!

    Reb Dov, what about that, Rabbi Mizrachi says Mashiach will kill the enemy with FIRE! Another fire and fury!!

  16. First you cant trust the news sources. This we know. Once again the idea is to soothe the masses they say, "..oh it's just Guam." Second to Gino, we are a strong DEFENSE
    FORCE. Even though there IS attacks and
    threats I find solace in our urge to wait and to defend. Not like proxy wars to fund politicians. But yes Yes YES we will win once sufficiently provoked. And not a minute too late.

  17. A new post from Meir Ettinger on the Beit HaMikdash. "והבית הזה יהיה עליון”

  18. Neshama: Apparently Un DOES have the capacity to shoot off ICBMs that can hit Chicago, but he has not yet mastered RE-ENTRY of his ICBM missiles without them burning up upon re-entry. ICBMs need to go into outer space in order to travel to their targets far far away. Most medium range missiles do not need to do that so that one does not have to master the technological problem of re-entry with missiles that are NOT ICBMs. Since a medium to long range missile that is not an ICBM can hit Guam, then Guam can be an immediate target. And I should warn that as of this time in the middle of Av, Un has likely not mastered the stage of re-entry of ICBMs. He is moving at lightning speed in his advancements because he is getting all kinds of financial and technological support from IRAN. Trump's delays on going to war with him are only making matters worse for the United States. People involved in War strategy have already Xed Seoul off the map of Earth. In a war, Seoul will be wiped out, say the experts on war strategy. So it matters not from a strategic perspective whether Trump attacks right now or hesitates because of the dread of a war in which millions will die. Well actually waiting simply makes matters far more worse. Un could master the art of ICBM re-entry any day now. literally any day now, and then within two weeks he will be able to hit San Francisco, S. Louis, and Chicago.

    Shilo: I cannot post a comment that denies the validity of space travel and the lunar landings, in the same way that I cannot post a comment trying to prove that the Earth is flat. Missiles and Rockets go into Space all the time. They carry satellites up there and put them in orbit. Those satellites make international phone calls dirt cheap, and now they are free on WhatsApp because of satellites and Space Travel. Let's Get Real.

  19. Thank you for the explanation. Because it didn’t make sense the issue of Guam. Now we know.

    However, I kinda think that there is a subversive process in action right now that will crush the arrogance of NOK. It could be mossad plants infiltrating, it could be a technological creation that undoes their computer capabilities, it could be something we have not been able to think of yet, but the ‘powers to be’ have thought of and are acting upon. (If they could get into Persia for the Tennis caper, why not here?) OR it could be a “happening of ‘Nature’” that changes the parameters of the whole scenario. Why, well, this entire event is causing, hopefully, many Jews in America to begin to doubt, begin to search, and begin on a process of TESHUVA. So that could be the Divine purpose for NOK.

    Maybe wishful thinking.
    I would rather see a NATURE disaster than a NUKE disaster.

  20. Lea: You mentioned in a Comment that someone posted a Comment that had explicit pictures that were not necessarily part of the article itself. Is it in the Advertisements of the link? Can you direct me to which Comment?

    Ginno: The IDF could very potentially be used again by HaShem to win Wars as we enter the Messianic Era, that is once Mashiach and his Commanders are leading the Army. Under present Erev Rav leadership, the brave soldiers have been stymied. They are more worried about shooting an Arab in self-defense and being prosecuted by their own Commanders and political leaders than they are fighting Wars. These present crop of Erev Rav Cowards are incessantly worried about either their image or their Army's image in the halls of World Public Opinion. If the IDF has to shoot to kill terrorists carrying knives and then summarily receives hate mail from Sweden's Foreign Minister about cruel IDF executions of freedom fighters, the Erev Rav Commanders have to selectively punish a few soldiers under their command for shooting a perp who is questionably neutralized who may or may not have a gun or knife hidden in his socks or underwear. I believe that such a perp actually did have a weapon that was used against the Druze police officers at the Lions' Gate entrances to the Temple Mount. From the video he appeared "down" and "neutralized" but when no one was looking he arose and attacked and successfully murdered. At least this is what I had heard. I will look at a video if I can find one to verify this. The Elor Azariyah effect is a palpable morale decimater. Under these circumstances, I am not even sure that the IDF could even win a defensive war for survival, much less a Milkhemet Reshut during Yemot haMashiach. These soldiers have been emasculated by their sycophantic Commanders. Until that changes, the IDF is not going anywhere.

  21. No one should be eager for the IDF to engage in warfare as it always cost lives. I can only wonder if Mr Ricci has a son or daughter in the IDF. Most likely not.

    My son just compted his two year amry service here in Isre. I davened every day that Hashem would watch over him and his friends and keep them safe. Thank G-d he served his time and came home safe and sound. Now I thank Hashem everday for my son's safe return.

  22. Ok now I see that they were guarding one of the Lions Gate Avenue Temple Mount entrances. Their backs were turned toward the Temple Mount because they were guarding the entrance to the Mount from those who may have been armed FROM ENTERING INTO THE TEMPLE MOUNT ITSELF. They were not under orders to prevent armed Arabs from LEAVING the Temple Mount because it was unprecedented that either Al Aksa or the Golden Dome over the Sela (Even Sh'tiyah) would have had a cache of weapons stored in them. So their backs were turned for good reason. They were facing the direction that they were under orders to face.

    At the end of this video, we see that AFTER these murderers had murdered the Druze Policemen, at least one of them was down on the ground on the grounds of the Temple Mount itself. He had been neutralized. He got up AFTER, the police or soldiers thought that the threat had been contained and tried to attack those who had neutralized him/them! At that point they were shot dead. From this we see that Elor Azariyah's reaction in Hevron was legitimate, but now Elor is sitting in jail for making his Commanders unpopular amongst Jew haters all over the world.

  23. Ben Shapiro attempts to teach the World some Moral lessons about how Arabs use holy sites as their military headquarters. He is preaching to the Choir. The point being is that Israeli Commanders under Erev Rav leadership are more worried about currying favor with World Public Opinion than they are about Winning Wars and Providing Real Security. G-d does have Rules for engaging in Wars. Those rules are not yet in the IDF handbook.

  24. Ok, Shilo, I will post your original Comment. I will let readers decide for themselves.

  25. Yes, poor Azariya; but his father is a very devoted Abba. He is fortunate in that his family was staunchly supporting him, and that is what really counts. Even Rabbi Yosef said the terrorists should not be neutralized, but killed in action. So Azaria did the right thing, as you so aptly related to in the above comment.

    Our fellow blogger, Akiva at MysticalPaths, has children in the IDF. He can certainly write about the apprehension and fear of a parent. He and his family made Aliya I believe in 2008–09 before my husband and I did so in 2010. One’s whole perspective changes when you are living and breathing here in Eretz Yisrael; the old cliches don’t stand any more.

    BTW the next big event in America will the be the prosecuting of “H”, a move in the right direction. ( I imagine that Trump is behind this as a middah kneg middah tit-for-tat against deep state.

  26. regarding the ''forbidding of a synagogue'' in Sydney - this was an over-hyped error on the part of a local planning court which saw Sydney's Jews unite in an incredible display of achdut and overturn the ruling: see - in this case the goyim came from everywhere to support the Jews, not a bad thing after all.

  27. Neshama: David was shown G-d's favor at the Threshing floor or Granary of Ornan (or Araunah), take your pick. Apparently he was the same guy. The name Araunah was his title meaning lord in ancient Jebusite. The Divrei HaYamim version tells what happens after he purchased the site of the TEMPLE MOUNT and offered up a Qorbon on that spot (where Akeidat Yitzchak had taken place hundreds of years earlier). First Divrei HaYamim 21:

    כו וַיִּבֶן שָׁם דָּוִיד מִזְבֵּחַ לַיהוָה, וַיַּעַל עֹלוֹת וּשְׁלָמִים; וַיִּקְרָא, אֶל-יְהוָה, וַיַּעֲנֵהוּ בָאֵשׁ מִן-הַשָּׁמַיִם, עַל מִזְבַּח הָעֹלָה. {ס} 26 And David built there an altar unto the LORD, and offered burnt-offerings and peace-offerings, and called upon the LORD; and He answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt-offering.

    So once again we are talking about a Fire from Heaven coming down onto the Temple Mount!

  28. Insightful article and unique in its value by gathering major references to ultimate fire as uttered by people of wisdom of Am Yisrael. Such cleansing of mankind is unavoidable by now, some commentators have noticed the participation of Mashiach with fire from his nostrils.
    The fact that are few believers in the End of Days fire is a clear sign that that day is very close.
    I don't see irrelevance in what Dov has posted over the years, as some people affirmed. Every post is relevant to that timeframe, but still Hashem delays the scenario that is known from Neviim. The time has come. Rami

  29. Thank you. So, the ‘threshing floor’ was actually the site of the to be Temple. I hadn’t remembered that. I thought it might have been in Tehillim. Hopefully, Ir David will be exposing more and more of the City of David and we will once again be able to walk in the footsteps of Dovid HaMelech.

    Good Erev Shabbat everyone.

  30. Interesting but not surprising escalation development

    China’s government says it would remain neutral if North Korea attacks the United States, but warned it would defend its Asian neighbor if the U.S. strikes first and tries to overthrow Kim Jong Un’s regime, Chinese state media said Friday.

    “If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime, and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so,” reported the Global Times, a daily Chinese newspaper controlled by the Communist Party.

  31. China has now guaranteed by these few words that Trump cannot act pre-emptively anymore. The Shooting War will only begin, it seems, when North Korea already has the ability to hit the Continental US without its ICBM's burning up on re-entry. By Trump delaying his attack, for whatever reason (Mcmaster and Tillerson), it is no longer conclusive that the United States will win.

  32. Trump’s generals. Two of three are two-state solution advocates, and all three are climate change believers.

    H.R. McMaster, who has been making all kinds of headlines this past week, is by far the most disturbing:

    Member of the globalist Council On Foreign Relations – check
    Worked for Soros-funded group that helped sell the Iran nuclear deal – check
    Leading proponent of the Iran nuclear accord – check
    Advocate of the two-state solution – check
    Member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) world-leading authority on global security – check

    Perfect resume for the Obama administration.

  33. I learned something new this morning that needs to be confirmed.

    Dina Habib Powell, a pro Islamist and close friend of Hillary Clinton's... Huma Abedin. Habib Powell, close friend of Ivanka Trump was hand picked as the current U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy to President Donald Trump.

    How can Ivanka Trump associate with Dina Habib Power and arrange for her a position in the administration?

  34. North Korea still mastering how to deliver a nuke to US

  35. Neshama: Hashem has the ability to wreak more havoc in the world than any mere nuke. All the volcanoes erupting at the same time along with earthquakes and flaming hail (asteroids or meteors) floods, massive landslides. Rampaging animals - four legged and two legged. It's all in the Tanach: The Great and Awesome day of Hashem! Lo aleinu!

  36. Anon: I would not hold by a news source if I were you. The group think in the media in April was that Kim Jong Un was two years from successfully shooting off an ICBM that could potentially reach the United States. Well guess what. About 6 weeks after they said that America had two years before Un shoots off an ICBM, Un successfully shot off an ICBM!! Media predictions are an absolute joke on the Accuracy scale. They are in part written to keep Americans calm so that they continue to pour money into their 401ks to keep the stock market from collapsing under the weight of the Truth. is the last news outfit who knows how technically proficient the N. Koreans are right now. Plus so few organizations even can begin to understand that not only are the North Koreans working with the Iranians on their nuclear and missile program, it may very well BE the SAME PROGRAM!

    For that you have to pick the brain of Caroline Glick or Daniel Greenfield The Yahoos at are not much better than the Washington or Huffington Post.

  37. Well I want to share with you what I need to deal with as Blog Administrator. Here are two Commenters who want to post coming from opposite ends of the spectrum. One hates our guts, and the other thinks we are criminally insane. But we push onwards and persevere because Immanu Keil, G-d is with us.

    1. with edits: Why do Jews hate free speech so much? For example, Mark Zuckerberg, a jew, will censor anything politically incorrect on Facebook and block you from posting for 30 days. Or what about the so called Holocaust? Why aren't we allowed to QUESTION if this "event" actually happened? There is zero physical proof the Holocaust happened and a guy got put in jail in Germany for 7 F*****G YEARS simply for writing a 44 page book called "Did 6 Million Really Die?"

