
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Saint Iram (Santorum)

Yesterday's email to some people before the 10th day of Tevet: Email was entitled my last (hopeful) prediction:

Please pray hard that collapse of Europe starts at dawn on the Tenth of Tevet.  If this does not occur, I still believe wholeheartedly that it will occur in 5772, but I will not write about it until it happens.
Pray hard that something in this vein will happen tomorrow.  Of course when it does occur, Ron Paul (Yemach shmo) will instantly become a more viable candidate amongst independents losing their jobs.  So if it happens, take appropriate action.  I am only sharing this with you six and one other person.  my last prediction.  It is just a bit based on the Chatam Sofer's thoughts about Asarah b'Tevet and the Final Redemption being the actual date of the beginning of the final redemption in the Year of the Final Redemption.

And, importantly it is a fact that tomorrow's Aliyah in the Wed - Tuesday effect is Birkat Ephraim (blessing of Ephraim) when Yosef's kingship is centered b'kerev HaAretz (in Eretz Yisrael) as opposed to in Chutz LaAretz (outside of EY in Mitzra'im).  If nothing happens, I will just wait until the inevitable event occurs.

Today's thoughts after the Iowa caucuses and the precipitous collapse of the Euro and the Italian stock market as Italian interest rates on 10 year resale bonds once again climbed to 7.1%:

Years ago the Lubavitcher Rebbe said something very cryptic.  America a country of great G-dly origins as opposed to being of Xtian origins and the potential to become the 11th prince of Edom.  His name is Iram.   Most of Edom is stuck in the frame of Magdiel, who is Rome for sure.  All of our mephorshim say that Magdiel is Rome.  Well guess what. And for this I thank you Devorah Jane from Sydney of  Today based on the email that i sent out yesterday, it really appears that we can say, "Rep Rep Rurray".  Rome Esta Pulti.  Rome has fallen.  Hitler youth used to chant: Hip Hip Hurray which stands for HEP: Herusalem esta pulti or Herusalem has fallen, G-d forbid.  So as the Italian markets go off the Vesuvian cliff finally because of a combination of Asarah B'Tevet and the 2nd Aliyah of parshat VaYechi where Mashiach ben Ephraim is blessed to come from b'kerev HaAretz as opposed to Yosef's Malkhut (kingship) in Chutz LaAretz (outside of EY in Egypt).  So the process that really began on the 12th of Cheshvan this year when Italian rates first thrust above 7% seems to be climaxing as we speak with a precipitous collapse in the Euro and the Italian markets.  This is sending the Vesuvian goat finally finally off the cliff.  As the Euro continues its steady and accelerating collapse which basically started to accelerate today, hundreds of millions of Europeans in the Eurozone will find that they basically are broke.  There will be a sudden drop in American exports, and American unemployment will start to rise to new highs.  After the Iowa caucuses, a new leader seems to have emerged in the Republican Party, not just another vESUVian (Italian) as we have come to expect, but a man who understands America's G-d centered founding values to the core of his being.  His name is Rick Sant( oram).  He is the one with Iram in his name.  Actually Santorum is Saint Iram which seems to fit his character, and I believe myself to be a pretty good judge of character.  Iram is special for unlike Magdiel who plummets off of Mt. Esav (Vesuvius), Iram somehow makes it whole into Yemot HaMashiach.  Now this next point is critical.  It is not necessarily the case that Iram be this positive force for good in the world.  Iram could morph into Iran and according to Grimm's Laws of linguistics (see The Word by Dr. Isaac Mozeson), Ms and Ns are etymologically interchangeable.  So Iram could refer to the Aryan nation of Iran.  This could only happen in the world if America chooses not to take on Iran, but to turn in as an isolationist and blame the fact that Iran is taking over world on Israel.  Now let me see.  Which of the Presidential candidates seems to fit this mode.  Hmm.  Could it be that rugged Amaleki himself Dr. Looney Tunes (Some call him America's national physcian from the fiat currency nightmare (Ron Paul).  Well this will be the choice of the unwashed independents that suddenly find themselves unemployed.  If they are scathingly angry and they suddenly want to vote in the Republican primaries of Super Tuesday sometime in the next 6 weeks, they will surely vote for Dr. Loon.  Such people will not be rational will hate Israel despite its extenuating circumstances and will choose the Dr. Loon, who will seem to represent their most evil side.  It really will be America's final curtain call.  For if Dr. Loon wins in those primaries and becomes the Republican nominee, since Amalek can never win in America, the 11th horn in Sefer Daniel will likely be re-elected.  Yet, if Saint Iram wins, well G-d will continue to bless America.  It is your call.  I live 7 time zones away here in Eretz Yisrael.  I will vote absentee for Saint Iram in the Missouri Republican primary, but if the Amaleki suddenly starts to get the independent crossover votes of 10 million sports fans suddenly out of a job who cannot put bread on the table, no where in America will it be safe.  Don't worry about us and the other Amaleki in Iran.  We will be saved from this last Persian king.  I have no idea what life will be like under the 2nd term of the 11th horn.