    The younger generation is not fooled by the lies of the Jews. Generation Z, that is people under 18, hang out at free speech sites like 4chan where they discuss the TRUTH. The TRUTH is that the Holocaust never happened, and that Jews control our media, educational institutions, medical industry, big pharma industry, government, and religious institutions. Basically, America and the West is living under a Jewish totalitarian state that HATES free speech.

    What is going to happen when this younger generation grows up and truly realizes how badly they have been betrayed by Jews? The Holocaust never happened but already a lot of them, kids only 13 or 14 years old, are saying they wish the Holocaust did happen. You Jews are digging your own graves and the younger generation are not going to tolerate you Jewish fascists any more. Don't be surprised if a new Hitler comes into power as early as 2024 and solves the JEWISH problem once and for all, a FINAL solution. You Jews brought this on yourselves, you fascist scum.

  38. 2. From Chaim who probably has no idea that Commenter #1 is becoming more and more prevalent in the United States:

    Reading this blog and all the comments,i feel like having entered an insane asylum for the criminally insane,have you guys taken your medicines in the morning? if not,please take them LOL,
    What a CHILLUL HASHEM this insane blog is causing,you are giving FRUM jews a bad name,please stop this childish and idiotic nonsense,

  39. Blaming Trump for what he did or didn't do is misguided. Leaders have no free will with regard to these kinds of momentous events that affect the whole world; Hashem is calling the shots. See Mishlei 21:1; Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh to yesterday's parsha (Devarim 10:17).


  40. Amen, Ed. One has to wonder if Trump and Un are being guided toward a crescendo either during Elul? or during Sukkot? hard to tell. On a hashkafic level, there are a lot of Israelis in the States or Great Britain now for Bein HaZmanim doing Kibud Av veEim. For that reason alone, I am thinking that this week will be a quiet week until Rosh Chodesh Elul when they should all come back home to Israel. Of course watch that be wrong too. But does HaShem want thousands of Israelis to be stuck abroad during Bein HaZmanim (between the 10th of Av and Rosh Chodesh Elul)?

  41. Ed said... Leaders have no free...

    You may recall Pharaoh of Egypt and the discussion about where did his free will end and H' took over completely. The same applies to Trump. He had the free will to make the tikun of Esau and to come to Israel's rescue. Until now he chose otherwise and now he again sends his Court Jews to attain concessions from Israel. As most previous US presidents, Trump too has failed in many of his domestic policies and hence turns to Israel as an offering to compensate for his failures. But he will not succeed and the King and Creator of the world is meting out measure for measure, for Trump and his administration, and for close family.

  42. Dov and being a Blog Administrator.

    Yes Dov, an interesting but challenging task. Especially when you also have to deal with inherent haters and enemies of Israel, self-hating Jews and Erev Rav. This is also what Am Yisroel has to deal with every day and this hatred is becoming more and more intense as we approach the coming of Moshiach, may He come soon in our days. In any case it makes one wonder why these haters and enemies of Israel bother to read this blog. Most probably because they know that they are so wrong and that there time is soon over.

  43. Regarding those two comments, #1 sounds like an intelligent but genuinely deceived person with misdirected hate. #2 sounds like a clever troll. How could they be "frum" with such a mocking attitude toward fellow Jews, and also lack constructive criticism?

    The first comment reflects a very emergent perception among younger generations that is being purposely fed to them. It is similar to the "Protocols" situation. What made that so devious and seductive is that it really is a true agenda, however the Jews are not the culprits. The primary nemesis of the Jewish people - Edom - is responsible. It should have been called "The Protocols of the Elders of Edom," because that would have been accurate. However, this blood libel of Edomite guilt projected onto the Jews has echoed throughout the last century until today; and now with the Internet, it burns like wildfire. It is obviously part of Hashem's plan to test people's discernment and their heart's true essence. Sadly, this commenter may be a casualty of their own blind hatred, and lack of respect for G-D to seek the truth.

  44. Meir, I read that it was Kelly that brought her with him from the Deep State Dept. I don’t believe Ivanka initiated this. It may be she works near her in the WH, so the ‘news’ is incriminating her. But, I could be mistaken. Whatever Ivanka does (as she did) is only to protect her father. Maybe she is blinded about Kelly having Trump’s back. If you remember, Ivanka is also a ‘friend’ of H’s daughter. I believe its part of the NY scene, and she isn’t aware of the treachery of the Cs.

    I believe “News” about Trump and family is constructed to be incriminating. Its a contrived poisoning of information to and from the WH. Remember, the Generals are in charge. And a most disgusting article in today’s Post, "McMaster is a Friend” ugh! eek!

    And I believe why Trump came out against both sides in the VA (Soros backed, take down America) incident is because he knows who’s behind it. There was no innocent purpose to the revoltalution.
    Remember those anarchist riots/demonstrations a while back in NYC down by Wall Street? “Occupy Wall Street”! Va reminds me of them. It’s not a false flag, its a real revolution in the making, supposed to be grassroots for/against Trump. All such ‘political’ events are only aimed at Trump and his presidency.

  45. Reb Dov

    People speak in bile on the internet. It gives a forum for all the nutcases and extremists to vent their fury. Often they are mentally ill or have personality disorders which have been undiagnosed. sadly you get to see this sort of thing. Best to just delete it ASAP but also report it if possible.

  46. Parashat Haazinu

    Read in 5777
    On 23 September.

    What is going to happen until then?

    A choice to follow Moshe rabbeinu

    Or B I L A M

  47. Now the Haftarah
    Song of DAVID

    Saved by Hashem from the hands of...

    Haftarah for 23 September.

    May we be saved by then, please.
    Me and you, you and me, we, Am Israel have to do serious TSHUVA.

  48. Thank you Orna Nitzvah 814 for posting links to your blogs.
    I agree may it only be another seven plus weeks at most.
    May He redeem His people AM Yisrael Chai.

  49. North Korea Says It Won't Fire Missiles At Guam After All


    Zohar prophecy about the final wars and who would win

  51. Does anyone else see what is wrong here? China tells the US that it will only go to war allied with N. Korea if the US attacks pre-emptively. Tillerson and Mattis buy that position hook, line, and sinker. They won’t be the first to attack N. Korea to prevent Un from shooting off missiles that can reach the Continental US. They don’t want a war that will cost 8 million lives which is what the wargames tell them about loss of life in this war based on the situation 6 months ago. Instead in a very short time, less than three years, Un and the Iranians will intensively work on becoming nuclear powers, safe with the knowledge that the US will not act pre-emptively but only defensively. In the very short run of less than three years, a world war with Iran and N.K. will cost 2 billion lives, one third of the world’s population!! And of course 110 million Americans will then die in such a war. The World has gone insane! The World has gone Mattis!

    Now of course this is the worst case scenario. It does not have to take three years, for much of the world will be left irradiated, and life in the Messianic Era would involve having to adjust to living on a poisoned planet, poisoned by irradiation. I cannot believe that is what G-d wants. So in its time (which is now), He will hasten it!! For if He did not hasten it, the World would not be a pleasant place to live in during Yemot HaMashiach.

  52. Dov, I think in your projecting what might happen, you leave off the wildcard that Hashem is not limited. If He wants to magically erase the effects of radiation, you don't think He can do that? He can do whatever He wants and reveal Moshiach how and when He wants. There can be a war or no war, Nibiru or no Nibiru. When Moshiach comes, Hashem can change nature and wipe the earth clean and just start over. It's all an illusion. We know nothing. Ein od milevado! We have to daven!

  53. Tick tock teshuvah! September slaughter surprise!

    Devarim 32:39-43
    See now that it is I! I am the One, and there is no god like Me! I cause death and grant life. I strike, but I heal, and no one can rescue from My Hand! For I raise up My hand to heaven, and say, 'As I live forever.' When I sharpen the blade of My sword, and My hand grasps judgment, I will bring vengeance upon My adversaries and repay those who hate Me. I will intoxicate My arrows with blood, and My sword will consume flesh, from the blood of the slain and the captives, from the first breach of the enemy.' Sing out praise, O you nations, for His people! For He will avenge the blood of His servants, inflict revenge upon His adversaries, and appease His land [and] His people.

  54. Another Trump storm.
    He condemns violence on both sides in Charlottesville.
    He cannot win.
    Some of the anti-Nazis would have been there defending themselves and simply protesting against racism,
    Others would have been there attacking the Nazis.
    But Trump needs the Nazi votes, and likes the part of the Nazis attacking the extreme left, who themselves align with anti-Semitism and Jihadism and Globalism!
    It is an unwinnable war, and one which we Jews do not have a side to be on.
    Our place is Torah, Tefillah, Tzedakkah, Tshuva, Eretz Yisrael.

  55. London: I was thinking the exact same thing. There is no protection for Jews on one side or the other of this burgeoning War in America now. It is time to leave the US if you can and/or want to. Neither side is a safe haven, and the Conservatives who represent the Founding Fathers do not have the power to protect you anymore.

    Here is a Video which portrays Trump's predicament. Trump is actually right in his analysis, but he needs at least one of the extreme sides to support him if he wants to win again. Very scary.

  56. Don't believe that there will be any nuclear war. Tanach speaks of stones falling from the Heavens. Our Sages say that our final and ultimate redemption will be like our first redemption, Y'tziat Mitzrayim. The bad guys will be the ones done in; the Jews who are on their side (the radicals) will have the same fate. H' has been, for some time, punishing much of the world with all kinds of natural disasters which is just a prelude to the meteorites/asteroids that will undo those that hate HIM. Now is the time for Jews to really start doing teshuva to the best of their ability and capacity. H' knows what's in our hearts and minds. We see, just by the daily news, how things and truths are being exposed on a world-wide scale. Those who side with evil will get their just due. H' saved all the Jews who followed Moshe and those that had no faith in H' & His servant, Moshe, were punished along with the Egyptians.

    By putting our total emunah in H' and doing teshuvah will prove to be the only answer.

  57. You should listen to his actual replies to the press after his news conference. Very honest and straightforward answers. I posted that video tonite.

  58. Says R' Nir ben Artzi

    Our Father in Heaven and in Israel, King of the Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, leads His world, the earth and all the worlds in heaven. Everything that happens in the whole world - these are the ten plagues that were in Egypt. The Holy One, blessed be He, gives blows in the so-called modern world, several times stronger and more than the plagues of Egypt. The Holy One, Blessed be He, gives the most severe blows in all the countries of the world, whether it is floods and rains, blaze and fires, harsh winds and storms, earthquakes, conflicts within and between countries, confusing the whole world. No one know who is against who, who is telling the truth, who is lying, no one believe in anyone, all day long they suspect and suspect. All this is done by the Holy One, blessed be He, so that the nations of the world will wake up and stop interfering with the Holy Land and the Jews who live in the Holy Land, and begin to respect the Jews in the Holy Land of Israel.

    Those who oppose the request of the Creator, who oppose the Holy Land of Israel where the Jews live, will bring upon them hard blows, fires and inferno. Everything is burning among themselves as in Sodom and Gomorrah, as in the generation of the flood, because the Creator of the world wants their good and they go against the Creator and against the Jews in the Holy Land of Israel. If they will not surrender - the Holy One, blessed be He, will ultimately defeat them. It is worthwhile for all the nations to surrender and realize once and for all that the Holy Land of Israel where the Jews live - revives the entire world, finances the whole world and protects the entire world. Anyone who will continue to go against the Land of Israel - will disappear from the world. It is happening now, in this period, everything is real and genuine!

  59. Dov,

    I don't understand why my latest posts on Nir Ben Arzi were not posted. I did not even receive an explanation or response from you on the topic.

    In the past, you have responded to those that you did not want to post their comments.

    Why shouldn't I be able to state that some of these "rabbis" that overnight became multi-multi millionaires are con-men - setting up "charitable" organizations that are under their total control (personal checkbooks), selling "blessings", and much more leading to self-worth of 10s and 100s of millions of dollars.

    Why are you or others able to call rabbis "erev rav" and warn people that all these so-called "leaders" and folks that dress the part may not be kosher - however, when I talk about the amassment of wealth from their followers, it is pushed under the carpet?

    Please advise.

  60. David: Why, because the Rabbis whose "wealth" you listed are considered by most Torah Jews to be Gedolim of the highest caliber, Lamdut, and Tzidkut. In our generation their Torah knowledge is second to no one, and they are supreme examples of righteousness and G-dliness. For example, Rav David Abuchadtzeira Shlit"a was on your list of very wealthy rabbanim. What may have escaped the compiler's statement of personal wealth is the very likely possibility that these Rabbanim have private tzeddakah accounts where their weatlh includes all the tzeddakah that they have recently collected waiting to be disbursed, that they have no intention of keeping the money that is supposedly credited to them personally. Because there is no way to ascertain how much of this accredited personal wealth is really theirs, it is best to not assume that this wealth is theirs to begin with.

  61. Meir, I also thought those words of Reb Nir ben Artzi were astounding. I even added them to my post of Zohar Prophecy. Some of his ‘warnings’ are so penetrating, I don’t know why others cannot bring them into their hearts.

    Kol haKavod Meir.

  62. Reb Dov, apropos: The Zohar Today: The spiritual aspect of Tzedakah
    The video can be viewed:

  63. Agree somewhat with David Matlaw, the above commenter. I agree with the part that we don't really know who Mr. Artzi is. Firstly, he is not a rabbi, but more than that, he writes the same thing on a weekly basis with a slight change here and there. No one but H' knows how our Geulah will play itself out. We just know that we have reached the time for our redemption and we must try to influence as many of our people to do teshuva. The main thing is that our people should learn what is right and what is wrong, as their mindsets are completely distorted because they have no Torah, which is our guide to life. Truly amazing and, of course, disappointing when so many of brethern are leftists and see good as evil and evil as good. May H' send us our righteous Moshiach in a blink of an eye because this is probably one of the most confusing twisted eras in our history and too many Jews have already been lost.

  64. Dov, thanks for the response.

    I would be careful to differentiate between Torah scholarship and leadership and an automatic assumption that these leaders are also tzadikim. I would also not assume that the whole Torah world has such as positive view on these folks, which is not the case, definitely with regard to a number of Rabbis on the list of the wealthiest.

    I think R' Berland and many other examples in many communities are evidence of the fact that the lives of Torah scholars behind closed doors and outside the public view, may be on a different frequency. To the best of my knowledge, the Torah also requires equality in court and not favoring a famous person or celebrity over a simple person (I think you've also discussed that in the past. I believe that only Hashem truly knows who are the tzadikim, and that we cannot be sure that every scholar or person that brings people to a Torah life, etc. are necessarily equally great in other areas of moral and ethical (and legal) behavior and activity.

    I guess that I would recommend the participants in this blog to do their own research. A simple google of something like "wealthiest rabbis" will provide many links to sites that provide information on this topic. The readers would be able to see where the money trails lead to, what the rabbis have actually done with the monies they received, investigations and jail sentences, etc.

    Enough said - again, I recommend our folks to at least research these issues and reach their own conclusions.

  65. Of course considering that the plea bargain of Rav Berland may have been coerced, his guilt has not been ascertained.

  66. David, be very careful with the things you write. You have no idea who are you dealing with. I'm not from Breslev (my style is very different), but I know for sure that Rav Berland is one of the greatest tzadikim and he is suffering for the sins of our generation. Please, I beg you, don't take this as a threat, but a friendly warning of someone trying to help you. Whoever speaks against a giant like Rav Berland, it is guaranteed that will have a horrible place in Gehenom waiting for him, and probably will lose their share of the world to come. For your own good, be very careful, don't be so foolish. You are messing with the wrong guy. Hashem reads all comments and won't forgive certain things.

    Dov, you have some responsibility as well. Don't post lashon harah and speculations against a rabbi based on Internet rumors.

  67. Please remember the Torah does not speak kindly to those that slander especially a talmid chacham. Please include that on your research when drawing your own conclusions. Is the internet research enough to justify ones' conclusions?

    I think we all have enough faults that we each have to work on. If one wants to dig for flaws will certainly find one. Yes, being humans means we have flaws. If one decides I can only learn from a faultless person he won't learn much.
    The tanach doesn't shy away from tzadikim who had character flaws.

  68. Says R' Nir ben Artzi

    All the people taking or giving bribes, the thieves, the scammers, the crooks, all those who desecrate the name of Hashem who steal and cheat, Lewd and dirty people - are all revealed, from the greatest religious to the non-religious.

  69. The problems of Self-Hating Jews or Erev Rav - A typical example

  70. On the Barcelona terror attack: The terrorist who murdered 13 people and injured, some severely, 80 people, ran over his victims with a white Fiat van:

    From Foxnews: Police initially named Driss Oukabir, the Moroccan, as a suspect in the attack. However, local media are reporting a man with that name told police that his identification documents were stolen, possibly by his younger brother.

    From Arutz 7 on Driss Oukabir's Facebook page filled with anti-Semitic canards:

    Blog Administrator's note: The Heberew word דריסה Drissah means "to run over (someone) with a car or a truck!" Is HaShem trying to give the world messages, or What?

  71. One very powerful message: If a name can leave such an imprint on one's life for Evil, how much more powerful are the names that we give our children going to imprint upon them on the the side of Good?

  72. I am convinced now, that Edom as represented by the America lead by Donald Trump does not have enough merit to win the war against N. Korea. So the Last Great War will likely begin in Tishrei, nearer to the end of the Nine Months. I don't know if this war will last a few days, three months, or three years. Our sources seem to point to all three possibilities.

    America is in steep decline. It is no longer behaving in its best interest. It is allowing China to dictate the terms of any strike against N. Korea. The US has tacitly agreed that it will not pre-emptively strike N. Korea before it becomes a nuclear menace to the Continental US in terms of accuracy of its missiles, the ability of their ICBMs to survive re-entry, and the sheer number of nuclear tipped missiles in their inventory. Kim Jong Un is content to not start up against the US or Japan directly at this time in order to work on his joint nuclear program with the Iranians. They are advancing in leaps and bounds, and Iran's freed up economy, freed up by the Nuclear Deal known as JCPOA between Iran and the rest of the nations of Edom, is providing all the monies that are needed to continue to advance at this rapid pace. The World desires to ignore Iran's role in this because, to be honest, Edom is so Evil now that it prefers Iran normalized into the Family of Nations over Israel, whom they label as an Apartheid State. Yes, even Defense Secretary, General Mattis apparently prefers Iran normalized into the family of nations over Israel. So the World is willing to ignore this intensive and comprehensive cooperation on nukes between Iran and N. Korea. And that is the World's key and fatal Error at this time! They are foolishly working on the assumption that China alone can pressure the N. Koreans to abandon their program. So they are wasting so much of their time on UNSC sanctions that the Chinese alone will enforce. But China neither has the will nor the way to control N. Korea anymore. The Iranians do, but the World including many of Trump's close advisers (Tillerson, Mattis, and McMaster) refuses to see the elephant staring them in the face, that the Persians are double-crossing them in front of their eyes. A perverse and twisted generation such as this simply is incapable of exercising rudimentary judgement on understanding the anatomy of ghastly Evil. Centrist America, the Golden Mean or Median of the Culture, is simply too far gone. So Trump's advisers have no free will in this matter. And for that reason they will not pre-emptively strike in a timely manner. I believe that sometime during Tishrei 5778, G-d will spit their ghastly lack of judgement in their face. They will try to recuperate, by coming against N. Korea and Iran at that time, but it will be too late.

  73. What is amazing is the lack of clarity of Trump's advisers on whether the military option of pre-emptive strikes is even viable. Steve Bannon is now on record as saying that the Military option of pre-emptive strikes is off the table because in the first 30 minutes of a war with the N. Koreans, ten million residents of Seoul, South Korea will die. That number in now up from 8 million to 10 million because now they know that Un has nuclear tipped warheads ready for launch. Immediately after that interview where Bannon said this, Tillerson and Mattis come out and disagree with him EVEN THOUGH THEY THEMSELVES HAVE ACCEDED to China's lead on this, that as long as the US does not pre-emptively strike N. Korea, the Chinese will remain neutral in a potential war. If the US does attack first, the Chinese have clearly said that they will go to war on the side of N. Korea. So really, what is Tillerson's and Mattis's real alternative that can work immediately? Right now, N, Korea is advancing quickly, and all they are doing is claiming some sort of Pyrrhic victory by "getting the N. Koreans to back down from striking Guam in the month of August!" N. Korea backing down is meaningless even in the short run of the next two months.

  74. Yikes!So, in other words everyone is waiting waiting waiting while NK and Iran are building and assembling......

  75. Bannon: ‘The Trump presidency we fought for is over’

    In comments to the Weekly Standard, Bannon said “The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over. “We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It’ll be something else. And there’ll be all kinds of fights, and there’ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over.”

  76. Ok Bannon just left. Now they are saying that Globalists, his family, and Wall Street folks have the President's ear, but a lot of those names are uncomfortably Jewish including Jared Kushner, Steve M'nuchin, Steve Miller, and National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn. It seems that the growing alt-Right (some say neo-Nazi, at least in part) political base will make hay out of that. Add those names to the Generals Mattis and H.R. McMaster who either lean toward Iran over Israel in the case of Mattis and McMaster who really is a Globalist, who knows where this Administration is going?

    America is breaking apart now. 1/3 are dyed in the Wool Leftist and Bernie Sanders devotees.

    1/3 are Reprobate "Centrists" who are no longer anchored in with traditional American moral standards. They are not anchored at all, so much so that many of them are floating over or fusing into the White Supremacy camps. As I wrote on this blog before, think of -50 as being quicksand. The 1/3 of the Center of American culture that has fallen into it, mostly last year before Shavuot 5776, knows not where they are headed.

    1/3 are still either Constitutional Conservatives or are part of the 1/3 that has not yet sunk below Mem Tet Shaarei Tumah. Most of these folks voted for Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, or Marco Rubio. There is no governable majority in America any longer. Time to jump ship if you can.

  77. World War 3: US sends military to North Korea BORDER as tensions with Pyongyang escalate

  78. Dov, sorry for the off-topic, but I've always wanted to know how come secular historiography placed the destruction of the First Temple in 587 BCE, while Jewish sources say it was in 422. Is it a mistake by secular historians or the rabbis hid those 165 missing years for some reason? Thanks

  79. "Sen. Brian Schatz calls on all Jews serving in President Trump's Cabinet to resign over response to white supremacist rally.” ArutzSheva
    There goes the govt.

  80. WoW! Guess who may be next?
    "Adelson expresses support for ZOA efforts to depose McMaster”
    JTA - Sheldon Adelson in an email to Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein expresses support for efforts by the ZOA to get National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster removed from his position.

  81. Are we seeing Trump the Snake and his Court Jews, or?

    Ousted WH strategist Steve Bannon reportedly lobbied hard for Jerusalem embassy move, tougher line against PA - but was opposed by Kushner.

  82. Accelerating Chaos Within the American Jewish Community - The End of Jewish life in the US and we have known it by now?

    Currently Israel enjoys more support from Christian evangelicals than from Jews.

  83. Stephen Bannon reportedly ‘going to war’ against Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner

    The war on Jared Kushner is about to go nuclear,” said that Bannon’s targets in the West Wing are the “globalists,” identified as Ivanka Trump, Kushner and former Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn, the chief economic adviser to Trump and director of the National Economic Council, as well as the “hawks,” identified as National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and his deputy, Dina Powell.


  85. How come nobody is discussing the eclipse over here? It seems to me it is enough of a momentous and game-changing moment in history - at least according to Rav Fish and facts on the grounds, or is it not???

  86. Here, watch the eclipse here:

    You want to tell me this is not a life-changing event? These people, thinking it is so wonderful, have no clue as to its meaning:" the eclipse of America ". Good bye America.

  87. Iran's atomic chief warned on Tuesday that the Islamic Republic needs only five days to ramp up its uranium enrichment to 20 per cent, a level at which the material could be used for a nuclear weapon.

  88. Muslims Tell Europe: "One Day All This Will Be Ours"

  89. Let's not overreact. Just because someone "attacks" or criticizes the opinions of someone who just happens to be Jewish doesn't mean that they're anti-Semitic or even wrong. It should come as no surprise that many American Jews do have left-leaning political opinions and are highly over-sensitive to what they perceive and label as "neo-Nazis" and "right-wing extremists."

  90. Ze'ev Jabotinsky traveled around Europe giving his "Er kumt" speech in shuls all over Eastern Europe, that Hitler Y"Sh was coming. Not many paid attention to Ze'ev which set up their own demise once Hitler invaded each of their home countries. So incredibly prescient was Zeev Jabotinsky zt"l. We need someone with the weight of a Jabotinsky to go into shuls in Brooklyn giving the same speech!! But in the case of Brooklyn, the ones coming are the roving gangs from adjacent neighborhoods to Borough Park or Flatbush, once society collapses or after an EMP strike. And the ones coming are just as likely or even more likely to be coming from BLM as/than they are from the KKK.