  1. "...blame the fact that Iran is taking over world on Israel."

    Seriously? Ron Paul says Iran is NOT a threat. And he says that the American government policy and actions leads to blowback. This isn't even controversial. The US funded and nurtured Osama bin Laden to fight the Soviets in the 1980s. Israel nutured Hamas as well, as a counterweight to the PLO.

    So, first, he hasn't, and I would even say won't, blame Israel if Iran does take over the world, especially when he emphatically asserts the opposite (that Iran is an economic basket case that is incapable of projecting any military force anywhere).

    On the other hand, Santorum, along with everyone else, is willing to label Iran an imminent threat to world security right now. And given how much they want to meddle in Israel's affairs (you're the one who labeled W. "Gog," so certainly you see it this way too), it's not a stretch to see even someone like Santorum, once they assume office, assuming they win, they would change their tune also, and lean on Israel just as much, if not more, than W, or even Obama.

    Unlike anyone else, Ron Paul would actually let Israel "take out" Iran, if Israel really viewed it as such an immediate threat. But even in Israel, such an idea is not without critics, even among the military, who presumably know a thing or two about genuine military threats.

  2. And you've got it exactly opposite. Unless I am wrong, Amalek would lead the charge to destroy Israel. It's not enough to just stand aside (which, I will admit, I can see a President Paul doing, although not imposing arms embargoes, like previous US presidents have actually done).

    Finally, completely opposite of Amalek, he's calling on the US (Eisav) to stand down and stop its (metaphorical) 400-soldier marauding force from wreaking havoc among the nations in general and Israel in particular.

    Under a President Paul, this ( would NEVER happen (hint: it involves stationing THOUSANDS of American soldiers in Israel). I don't care if it's "just" war games. I don't want thousands of foreign soldiers, even American soldiers, stationed in Israel. THAT'S actually offensive. While you go on and on about hypotheticals, theoreticals, and other things unlikely to ever occur in reality.

  3. When this last king of Persia either

    a) takes over Botzrah, the gateway for Iraqi oil, now that the Americans are gone


    b) closes the Persian Gulf to shipping


    c) starts a process of the overthrow of the Saudi Arabian regime, and the Arab king goes to Mr. 11th horn (half Yishmael/ half Edom)who is a king of a nation that is really half Aram (Lavan) and half Edom seeking advice

    Dr. Looney Tunes (Dr. Loon for short) will quickly change his looney tune. Israel will first and foremost be blamed for the fact that America is somehow not being permitted to return to its pre-WW2 isolationist shell. Beware of a man whose last name is the name of an apostate Jew who taught new Greek Xtians to hate Jews, especially if he himself has expressed such hatred of Israel's right to defend itself. Just Google Ron Paul flotilla to hear his venomous attack on Israel for defending itself during the 2010 Turkish flotilla. The man is an evil man. It shakes me to the core that Jews can't smell the stench of this Amalekite who innocently takes the money of Holocaust deniers who publicly contribute to his campaign. Ask Michael Medved about that one.

  4. I used to like Ron Paul. But lately I don't any more. A few reasons: A. his face: just look at him, doesn't he resemble Ahmedinajad? Something is wrong about this man's aura and demeanor.
    B. Did you read the article about his Soros connections? C. Did you watch his interview on Iranian TV, how he readily disparaged Israel? There is more to the man than meets the eye, even though at first I was positively impressed with his candor regarding the banking system, and his telling the truth on a lot of important issues. My enthusiasm for him is gone.

  5. And at the End of Days there will be two forces of evil in the world, the zachor or masculine side, Amalek, and the kinder and gentler feminine side, Gog. One is a force of pure arrogance and contempt. The other seeks to create a unity amongst the nations without the benefit of Divine Providence by establishing a roof (a gag) over the world separating Heaven from earth (probably with the establishment of a New World Order). Gog and Amalek are not, I repeat not, one and the same. Mashiach ben Yosef/Ephraim destroys Amalek in the world. And G-d himself destroys Gog. Some say that Mashiach ben David is part of the process of the destruction of Gog himself. Zecharia chapter 14 says that it is G-d alone who wages war against the forces of Gog. Zecharia chapter 12 intimates that Mashiach ben David is definitely involved in the destruction of Gog's forces. So we will have clarification on this matter when it occurs. After that Mashiach ben David completes the destruction of the negative side of Yishmael in the world until the more worthy side of Yishmael repents in the end.