    Chodesh Tov. Tonight is my Hebrew birthday. My wife likes to say that when I was born synagogues all over the world blew the Shofar. I remind her that I was born according to my birth certificate at 11 O'Clock in the morning. So if they blew the shofar for me, it was a late minyan.

  91. DS: It is so hard to predict how the one with the Solar Calendar (Edom) is going to fall before the ones with a Lunar Calendar (Yisrael and Yishmael) now that the Sun has been eclipsed by the Moon in such a major way across the Width and Breadth of the USA.

  92. As far as warning liberal Jews, what that Temple in Charlottesville experienced should be enough. They had no personal protection because liberals, like minks to the slaughter, rarely carry their own guns for protection. They would rather have others carry the guns for them since on principle they think that guns murder people not people murdering people. (We all know their sick tale.). So the Police did not show up as Neo-Nazis were marching to and fro in front of their shul. The Jewish Mayor apparently did not want to show "favoritism" for his own, another liberal Jewish hangup. To be honest, Liberal Jews individually need to do teshuvah, and G-d willing see the light and get here as soon as possible. As a group, we have enough Leftists in this country with blood on their hands because they want to be loved by the world. If you want to make Aliyah, please leave your liberal Leftist hangups in America. Here, just worry about what G-d thinks. What the menuvalim who are running this world think will just get more holy Jews here in Israel killed. It is best to leave that in America.

    As for as more sensible Jews who voted for Trump in Borough Park or Flatbush, surely you are aware how much NY City Govt. afforded the Jews during the Crown Height riots when David Dinkins was Mayor. And even more surely than that, you know about this in Crown Heights! You think that The Communist De Blasio is going to give you greater consideration when the time comes?? So come now as you are. Other than that, don't change who you are. Just change your address to a holy one.

  93. First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Reb Dov!
    About those predictions, my post for tomorrow might shed some light :-) on that inyan: "The Next Solar Eclipse in 2024: A Startling Message for the World”

  94. 2 Israeli Jews converted to Islam, joined IS in Syria

    Are we observing self-hating Jews or Erev Rav?

  95. The complicated and long arm of Kim Jong Un

    Kim Jong Un's latest diatribe comes on the heels of a new United Nations report revealing two North Korean shipments bound for Syria's chemical arms agency were recently "intercepted."

    An independent U.N. experts panel report obtained by Reuters on Monday revealed two shipments to the Syrian government agency responsible for the country's deadly chemical weapons program was intercepted.

    "The panel is investigating reported prohibited chemical, ballistic missile and conventional arms cooperation between Syria and the [North Korea]," the report stated.

    By the way, this relationship is at least one decade old. Both N. Korea and Iran are heavily involved in Syria with each other. How many world leaders are putting two and two together? Any idea that N. Korea can be stopped by China sanctioning it is utterly laughable, but the implication that N. Korea and Iran are working hand in hand together should be exceedingly frightening to all decent people. Part of the problem is that in international affairs at this time, there are so few decent people who are not in bed with Iran themselves.

  96. John Bolton: If North Korea Gets Nuclear Missiles, ‘Iran Could Have That Capability the Next Day by Writing a Check’

  97. That last in bed statement concerning the proud Aryan nation makes more sense to me than some of your earlier ones on this specific issue. Since if Debka knows, woudn't they themseves know?

  98. You might find this interesting: The Next Solar Eclipse in 2024, "this proximity of time is almost beyond belief. It defies law of averages. ...coincidences are but God’s way of choosing to remain anonymous and that they carry great significance as divinely inspired messages."

  99. What is the meaning of a solar eclipse? To the ancient Chinese, solar eclipses meant that dragons were devouring the sun. To the Czechoslovakians, they meant that ice giants, bitter enemies of the sun, were conquering it. To the Romans, they meant that the sun was poisoned and dying.

    To the Jews, solar eclipses meant that the moon was passing between the sun and the earth, thereby blocking the suns light. However, notwithstanding the physical explanation of a solar eclipse, there is also spiritual significance to it: At the time when the sun is eclipsed, it is an unfavorable period for the world.

    The Talmud (Succah 29a) refers to eclipses of the sun and the moon as unfavorable periods for the world. It further states that solar eclipses occur for four different reasons: 1) If a Torah scholar is buried without being adequately eulogized; 2) If a betrothed girl is raped and nobody responds to her cries; 3) Homosexuality, and 4) Two brothers being killed at the same time.

  100. 100-Year-Old Jewish Prophecy Predicts Solar Eclipse Portends Destruction of North Korea


  101. Messrs. Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law, and special envoy to the Middle East, David Friedman, US Ambassador to Israel, and Jason Greenblatt, special envoy for the impossible, are all observant Jews... They are criticized for removing the ubiquitous symbol of our faith – the kippah – when in public (unless the President demanded that they do so. As long as a Jew remains in the galut, he will have to wear the skin of a minority whether he lives in Flatbush or walks the great halls of the White House...

    A warning to my brothers and sisters in the US of a pending disaster, which will bring home the feeling of what it means to be a minority Jew. President Trump is proceeding on a path that will lead to a dramatic increase in the size of the military; the selective service law will return.In the near future, we shall see the return of the United States Selective Service Law (draft), to fill the ranks of the military and of the internal security services which are now being set into place. So, instead of young Jewish men coming to study in yeshivot with names such as Hakotel, Netiv Aryeh and Kerem Be’Yavne, and young Jewish women coming to the seminaries of Har Nof, or being accompanied by their parents under the chuppa, the dedicated Yiddishe tattes and mamas will be accompanying their children to the Port Authority Bus Terminal for their children’s trips to camps with names such as Fort Knox, Pendleton, Quantico, Lejeune, and Paris Island.

    Rabbi Nachman Kahana

  102. Hurricane Harvey made landfall at Corpus Christi.

    North Korea fired rockets into the sea.

    A terrorist attack outside Buckingham Place as a man with a sword yelled "Allah U Akbar" and was arrested by wounded police.

    Another in Belgium where police shot the attacker dead.

    A Regular Shabbos in the countdown to Geulah!

  103. According to Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian, he heard from Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman in London, quoting the Chafetz Chaim, that Chazal said the War of Gog and Magog will be threefold. After the First World War, the Chafetz Chayim said that it was the first battle of Gog and Magog and that in about 25 years there would be a second world war, which would make the first one seem insignificant. Then there would be the third and final war 72 years after the second battle of Gog and Magog. The first part of the Chafetz Chayim's prediction was correct, since WWII began in 1939, exactly 25 years after the start of WW1! As the Gemara states, "the tzadik decrees and Hashem fulfills." So, the third part of Gog and Magog should have started in 2011, when the Arab civil wars began, and worldwide terrorism intensified (with ISIS and all that stuff). Six years have passed, just like the duration of WW2. Even if you say that the Chafetz Chaim's prediction should be counted only from THE END of WW2, we are almost late, since WW2 ended in September 1945, 72 years ago... nuh? Where is Mashiach? If he waits longer, Hashem might as well destroy this entire world since there won't be anyone to save anyway.

  104. The First Plague in Egypt was against the Avodah Zarah of Mitzraim, the Nile, known in Hebrew as the Ye'or. Corpus Christi is Latin for the "Body of X." Was this a plague? Now, the eye actually hit 30 miles northeast of Corpus Christi. It was not a direct hit as Katrina was against New Orleans in 2005, but Rockport, Texas is about 30 miles northeast of Body of X.

  105. Report: Kushner promised peace plan within four months

    I say

    The gematria of Trump's name is Snake-like. He and his Court Jews will probably suggest the real estate deal of the century where Israel will be forced to give away large parts of the Land of Israel in exchange for a piece of paper signed by inherent haters and enemies of Israel who's only goal is the destruction of Israel and the death of the Jews.

  106. Dov,
    This article reports that the PA is giving the Trump administration 45 days to come up with a "peace plan" or else they blow up the whole process and go to the UN.

    Do the calculation. It comes to Hoshana Rabba

  107. If this turns out to be the worst flooding in American history in Houston, then this is what Meidad foresaw as the first plague of the Final Redemption. I actually wrote about this two years ago. Explanation later...

  108. Shavua tov. Anticipating your response on the flooding, Dov.

  109. Bibbi will meet Trump in N.Y. the day before Erev Rosh Hashana

    What might that tell us?

  110. RABBI MENDEL KESSIN lectures in Baka, Yerushalayim

    Sunday September 3 8:30 pm
    What Happens on Rosh HaShanah?:
    It's not what you think!

    Sunday September 10 8:30 pm
    What is it?: The Fundamental Concepts

  111. The prophecy says we will see makkos on the world greater than in Mitzrayim! Miracles and wonders.
    Harvey could be the beginning? (What a funny name for a Makkah?)
    There should be at least TEN 10!


    This is happening NOW! Read post and the Comments...

  113. Yes, GOG land, totally forgot about them!
    I wondered why Texas was so targeted.

  114. The Floodgates of Shamayim have literally and spiritually opened.

    We are at the end of the span of time during which the 50th Gate is opened. Mashiach is at the Petach. The period of time for the 50th Gate to remain open was from Shavuot 5776, the beginning of the 50th year after the Unification of Yerushalayim during the 6 Day War until Hoshana Rabbah 5778. True, the 50th Shavuot after the 6 Day War was Shavuot 5776. On that night America reached the 50th level of impurity when Sefirat HaOmar Mateen (Mem Tet (-49) to Nun (-50)) went into the homosexual bar in Orlando, Florida, murdering 49 homosexuals while he became the 50th dead body in that bar when the SWAT team burst through the walls of that establishment at Alot HaShachar on Shavuot morning. So while America reached that unenviable milestone on Shavuot morning 5776 at the dawn of the 50th year since the promiscuous Summer of love in San Francisco, there was not a whole pure vessel in Israel to contain the sanctity of the +50 spiritual state of Qedushah at the other end of the spiritual seesaw (between Edom and Yisrael) at the onset of the 50th year of the Reunification of Yerushalayim. While many did take those 49 intervening years seriously, not enough were united in the task of containing the pure spiritual light of Mashiach in Siwan 5776. So when Hallel Yaffa Ariel zt"l and HY"D and Rav Micky Mark zt"l and HY"D were both murdered in Kaleiv's (Territorial Inheritance) Lands at +50, the first part of Eretz HaQodesh to receive the light of the dawn of the Messianic Era two to three weeks after Shavuot 5776, the holy vessels could not contain this light because of our weakness in numbers. Likely we needed 600,000 such Jews at the spiritual level of Hallel Yaffa Ariel and Rav Micky Mark, and we were sorely lacking in those numbers. The Summer seemed to peter out. The promise of Redemption was delayed one more year. So HaShem started anew in 5777 with the election of Donald Trump. According to His calculation while the 50th Shavuot, the dawn of entering the 50th Gate was on Shavuot 5776, the 50th Pesach was Pesach 5777. And thus we began again to count 49 levels one more time. Again we reached +50 on Shavuot 5777, and HaShem then desired a Dwelling Place in Tzion on the Temple Mount. For 12 days, the gematriah of Ivah, He demonstrated His Desire to fulfill the promise of the Redemption from Mitzraim 3329 years ago during the 12 days of Ivah predicted by the Arizal HaQodesh for the 18th of Tamuz until Rosh Chodesh Av in the year of our Final Redemption. Again not enough wanted to receive His Presence on the Temple Mount. So even though the Arabs self exiled themselves from the Temple Mount during those 12 days, PM Linguine Spine capitulated and removed the metal detectors that were placed there to enforce G-d's Commandment that no iron implement should touch G-d's altar while building his Holy House. That is the FIRST commandment in the entire Torah relating to building G-d's House. Since there were not 600,000 interested recipients to this Commandment ready to fulfill it, HaShem then withdrew oh so temporarily. You see, there is yet one last go around of rising to the +50 level to welcome Mashiach inside the 50th Gate. It is the second and final 50 day count of the year. While between Pesach and Shavuot we count 49 days to rise to Welcome G-d's Infinite revelation the first time around, another 50 day count begins on Rosh Chodesh Elul and ends on Hoshana Rabbah. It is the 50 days of teshuvah, and apparently it is our last chance to greet Mashiach within the 50th Gate at the end of those 50 days....

  115. I will say this now, since I now believe that this is it: It will begin with Meidad's Prophesy of torrential rains on the Lands of Gog and will climax with Eldad's Prophesy of Fire against the Land of Magog.

    Verse from Yechezkel 38:17 that introduces us to "the two" who prophesied in ancient times, long before Yechezkel prophesied about the End of Days:
    יז כֹּה-אָמַר אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה, הַאַתָּה-הוּא אֲשֶׁר-דִּבַּרְתִּי בְּיָמִים קַדְמוֹנִים בְּיַד עֲבָדַי נְבִיאֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, הַנִּבְּאִים בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם, שָׁנִים--לְהָבִיא אֹתְךָ, עֲלֵיהֶם. {ס} 17 Thus saith the Lord GOD: Art thou he of whom I spoke in old time by My servants the prophets of Israel, that prophesied in those days (for many years or many years ago), that I would bring thee against them?
    Read Shnayim instead of Shanim since it has already been established that this prophesy pre-dated Yechezkel. So the word Shanim (for many years or many years ago) is extraneous. So it refers to the two who prophesied in the Camp, Eldad and Meidad, when the new 70 elders gathered at the Tent of Meeting before HaShem sent the quail the next day in Parshat BeHa'alotcha.

    Meidad's prophesy of torrential rains from Yechezkel 38:22
    כב וְנִשְׁפַּטְתִּי אִתּוֹ, בְּדֶבֶר וּבְדָם; וְגֶשֶׁם שׁוֹטֵף וְאַבְנֵי אֶלְגָּבִישׁ אֵשׁ וְגָפְרִית, אַמְטִיר עָלָיו וְעַל-אֲגַפָּיו, 22 I will contend with him (Gog) with pestilence and with blood; Downpouring (torrential) Rain and Meteoric Stones of Fire and Sulfur. I will cause it to rain upon him and his bands...

    Now Eldad's prophesy of Fire, Sulfur, and Meteoric Stones is obviously mixed in with Meidad's Prophesy of torrential rains. But Eldad has a stand alone statement in Yechezkel 39:6. So while Meidad concentrates specifically on the Lands of Gog, Eldad focuses G-d's ire on the Land of Magog.

    ו וְשִׁלַּחְתִּי-אֵשׁ בְּמָגוֹג, וּבְיֹשְׁבֵי הָאִיִּים לָבֶטַח; וְיָדְעוּ, כִּי-אֲנִי יְהוָה. 6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and on them that dwell safely in the isles; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

    The Gog HW Bush Sr. Presidential Library is on the grounds of Texas A & M University about 95 miles northwest of Houston, Texas. Gog HW Bush Sr. now lives in the Houston Metro area suburb of West Oaks

  116. I believe that I have to write a very large post now, maybe one of several. I am 95% sure that this is the final push toward Mashiach. but not tonight.

  117. Neshama: I believe I just answered that question above.

  118. It is a Two For One Plague. 1. It targeted in its initial onslaught the Body of X Metro Area in a frontal assault against Edom's 2000 year old Avodah Zarah, the Body of their mangod. It is one thing to believe that G-d is 3 in 1 in pure spirit, but to bow down to psalim or pictures of 1/3rd of the Partnership as he hangs from a cross has been an outrage that G-d put up with for 2000 years.

    2. It is the Shitafon (torrential floods) predicted by Meidad against the Lands of Gog which will permit the Soul of Moshe Rabbeinu to enter Eretz Yisrael to combine with the Soul of our Messianic king from the House of David. In this way the Messianic kingship will never be destroyed, and the last exile will now end. This needs further explanation. Reread the post and the Comments here. It has to do with the other prophesy of Eldad and Meidad that Moshe would die in the desert, and that Yehoshua would brings us into Eretz Yisrael (Moshe Meit Yehoshua Machnis. The Roshei HaTeivot are Mem Mem Yud Mem. It introduces us to the first plague in Mitzraim when HaShem directs Moshe to pour the Water from the Nile (the god of ancient Egypt on the ground where it will turn to blood.)

    Shemot 4:9
    ט וְהָיָה אִם-לֹא יַאֲמִינוּ גַּם לִשְׁנֵי הָאֹתוֹת הָאֵלֶּה, וְלֹא יִשְׁמְעוּן לְקֹלֶךָ--וְלָקַחְתָּ מִמֵּימֵי הַיְאֹר, וְשָׁפַכְתָּ הַיַּבָּשָׁה; וְהָיוּ הַמַּיִם אֲשֶׁר תִּקַּח מִן-הַיְאֹר, וְהָיוּ לְדָם בַּיַּבָּשֶׁת. 9 And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe even these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land; and the water which thou takest out of the river shall become blood upon the dry land. Notice that the Mem Mem Yud Mem acronym appears in the word MiMeiMei Yeor (the waters of the Nile River). So it was built into the fabric of the Creation early on that Moshe would die and Yehoshua would bring us in. Earlier on Batya, Moshe's step-mother, tried to prevent that eventual outcome with the previous verse:

    י וַיִּגְדַּל הַיֶּלֶד, וַתְּבִאֵהוּ לְבַת-פַּרְעֹה, וַיְהִי-לָהּ, לְבֵן; וַתִּקְרָא שְׁמוֹ, מֹשֶׁה, וַתֹּאמֶר, כִּי מִן-הַמַּיִם מְשִׁיתִהוּ. 10 And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses, and said: 'Because I drew him out of the water.'

    Notice here it says that she called him Moshe and she said, "Because I drew him from the Water." Here instead of it saying מִמֵּימֵי הַיְאֹר it says מִן-הַמַּיִם מְשִׁיתִהוּ . By adding the intervening Nun sofit and a Hey haYediyah, Batya sought to annul the evil decree that Moshe would die before crossing into Eretz Yisrael. I believe that the Nun stands for Moshe Nichnas at Sha'ar HaNun, the 50th Gate... I will draw him from the Water which comes from Olam HaAtzilut since Water comes from the Yud in HaShem's Name. This is complicated. I need more time to explain. More later.

  119. Dov, bottom line: Do you think Mashiach is going to be revealed before Hoshanah Rabbah 5778? Or even before Rosh Hashanah...?

  120. So think of this Rain on the Land of Gog as Water being drawn from Sha'ar HaNun, the source of the Soul of Moshe Rabbeinu so that his soul can enter the Land of Israel at this time insuring the end of our long Exile. I cannot begin to under-estimate how spiritually powerful this event is. So the intervening Hey and Nun Sofit actually do stand for Sha'ar HaNun. On one hand, Eldad or Meidad prophesied in the Camp that the Nun and the Hey would disappear in the first Redemption and our entrance into Eretz Yisrael as prophesied in Shemot 4:9 when HaShem tells Moshe to pour the water of the Ye'or on the ground where it turned into blood, but Meidad (beloved of Water) prophesied at at the End of Days, Batya's intervention would be restored, returning the Hey and the Nun Sofit back to where they were in Shemot 2:10 This would allow for Moshe's soul to enter Eretz Yisrael from Atzilut which is the Source of all that Water pouring on Houston. Yet, it is also the source of the Torah itself.

  121. But I agree with Neshama. Harvey is a bizarre name for a Plague... unless one spells it Hey Reish Vet Yud. הרבי instead of הרווי which is the spelling in Modern Hebrew which uses the convention that the transliterated English V is the Hebrew Vav Vav (the consonantal Vav). So instead of Harvey, we get HaRebbe. Uh Oh, it is not what many might think..... It is just his title.

  122. And as a friend of this blog pointed out, in addition to the Flooding and over 50 inches of rainfall, there are poisonous snakes, alligators, fire ants floating on top of strange petro-chemicals in the water. People are literally trapped on the roof of their homes right now as Flood waters rise with no hope of rescue since their neighborhoods are already completely surrounded by water filled with snakes, alligators, petro-chemicals with fire ants floating on the sewage, and lest we forget the encephalitis saturated mosquitoes. There are two types of encephalitis (S. Louis and West Nile. no explanation needed). Pray for the Jews and all the good people of Houston. This is most assuredly a frightening plague.

  123. Scientists say the storm is likely to be the most devastating flood the Houston region has ever seen — even more so than Tropical Storm Allison in 2001, which was the worst rainstorm to ever befall an American city in modern history.

  124. Report: Bannon Urged Trump to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem — Was Blocked by Jared Kushner

  125. Yes, Yes, a Plague. Tremendous Reb Dov. Sometimes my comments somehow are published before the words that I’m responding to (in your writing). That was not really a question, more of an agreement.

    I just posted (a bit late due to attending a Simcha) about the FLOOD! The fact that it moved in, in its ‘attack’, and then hovered, and then moved a bit east to cover more ground, and is spending DAYS pouring down drenching rains, unearthing all kinds of creeping creations is most certainly “Nature” on a deliberate mission!

    One does see that this follows the debacle known as the Charlottesville Charade Parade (a new post I’m writing about) which has sufficiently played out all the accusatory verbiage. If you mentioned this already so be it.

    The Americans just don’t get it. And this leaves room for the other plagues.

  126. Sorry, forgot this link, INSIDE HURRICANE HARVEY, should someone want to read it. Also videos.

  127. So here is the catch. By reinserting the Nun and the Hey, we see that at the End of Days
    , כִּי מִן-הַמַּיִם מְשִׁיתִהוּ. HaShem
    Himself will draw from Shaar HaNun, from the Source of Mayim in Atzilut, the soul of Moshe Rabbeinu. This plague on the Land of Gog comes as a result of drawing out of Moshe's soul.


    any relation to the prophecy of the ones living on the islands?

  129. WOW!

  130. Ha Rabbeinu

  131. Yes, they said 50 inches of rain!! Fifty!!

  132. Said R' Nir ben Artzi on Parashas Vayith’anan Tasha’z

    Trump is preoccupied with his affairs, says the Holy One, Blessed is He: "Anyone who interferes with the Jews in the holy Land of Israel will be beaten hard by the Creator of the world – with the ten plagues."

  133. Harvey is from the root רוה meaning to saturate, as in:
    כי אם הרוה את הארץ (Yishayahu 55:10)
    It usually comes with a positive connotation, since water is Chesed. But, as in Noah's days, the wicked deeds of the generation can cause the water to burst its boundaries and turn into Din.

  134. Yep, the Ground in Houston is beyond the saturation point.... way beyond. But just in case Harvey is spelled with a Vet, The Rebbe or HaRebbe being referred to is Moshe Rabbeinu. I am sure all of the rest of the Rebbes throughout history will defer to him .... including the one who resided at 770.

  135. What can we expect from the Snake-like Trump and his Court Jews?

    US asked for 3-4 months to present peace plan, Abbas adviser says

  136. The Nun Sofit in כִּי מִן-הַמַּיִם מְשִׁיתִהוּ. is like a 50 inch measuring stick facing downward, measuring the amount of water. Will the amount of rain reach 50 inches? The first plague of Blood in Mitzraim lasted seven days. This might not end until Friday.

  137. Shalom from Houston. We are ok.

    incidentally, Pope Frances' real name is Gog, am i right?

    Shalom shalom

  138. North Korea fires missile over Japan, sharply escalating tensions

  139. Trump the Snake-like

    Don't let the warmer attitude of US Pres. Trump fool you: the US is no more sensitive to Israel's security needs under him than it was under Obama.

    Trump speaks for Israel, promises to move the American embassy to Jerusalem and appoints Zionist Orthodox Jews to key positions in Middle-Eastern affairs. Meanwhile, in reality, he does nothing. Anyone who sees him as the messiah will find he him to be a false prophet. And this is without knowing what his plans are for "the ultimate [real estate] deal" in the Middle East.,7340,L-5008319,00.html

  140. Gino,

  141. Sela with an ayin is a rock. As in Rockport where the first landfall of the hurricane was, so the rock that Mosche struck? But i am such an amateur with these things. Probably wrong guess.
    But Dov, i don't think us is all crazy, but i can imagine many people do.
    Could you please elaborate a little further how the downpour on Gog's hide out place at this point in time, can make the soul of your eternal teacher enter Eretz HaQodesh?
    And will it finally join up with the soul of Mosiach now? Either that or he/she/it (?) will be with Sechina at HarBayit. Couple of other possibilities such as Hebron?

  142. Gog HW Sr. was elected POTUS when exactly 3300 years had elapsed after the Giving of the Torah from 2448 until the beginning of 5749. For 33 Centuries, the Jewish people had been doing mitzvot, slowly bringing the entire world toward its completion, perfecting the Works of Creation through mitzvot. We see from the number of years that elapsed between the Destruction of the first Temple and the Destruction of the 2nd Temple that 490 years elapsed. Since the First Temple was to be compared to Pesach and the 2nd Temple to Shavuot (and the 3rd Temple to Sukkot) that those 70 years of destruction + 420 years of the 2nd Temple standing correspond with the 49 days of perfecting ourselves between Pesach and Shavuot. Since the first 7 days are actually during Pesach and since the First Temple already represented Pesach itself, then that Temple was destroyed for 70 years, one decade for each day of Pesach (including the 8th day in Galut). So the 420 years that the 2nd Temple stood correspond one decade for each level to the 42 levels of purity above and beyond the first 7 levels of Chessed corresponding with Pesach all the way until Shavuot. So we perfected ourselves one level each decade until we arrived at the actual time when the 2nd Temple could have stood forever if there had been Unity in Klal Yisrael as there was at Har Sinai where we were like One Man with One heart. It was not to be. We hated each other. So the 2nd Temple was destroyed. Now we know from the verse in Zecharia 8:23:

    כג כֹּה-אָמַר, יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת, בַּיָּמִים הָהֵמָּה, אֲשֶׁר יַחֲזִיקוּ עֲשָׂרָה אֲנָשִׁים מִכֹּל לְשֹׁנוֹת הַגּוֹיִם; וְהֶחֱזִיקוּ בִּכְנַף אִישׁ יְהוּדִי לֵאמֹר, נֵלְכָה עִמָּכֶם--כִּי שָׁמַעְנוּ, אֱלֹהִים עִמָּכֶם. {ס} 23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts: In those days (at the End of Days) it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'

    So we see from here as we approach the "Sukkot Temple" the Temple through which we can peer up and see into the highest Heavens through the Clouds of Glory over the Temple Mount, that the ratio of perfecting the deeds of Creation are at a Ten to One ratio. So instead of perfecting ourselves one level each decade on a national level, we perfect the entire world, all of humanity except for Amaleq, one level each Century. Continued...

  143. We know though that Malkhut Edom upon reaching the 33rd level of purity through OUR mitzvot wants to assure that Edom's kingdom will "get stuck" at the 33rd level of purity because at level 33, he has a Chazakah on the Mon. The Mon or Prosperity must fall for 3 days before the recipient, Edom, can then demand it forever because he becomes a partial owner of the Mon which started to fall on the 31st day of the Omer upon leaving Mitzraim. So the US of A was founded near the end of the 31st Century after Matan Torah in 1776 (5536). It had rid itself of the p'gam that our acts were like dirty rags before the Almighty. The Masonic Founding Fathers understood that America's national service would be to G-d, not to Yoshke even if privately most Founding Fathers were devout Protestant Xtians (except in Maryland where most of them were Catholics). Yet, in part because of the slavery issue and in part to eventually deprive the native Americans of their territory, the Founding Fathers refused to give up on Esav's flaw that the main purpose for serving G-d would be to Make Money, to prosper on the national level. There was very little "for its own sake" purpose to the Founding Father's mission in founding America. So this would only take America to serve G-d at the 33rd level of purity where the purpose of Serving G-d is to only build Olam HaZeh. So the Chief Founding Father at America's founding was the Grand Poobah for the US as a Masonic Lodge, the 33rd degree freeMason, George (Gog) Washington. He set in motion the American Prosperity Factory for the next 200 years through the 32nd and the 33rd Centuries after Matan Torah starting in the year 1789 when the Constitution was ratified and when he became POTUS. Now the word Gog means Roof as in a Roof with no holes in it and no way to peer through it toward the Heavens. So eventually well precisely 200 years later, another Gog (Gog Herbert Walker Bush Sr.) came along and tried to set up a New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) which is on the back of the dollar bill 2/3rds of the way up that Pyramid. 2/3rds of the way to 50 is of course only 33. Well that is what Gog H.W tried to establish, and his first act of trying to establish that after the First Persian Gulf War was the Madrid Pieces Conference to divide the Land of Israel. Well we see where Gog Sr. was headed with that, but through the Providence of G-d, Gog HW Bush Sr. and his NWO alliance failed miserably. But he and his family along with the Arkansas HillaryBillies and Obobo, Satan's disciple, have now been trying for almost 30 years, and frankly G-d is now sick of them. He wants his Binyan Ad (His permanent Home where we can peer through the Clouds of Glory) NOW. As of this Summer He desires it RIGHT NOW! He doesn't desire a Civilization with a 33 story roof over it so that Humankind no longer needs Him. Got it?

  144. Israel Russia and Iran

    Bibbis meeting with Putin shows that Russia is NOT a friend of Israel

    Putin reiterated his country’s support for the Tehran regime.

    "Iran is Russia's strategic ally in the Middle East," Putin told Netanyahu.

    Witnesses present during part of the nearly two-and-a-half hour meeting say that following the Prime Minister’s entreaties to the Russian leader, Putin sighed, telling Netanyahu his government would be unable to assist.

    "Unfortunately, we can not help you here."

  145. Dov, your analysis indicates that we are looking at a situation similar to the Dor Haflaga - the generation of the Tower of Babel and King Nimrod.

    “Vayomru Hava Nivnah Lanu Ir Umigdal Virosho Bashamayim Vinaaseh Lanu Shem,” “And they said, ‘Let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens and make a name for ourselves’” (11:4)

    If correct, our forward looking view need to focus on understanding the spiritual consequences of that generation's action.

  146. We also know a few other things about Houston specifically which differentiate it from the rest of America. For one, Rex Tillerson as the CEO of Exxon Mobil worked there almost every day of his career as Exxon CEO. It is the seat of the World's Sweet Oil Industry. Now those who know this blog, know that for Esav at least, his blessing to receive the Shmanei HaAretz is reversed. He gets the Oil of the Earth whether or not he merits to continue to receive the Dew from Heaven which is a Kiss from the Mouth of G-d. As we see with Ya'akov's blessing: Bereishit 27:

    כח וְיִתֶּן-לְךָ, הָאֱלֹהִים, מִטַּל הַשָּׁמַיִם, וּמִשְׁמַנֵּי הָאָרֶץ--וְרֹב דָּגָן, וְתִירֹשׁ. 28 So God give thee of the dew of heaven, and of the fat places (or Oil) of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine.

    But from Esav's blessing we see: לט וַיַּעַן יִצְחָק אָבִיו, וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו: הִנֵּה מִשְׁמַנֵּי הָאָרֶץ, יִהְיֶה מוֹשָׁבֶךָ, וּמִטַּל הַשָּׁמַיִם, מֵעָל. 39 And Isaac his father answered and said unto him: Behold, of the fat places (or Oil) of the earth shall be thy dwelling, and of the dew of heaven from above;

    Notice number One for Esav, Elokim is not mentioned so that Esav does not have to suffer for his sins in this world so that he receives all of his reward through the dew only in Olam HaZeh.
    And Number Two, THE SHMANEI HA'ARETZ IS NOT DEPENDENT UPON THE DEW!! It precedes the dew, telling us that G-d's blessing to Esav for the Oil of the earth will not be dependent on any of Esav's good deeds. He will receive that blessing until the end of Olam HaZeh even after the blessings for his deserved merits have been disbursed. So connected to Batzrah Oil terminal in the Persian Gulf, Houston apparently goes down with Esav's ship as Olam HaZeh comes to an end. Gurgle Gurgle, klug klug klug. Again I hope all the Good people in Houston make it through this. Zevach lo LeBatzrah, Tevach lo leBogdim. That is where this will now end. because it is in Batzrah that two of the four rivers to Gan Eden have confluence as they enter the Persian Gulf. There is no mineral wealth mentioned in Bereishit 2 regarding these two rivers because only the Pishon (the Mid-MiSSiSSiPPi River Valley where Little Egypt resides) has the mineral wealth to build Olam HaBa. The other rivers only have wealth for Olam HaZeh, to build the 3rd Temple. So the wealth of those other rivers is not mentioned. The Wealth of the Tigris/ Euphrates River complex is 50% of the world's sweet oil reserves, fossil fuels from the plantlife in Gan Eden. And it is there that the Tiller of the Soil, Rex Tillerson and his 7 sisters have tied up their souls, even if they reside in Houston. Are things becoming clearer?

  147. The New World Order versus Malchus Shadai

    The Dor Haflaga used unity to become so intertwined, so interdependent, that they felt they no longer needed God. They were such a close-knit group that no matter what difficulty would come about, they believed they had the tools to rectify the problem. They felt completely self-reliant. And this is exactly Hashem’s response to them was so severe. Because after all this time, they still didn’t get it. They still were making the same mistakes that led to the downfall of Adam and Kayin. They refused to allow G'd into their lives.

    Also today mankind beliefs since he is the crown of Creation and hence do not want anyone above him, i.e., independency of G'd. This world view is the modern version of pure Avodah Zarah - "idolatry" - which mankind believes is achieves through science and technology.

    דברים יז: וְאָמַרְתָּ, בִּלְבָבֶךָ: כֹּחִי וְעֹצֶם יָדִי, עָשָׂה לִי אֶת-הַחַיִל הַזֶּה.

    and you will say to yourself, "My strength and the might of my hand that has accumulated this wealth for me."

    if correct we may better anticipate what is expect to unfold by response and action by the King and Creator of the world, HKB"H.

  148. sorry slight edit of the Above:

    ...Zevach lo LeBatzrah, Tevach lo leBogdim. That is where this will now end. because it is in Batzrah that two of the four rivers from Gan Eden have confluence as they enter the Persian Gulf. There is no mineral wealth mentioned in Bereishit 2 regarding these two rivers because only the Pishon (the Mid-MiSSiSSiPPi River Valley where Little Egypt resides) has the mineral wealth to build Olam HaBa by building the 3rd Temple. The other rivers only have wealth for Olam HaZeh. So the wealth of those other rivers (Tigris, Euphrates and the Gichon) is not mentioned...

    The Gold of the Pishon will come from Fort Knox on the Lower Ohio, the tributary that merges with the Mississippi at Cairo, Il. The Bedolach or Quartz Lime, to hold together the whole stones of the Mizbeach of the Third Temple will come from the numerous lime companies along the banks of the Mississippi in Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois. And the Black Onyx, so that the Kohein Gadol can feel the pain and the ecstasy of all twelve tribes whose burden is on his shoulders in the form of engraved Onyx, will come from caves in the Southern Missouri Ozarks and Western Kentucky whose Rivers enter the Mississippi River between Cairo, Il and Memphis, Tennessee ... all in Little Egypt.

  149. UPDATE ON TEXAS FLOODING: 50 Foot Rise in Flooding – and the Nun Sofit.

  150. Dov, Rabbi Kessin in his shiurim talks about the Devil, HaSatan, who is dying and hence is desperately seeking new energy (nourishment) to extend his life. This the Satan achieves by enticing and faltering regular Jews to sin so that he may suck and nourise from their good deeds and thus postpone his death for some additional time.

  151. New World Order (conspiracy theory) explained

    Is New World Order COMING? Illuminati ‘goes PUBLIC with global elite website'

    The Illuminati is an elite organisation of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. Doesn't that remind us of Obama, the UN and Soros?

  152. Ginno: We are so obviously at the very end of Olam HaZeh. The 7 Sisters are submerged under water. Rex Tillerson's former stomping grounds are 50 inches under water. A submerged Nun Sofit seems to be measuring the rainfall. The soul of Moshe Rabbeinu is being drawn down to merge with the soul of Mashiach. The end of the 271 days of pregnancy which started with the Paris Piece Conference on the 17th of Tevet 5777 conclude on Shmini Atzereth 5778 (which might be Hoshana Rabbah in Shamayim because the calendar of Hillel the 2nd was advanced by one day this year so that vegetables would not spoil on Motzei Shabbat of Yom Kippur. Now remember this calendar although Rabbinically accurate, is not "sanctified" D'Oraita because witnesses are not showing up before Beit Din to testify about the New Moon for 1700 years. So it might be "off" in Shamayim by one day. That would mean that the 271st day is actually Hoshana Rabbah 5778. We are also in the last 50 day count leading to Hoshana Rabbah from the 1st of Elul that is still within the 50th Gate since the Ba'al Teshuvah movement began in earnest when Yerushalayim was reunified during the 6 Day War. So yes, a lot of things are coming together right now. It is an exciting time to be alive to witness what will happen with our mortal eyes. Guarantees? I can't guarantee that Mashiach is coming by Hoshana Rabbah, but it feels like it. It tastes like it. And most of all, it smells like it. Our sense of smell is the most spiritually refined sense because Adam did not sin with his sense of smell in Gan Eden. He sinned with his eyes, with his touch, with his taste, and by listening to his wife Chava with regards to the fruit.... I am not recommending that we refrain from listening to our wives though.

  153. Our Nun Sofit measuring stick is patiently waiting to see how many inches of rain will fall by Shabbat Ki Teitzei at Gog H.W. Bush Sr. International Airport in Houston. We will be following this closely.

  154. Gog HW Bush Sr. Intercontinental Airport is presently closed until further notice.

    Here are the Rainfall Totals according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Prediction Center in College Park, Maryland so far. They are subject to change.

    At this moment as of 4am Tuesday morning on the 7th of Elul, 28.8 inches have fallen on Gog Bush's Airport.

  155. I just received word that the United Orthodox Synagogue in Houston is in a state of total destruction. I received this word from a friend of the blog in Dallas. Maybe his info is not up-to-date, but he was told that it is so badly damaged that it must be rebuilt from scratch. And they likely won't rebuild. Think of it as a transition from Olam HaZeh to Yemot HaMashiach. That would of course require a change in address to our ancient homeland. I wonder how many will figure that out?

  156. UOS in Houston

    I am quite sure that only a very few if any will direct their thoughts and return to the Land of their ancestors.

  157. How many Jews are in Texas and Louisiana? In the South in general, including Florida? THEY NEED TO GET OUT NOW. No delaying. They are in some kind of trance which is unfathomable. This is going to be the End. The water is now overflowing at the dams, this is going to trigger untold collapse - economical, social - complete mayhem. There will be no escaping - they need to get OUT. Now. Pack - leave - go - now.

  158. NKorean missile over Japan

    The Washington-based Geostrategic Consulting group Strategic Sentinel tweeted that South Korean and US Joint Chiefs chairs had agreed to take strong response including military measures against North Korea. However, both Trump and Abe can hardly avoid responding to Kim’s latest provocation without serious loss of international clout and prestige. Their response is closely watched by other rogue regimes, such as Iran, as a guide to how far they can challenge the Trump administration and the West in general.


  159. 72-hour Rain Forecast MAP APnews

    DRUDGE: 49 INCHES AND COUNTING! – DAMS UNDER PRESSUREPEAK DAYS AWAY: HOUSTON "Additional heavy rainfall overnight is expected to worsen the flood situation in southeastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana," the National Hurricane Center said. Forecasts show that some spots in and around Houston could see an additional 12 inches (30 cm) of rain on Tuesday, bringing the total rainfall from Harvey to about 50 inches (127 cm) in parts of the city's metro area.

  160. Meir, we should have a more positive outlook for the future repentance of G-d fearing Jews. The same goes with your opinion of the Court Jews. Keep in mind that had Hillary won, there would likely be International troops in the Jordan Valley right now pulling Jews in Yesha out of their homes during these 9 months. Chasdei HaShem that that is not the case. The Court Jews as you call them, have hemmed and hawed all the way during these nine months, never condemning Jews who live in Yesha. The situation in which they find themselves is not pleasant. They are under constant pressure from Kings Salman and Abdullah to start Pieces talks by ignoring Abbas's terrorist activities of handing out paychecks to the next of kin of murderers. Trump needs Jordan and the Saudis for his Sunni Arab coalition against Iran. I would agree that Kushner and Greenblatt are most assuredly in a position of discomfort, needing to hold their nose when they treat Abbas as an equal partner. Yet, they are far cry from the Ba'al Kerry and the Arkansas HillyBillies who would have been 10,000 times worse.

  161. Off to see Avraham Fried at Woodstock in BeitEl er... not New York for their 40th Anniversary Extravaganza.

  162. Reb Dov, this article is also about the United Orthodox Synagogue
    Harvey First Person Account. Is your friend Robert Levy?

  163. Steve Bannon could afford to scorn any relationship with Abbas. He was an adviser. He would readily admit that he is no Diplomat. Neither am I by the way. I am never good at anything that the French can do well at. Some people can do it, and many are sullied by being a prostitute in the World of Diplomacy. Some are not.

  164. Dov, there should be no Jews volunteering to become Court Jews. There should not be any Jews in administrations or governments in the lands of the nations, nor in their parliaments. Jews should stay out of all power positions and is said in Pirkei Avos 2:3.

    “Be careful with authorities, for they do not befriend a person except for their own sake. They appear as friends when they benefit from it, but they do not stand by a person in his time of need.”

    You remember the (Gentile) king’s Jewish finance minister of old? The ubiquitous Jewish money lender? All of a sudden, after x years of devoted service, the duke can no longer handle his debts and there goes the Jew’s records (as well as home) up in smoke. Or the king chooses the fast track towards raising revenue by exiling all his Jewish subjects (without their life savings). (I have basically just summed up a thousand years of Jewish history.) If things are going well, if the populace is more or less content, the Jew might be treated respectably. He is “useful” to the authorities.

    We can easily understand a directive to exercise caution regarding politicians. Those with excessive ambition or a lust for power often rise to political prominence. They kiss babies and dispense warm handshakes when in need of support but do not truly care for their constituents. The seat of power may exert a corrupting influence even on those beginning their careers with nobler motivations.

    The important lesson for us, which unfortunately holds equally true today: We do our duty, we serve our states honorably, but we should never assume the Gentiles will be beholden to us because of what we’ve done for them in the past. “And a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph” (Exodus 1:8) — and then the slavery began. (According to one opinion in the Talmud (Sotah 11a) it was the same old king; he just had a convenient memory lapse.) Forget about your impeccable track record. The world’s memory is very short indeed. In Exile, nothing is for certain.

    So dear Jews, don't lust for power positions and great wealth in the land of the Gentiles. It will cost you and the Land of Israel dearly. Instead come home to your ancestors Land and contribute to its development and future.

  165. Rainfall total at Gog HW Bush Intercontinental Airport is now at 30.35 inches, while some places in Houston have topped 49 inches as is reporting!

  166. If you want to do something for the Jews in Texas, donate to take them out of there. Don't help them rebuild anything. Only help them to make Aliyah.

  167. If you want to help someone, check out here:


  168. Dov, according to this there has been 50 inches of rain









  170. Lea, I agree, but how does one separate funds going to orgs for food and personal supplies? These Jews need clothing, a roof over their heads, and food. But here is another idea. The iAid people (Israelis) should offer to bring these Jews to Israel and put them in absorption centers with other Olim! How's that for an idea?

  171. I understand that Rav Berland shlit'a will be completely freed from house arrest on October 5, the first day of Succot. Coincidence? No such thing.

  172. Louisiana braces for Harvey, threat of Katrina-like flooding

  173. ‘Apocalyptic’ Flooding Has Harvey’s Damages Rising by the Hour

  174. We have relatives in the Houston area and my husband has been keeping his eye on the news there. It's his sister's family, including grandchildren. Fortunately, they found a family who happens to be out of town and they are staying in their house in Sienna Plantation, southwest of the city, on higher far.

    Meanwhile, back at home, according to Israel Rising, Israel has officially elevated the status of Hevron - in effect, received a long-awaited upgrade. Be"H, this is a step towards holding on to Yehuda and Shomron for good!

  175. Dear Reb Dov:

    RE: כג כֹּה-אָמַר, יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת, בַּיָּמִים הָהֵמָּה, אֲשֶׁר יַחֲזִיקוּ עֲשָׂרָה אֲנָשִׁים מִכֹּל לְשֹׁנוֹת הַגּוֹיִם; וְהֶחֱזִיקוּ בִּכְנַף אִישׁ יְהוּדִי לֵאמֹר, נֵלְכָה עִמָּכֶם--כִּי שָׁמַעְנוּ, אֱלֹהִים עִמָּכֶם. {ס} 23
    Thus saith the LORD of hosts: In those days (at the End of Days) it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'

    Since the Hebrew word כְנַף kanaf there means "wing" or the edge of a garment meant to be adorned with tzitzith, do you not think the nations will take hold of the Jewish man's tzitzith rather than his "skirt"?

    I realize you didn't translate it (I don't think you would do such a thing). Just wanted to clarify a point the verse is making, namely that a real Jewish garment, worn mostly by men, is involved and has nothing to do with a skirt as we know it, which is mainly worn by women. ;)

    Many thanks. Carry on! May events play out as you have said.

  176. CDG, to jump in here with a bit of humor. I believe the men “back then before europe” wore long garments, similar to the (ahem) arabs. So, that phrase could relate to the bottom of their long garment (or skirt). Maybe it didn’t go down to their ankles, because they were very active, so maybe below the knee; therefore they would need “fringes” of some kind.

    Hope your husband’s family is ok, and B”H they were able to get to high ground. Not so for many of the unfortunate ones stuck. I read that the Jewish Summer Camps were opening up for the survivors, to give them a place to sit for a while.

  177. Lowly the nations will come at the feet of a Jew and figuratively grasp the hem of his garment. Jewish men used to wear something similar to what some Aravim wear. Loose linen garments for hot weather.

  178. Hey Meir, Could you consolidate the last 5 or 6 comments over the last 2 days, and submit them as one Comment so that I can post them as one Comment. Thank U.

  179. Hoshea: Point about Rav Berland duly noted. He chose Exile and Humiliation so that we do not have to do either during these nine months, Correct? Rav Berland originally chose Humiliation, and Rav Dov Kook of Tiverya chose Exile. And Rav Elazar Abuchadtzeira zt"l chose being murdered by a long Knife in order to reduce the intensity of the last period of Suffering of the Jewish People (The Dekirafada or Stabafada). Rav Dov Kook was vitally needed in Eretz Yisrael. So in the end he could not go into Exile. So Rav Berland took on both mantles of Exile and Humiliation. He has filled his quota of both.

  180. Rav Mendel Kessin is speaking at the Ya'el Shul Beit Knesset Emeq Refa'im on Rehov Ya'el 4 in Baka, Yerushalayim this coming Sunday, September 3rd at 8:30pm on the Mystical Aspects of Rosh HaShanah.

    He is speaking again in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph, At Beit Tefillah Yonah Avraham at the corner of Nachal Refa'im 34a and Nachal Luz on Tuesday, September 12th at 8:30pm on the Mystical Aspects of Rosh HaShanah AND Current Events.

    I am sure if you ask him a few questions on Current Events when he is in Baka, he might offer some insights.

    Again AFTER Hoshana Rabbah, on the eve of the Yahrzeit of Mama Rachel Imeinu (10th of Cheshvan or Monday, October 30th at 12:15pm until 1pm), he will be speaking about ..... Rachel Imeinu's Jahrzeit! Imagine that. At the Yeshurun Shul, 44 King George, Yerushalayim. He won't be speaking about Current events because he has no idea what the world will be like after Sukkot.

  181. I'm curious, Neshama and Anon. Why do you think haShem used the word kanaf in particular if it refers to the hem of a fairly low-hanging garment?

    I understand that we used to dress similarly to the Arabs of today. Perhaps I'm missing what it meant in the context of when Zecharia received the word from haShem.

    Neshama, thank you for the kind words regarding my husband's family.

  182. Rachel, our Mother, died on the 11th of Heshvan...

  183. CDG: I think they are meaning to say that our four cornered garments from years ago hung down really low as if we were wearing a Scottish kilt from the shoulders way down to the knees. Of course, our "kilts" had four corners (Arba Kanfot) with tzitzit hanging from them.

  184. Yes, Anon. So the Eve of her Yahrzeit is on the 10th of Cheshvan when Rav Kessin is speaking.

  185. London: I owe you an apology. There was a Comment that fell between the cracks on my birthday from August 23rd. It had important information on it about an automobile crash in Cleveland.

    Yom Huledet Sameach Reb Dov!
    And Chodesh Tov.

    Just saw online that a family was in a car crash in Cleveland.

    There are requests to daven for children:

    So if people have time to say Tehillim?

    Leah Hadassah Beth Michal Hana
    Eve Beth Michal Hana
    Yocheved Rebecca Beth Michal Hana

    And also for Denise (not sure of Hebrew name) who is having major surgery on Wednesday 23 August.
    Thank you. So London, how are these kids?

    Also Devash: Your August 20th comment showed up in my Primary tab in Google Chrome and not my Social tab where I get most comments. It was short and sweet. It was a link to your post that Referenced my post from 2006 about 33rd Degree FreeMasonry! How Topical. Or Tropical as in Tropical Storms

    Here is Devash's post And my Answer to Devash is, "NO FURTHER!" 50 inches of rain can attest to that!

  186. The children from the car crash are Leah Hadassa bat Michal Chana and Chava bat Michal Chana. Three other children were treated for minor injuries and sent home. I know their maternal grandmother. The girls are in ICU, Leah Hadassa who is 11 has spinal and internal injuries. She is quite a little tzaddekes and she knows everything is from Hashem. Chava is only 7 and has not regained consciousness, she has brain injuries but is now breathing on her own. Please daven also for the parents for strength, Michal Chana bat Sara Yenta and Avraham Yissachar ben Chana Rachel.

  187. Reb Dov

    That's fine, it happens. Life is superfast for all of us and what you do online here is amazing.

    Thank you Rachel for the update on the condition of the children from the car crash, we will continue to daven.

    The good news is that the Lady Denise survived her operation against the odds and her condition has significantly improved since.

  188. Noah's Ark: The Waters of the Mabul rose 15 Amot above the Mountains of Ararat. This is a direct verse in the Torah. That corresponds to the Yud and the Hey in HaShem's Name and the First Redemption from Egypt, for we were redeemed with 10 Plagues in Egypt and 5 x 10 at the Sea. The Ten Plagues in Egypt are the Yud in HaShem's Name, and the 5 x multiplier at the Sea is the first Hey in HaShem's Name. But as everyone knows, Rashi calculates that Noah's Ark when it rested on the waters of the Mabul was submerged 11 Amot in the Waters of the Flood corresponding to the Vav and the Hey in HaShem's Name. Vav is 6 and Hey is 5 for 11 Amot. (Each Amah is about 21 inches approximately). Based on Parallelism, there should be 6 Primary Plagues in the Final Redemption + 5 x 6 more Plagues when the Mount of Olives splits in two.

    The first Plague in Egypt took place when Aharon stretched his staff over all the Waters of Mitzraim and then hit the surface of the Nile River with his staff. As it says:
    יט וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל-מֹשֶׁה, אֱמֹר אֶל-אַהֲרֹן קַח מַטְּךָ וּנְטֵה-יָדְךָ עַל-מֵימֵי מִצְרַיִם עַל-נַהֲרֹתָם עַל-יְאֹרֵיהֶם וְעַל-אַגְמֵיהֶם וְעַל כָּל-מִקְוֵה מֵימֵיהֶם--וְיִהְיוּ-דָם; וְהָיָה דָם בְּכָל-אֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִם, וּבָעֵצִים וּבָאֲבָנִים. 19 And the LORD said unto Moses: 'Say unto Aaron: Take thy rod, and stretch out thy hand over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers, over their streams, and over their pools, and over all their ponds of water, that they may become blood; and there shall be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone.'
    כ וַיַּעֲשׂוּ-כֵן מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּה יְהוָה, וַיָּרֶם בַּמַּטֶּה וַיַּךְ אֶת-הַמַּיִם אֲשֶׁר בַּיְאֹר, לְעֵינֵי פַרְעֹה, וּלְעֵינֵי עֲבָדָיו; וַיֵּהָפְכוּ כָּל-הַמַּיִם אֲשֶׁר-בַּיְאֹר, לְדָם. 20 And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.
    כא וְהַדָּגָה אֲשֶׁר-בַּיְאֹר מֵתָה, וַיִּבְאַשׁ הַיְאֹר, וְלֹא-יָכְלוּ מִצְרַיִם, לִשְׁתּוֹת מַיִם מִן-הַיְאֹר; וַיְהִי הַדָּם, בְּכָל-אֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם. 21 And the fish that were in the river died; and the river became foul, and the Egyptians could not drink water from the river; and the blood was throughout all the land of Egypt.

    Now the surface of the Nile was Hit, the Hebrew word being, וַיַּךְ , which is the source of the nout Makkah which is a Plague. continued....

  189. Edit: ... VaYakh is the source of the Noun Makkah.... which in the case of Egypt was the way that the first plague started when Aharon hit the surface of the Nile River with his staff. As we see from Bereishit 7: כ חֲמֵשׁ עֶשְׂרֵה אַמָּה מִלְמַעְלָה, גָּבְרוּ הַמָּיִם; וַיְכֻסּוּ, הֶהָרִים. 20 Fifteen cubits upward did the (surface of) the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

    Yet, Rashi then does a calculation. Rained and Poured for 40 days from the 17th of Cheshvan until the 28th of Kislev. For 150 days the Waters continued to pour out of the Fountains of the Deep even if the Rain had stopped from the Heavenly Windows after the first 40 days. This continued to raise the surface of the Water upwards. 150 days from the 28th of Kislev takes us to Rosh Chodesh Siwan. The Torah calls it the 7th month because it was in Kislev that the Ark was lifted up by the Flood off the Surface of the earth. So Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, Nisan, Iyar, and Siwan are 7 months.

    Then G-d remembers Noach and all of the Species of land animals and birds in the Ark, and the Waters stop rising and begin to recede. The bottom of the Ark hits the rock bottom on the 17th of Siwan, and the Mountaintops can finally be seen on Rosh Chodesh Av. The Torah calls it the 10th month because the Flood began in Cheshvan. Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, Nisan, Iyar, Siwan, Tamuz, and Av make Av for this purpose the tenth month. From this we see that the Waters of the Mabul receded 15 Amot until the Mountaintops could be seen 59 days later. This would mean that the waters receded at a rate of 59 days/ 15 Amot = 3.93 days per Amah. So after 16 days in Siwan, the waters had receded 16 divided by 3.93 days per Amah = 4.07 Amot. At this point on the 17th of Siwan, the SUBMERGED BOTTOM of the Ark rested on the Mountain even if the tops of the Mountain would not be seen for another 43 days. It is in this way that Rashi learns that the Ark of Noach was submerged eleven Amot beneath the water, for over the first 16 days of Siwan, the level of the Waters of the Mabul had receded from 15 Amot above the Mountaintops to only 11 Amot above the Mountaintops!

  190. But from this our Medrashic homily takes us to an inevitable conclusion. The fact that the SURFACE of the Waters of Noach rose 15 Amot above the Mountaintops expresses itself later on with the Plague where Aharon struck the SURFACE of the Nile with his staff. The fact that the Ark of Noach was SUBMERGED 11 Amot under the SURFACE of the the Waters of Noach expressed itself that the First Plague of the Final Redemption would result in the Land of Gog being SUBMERGED beneath the SURFACE of the water. So one might ask how many Amot under the Surface of the water would the Land of Gog be submerged in the First Plague this time around?

    Well, the First Plague in Egypt was the first of ten plagues because of the Yud in HaShem's Name. This Redemption begins with the Vav in HaShem's Name. Now from the evidence of Hurricane Katrina which followed immediately after the destruction of Jewish Gaza, the destruction from Katrina was 60 times the destruction of Jewish Gaza. (Hurricane Katrina was a Siman for how these plagues should proceed.) Ten Thousand Jews were displaced from Gaza and Northern Shomron. In New Orleans, 600,000 people were displaced. Everything was 60 fold. Why? Because of the ten fold nature of this Final Redemption where ten gentiles hold on to the corners of our garments. So just as the Salvation of Mankind is ten fold, the destructive nature of this Redemption against that which must be destroyed is also ten fold. But with the Final Redemption there should be Six basic Plagues where each plague is ten times the destructive power of the Plagues in Mitzraim, which was only one nation. Here we are talking about dismantling Olam HaZeh, not one particular nation as it was in the case of the First Redemption.

    So in Egypt there were only two Water Plagues, the Plague of Blood and the Plague of the Frogs. None of the other plagues involved hitting the surface of the Nile. Here the First Plague is also a Water plague, but the Water SUBMERGED Houston by a little more than Two Amot. Why two Amot? Because if there will be 6 primary plagues which correspond with being 11 Amot under water, then the First Primary Plague should involve the Being Under 11 Amot divided by 6 Plagues = about 2 Amot per plague.

    Just thinking out loud.

  191. Oh, Houston on Average according to this chart was about 42 inches underwater. The worst flooding put parts of the city under 50 inches of water, but the average was about 42 inches. So Houston was submerged by approximately 2 Amot of Water

  192. You may ask, where is Eliyahu HaNavi for these Plagues? Shouldn't these first six plagues be explained? The answer to that is that Eliyahu tried to return the Torah. He walked all the way back to Har Sinai to return the Torah after performing his miraculous feat an Mt. Carmel against the Priests of Ba'al and Priestesses of Ashtarot. Everyone there stood up and said HaShem Hu HaElokim, HaShem Hu HaElokim. That very day Jezebel was threatening to murder him the very next day, and so few of those who witnessed the miracle on Mt. Carmel stood up to stop her. So he ran away dejected to Mt. Sinai. On the way, Michael the Archangel gave him the Medrash in the sidebar of this blog, Sefer Eliyahu when he fell asleep under a Rotem tree.

    So HaShem asked him am I found in the Stormy Wind, the Great Noise, and the Flashing Fire? In each case Eliyahu said No, the L-rd is found in none of these (for they are the three manifestations of the Erev Rav), but that the L-rd is found in the Thin, Small Voice. And HaShem tells him that there are 7000 Israelites in all of Israel who have not bowed down before the Ba'al, and by inference, he Eliyahu should have seen the Good in that. So He tells Eliyahu to do three things:

    1. To Anoint his successor Elisha to be the Prophet of Israel in Eliyahu's place and that Elisha is to anoint two kings, the new King of Aram and the new King of Israel. (In short, Eliyahu was being fired for his lack of patience and the lack of his ability to see the spark of holiness in so many who were "submerged" as it were in the corruption of the Northern Kingdom.)

    2. That Eliyahu would attend every Brit Milah and Pesach Seder until Mashiach comes, proving to him that there were still two positive mitzvot that even the most distanced Jews would keep and preserve.

    3. That on five different occasions for the rest of his life and in the future when Eliyahu is sent to herald the coming of Mashiach and to prepare for the Great and Awesome Day of the L-rd, Eliyahu's name would be missing the Vav at the end of his name on five separate occasions. He was called Eliyah four times in Sefer 2nd Melakhim (Kings) 1:verses 3, 4, 8, and 12 AFTER this incident, and at the end of Sefer Malakhi it says:

    כג הִנֵּה אָנֹכִי שֹׁלֵחַ לָכֶם, אֵת אֵלִיָּה הַנָּבִיא--לִפְנֵי, בּוֹא יוֹם יְהוָה, הַגָּדוֹל, וְהַנּוֹרָא. 23 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD.
    כד וְהֵשִׁיב לֵב-אָבוֹת עַל-בָּנִים, וְלֵב בָּנִים עַל-אֲבוֹתָם--פֶּן-אָבוֹא, וְהִכֵּיתִי אֶת-הָאָרֶץ חֵרֶם. {ש} 24 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers; lest I come and smite the land with utter destruction.

    So there are five times when the Vav is missing from the end of Eliyahu's name. And there are four times in Sefer Yirmiyahu and one time in all of the Torah at the end of VaYikra where Ya'akov's name is spelled with a Vav in it. From Leviticus:

    מב וְזָכַרְתִּי, אֶת-בְּרִיתִי יַעֲקוֹב; וְאַף אֶת-בְּרִיתִי יִצְחָק וְאַף אֶת-בְּרִיתִי אַבְרָהָם, אֶזְכֹּר--וְהָאָרֶץ אֶזְכֹּר. 42 then will I remember My covenant with Jacob, and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.

    From this we learn, Eliyahu lost the merit to herald the hidden aspects of the Final Redemption that are "submerged" with the Vav. He will herald the aspects of this Final Redemption that correspond to the Final Hey though. As we learn from the Pesach Seder, the first two cups of wine before the meal correspond with the Redemption from Mitzraim, the Ten Plagues and the Five times multiplier at the Sea. The Third cup of wine corresponding to the Vav in HaShem's Name comes after the Hidden aspects of this Redemption called Tzafun since the Afikomen is hidden. Only then do we introduce Kos Eliyahu to herald the end of Hallel and the Fourth cup of wine, the Final Hey.

  193. The one advantage that we have over all of the Great Sages of Ages past, is now that the first Plague of the Final Redemption has occurred, we can begin to look at this Final Redemption with 20/20 hindsight slowly as each plague occurs.

  194. R' Dov. Do we know how many plagues there will be?


  195. Consolidated postings:

    The “liberal elements” of the American Jewish community have “basically become anti-Israeli,”

    Jared, Ivanka might self-eject, report says - I most certainly hope so. That will save their souls

    After their meeting in Sochi last week, the Prime Minister recounts how he warned Putin Israel won't stand idly by as Iranian presence looms near Israel. A new account of the meeting released by Pravda, however, paints a different picture. 'Netanyahu was close to panic, Putin stayed cool,' reports the Russian paper.,7340,L-5009475,00.html

  196. This is the end, Dov. THIS IS THE END! We are almost there. I hope we don't mess up this time.


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