  6. Thank you for posting. If I understand correctly, you expect military confrontation with Iran, or should I say, utter destruction of it, to be delayed after USA presidential election, or perhaps even after the president taking office? Despite the fact that both Obama and the US economy would benefit from such an attack in the short-term?
    Also you have not posted about other candidates of the republican party, which are seemingly more likely. Is that because you expect either Santorum or Ron Paul to be running for president?

  7. To complete the above comment Mashiach ben Yosef/Ephraim is the feminine side of the good inclination that defeats the masculine side of the evil inclination, Amalek. And it is Mashiach ben David, the masculine side of the good inclination, that defeats the feminine side of the evil inclination, Gog and the parts of Yishmael that are not compatible with the Messianic Era. The core of Yishmael, believe it or not, will repent in the end after the klipot (husks) of Yishmael are destroyed.

  8. A further post will be needed soon to further explain the comment immediately preceding this one.

  9. I received the following two comments from a friend, and I also include my responses which partially will answer the above questions.

    1. Santorum can't win because he won't be able to register to run in lots
    of states that have primaries.

    Answer: A first place tie in Iowa will open doors for him. He will get both more money and more signatures to get on ballots. But you are right about his uphill battle. Dr. Loon is a very evil man who will do whatever he can to disrupt Santorum from getting nominated, and will run a third party candidacy to destroy Republican chances if Santorum were to win. Also it is obvious that the Republican establishment favors Gog 3, your governor, Rick Perry. Perry is not Amalek. That is for sure, but he would behave no differently than Gog W. Jr. if he were ever elected. In short, you are right. St. Iram's chances are slim, but he does have a shot.

    2. European bank stocks fell sharply again today. There isn't nearly enough money available to pay pensions due to retired state and local workers. That leaves 3 choices available to pay the retirees: Increase everyone taxes, reduce retirement payments, or decrease other government services.

    Answer: Yes, it is about to get very very ugly. It would have been better to have the kinder and gently Gog W. Bush, Jr, but we Jews screwed up royally by allowing the evacuation in Gush Katif. So now we get to taste the darker side of a Final Redemption from a galut from which we really do not deserve to be redeemed solely because of our lack of basic common decency. Sigh, no... Big Sigh. I really hope that you have found a place in the country or a small town to go to as this civilization goes into its abyss and then finally hits rock bottom. a nice supply of non-perishable food storage would also be nice.

  10. Finally, Slick Mitt is not a bad man. He is just a fantastic politician. As he told Gingrich when Gingrich mentioned that before negotiations with Abbas it needs to be made clear that the Truth be known that the Palestinians are an invented people: "Before I said something like that (the full Truth and nothing but the Truth), I would check with my friend Bibi to see if it would be wise to alienate his negotiating partner by first telling the Truth about him." Wow, that is slick, Mitt. As masks get torn off people's faces by this coming Purim, the slick politicians as nice as they may be will wane in popularity. Sorry Mitt, in a world of Truth, the honest men who speak the Truth at the outset will lead. Gingrich has so many skeletons in his closet, such as being in bed with Fannie and Freddie, he would have to run a Halloween sale just to get rid of all those skeletons. I love his foreign policy and his honesty on policy matters, but after playing musical chairs with wife one and girlfriend two who became wife two, and then girlfriend three who became wife number 3, I believe that Republicans who like people who keep their vows simply have lost count. And believe it or not Republicans unlike Democrats actually care about such things. Rick Perry: If you want to serve G-d to make money like Governor Gog W. ben Gog Sr., your predecessor, do it as Governor for your state. The state of Texas will love your prosperity doctrine. But the country has no interest in Gog 3. I believe the others have already dropped out. And finally Ezekiel gives a very strong hint that there are two phases of Gog UMagog. Very rarely does a prophet of Israel repeat himself. But Ezekiel does it in Chapter 38 and again in Chapter 39. It looks like phase one is very, very imminent. In the next few days a whole boatload of American and NATO (Gomer= Germany and Togarmah= Turkey) are coming to Israel to begin prosecution of phase one. Hmm, is Erdogan still part of NATO?? Perhaps he is going to join Persia and Russia (Meshach and Tuval) on the other side in phase one. It is really a mess that only G-d will sort out.

  11. Reb Dov
    I admit a weak Riah but wasn't Agag so smooth that he was able to stay alive even after we had killed every other Amalaki even the women and children? Even Haman seemed to be a smooth guy considering his position, I always imagined Amalek to be a nation of James Bond clones addicted to geuli ariot, gambling, adventure, and drinking with their pistol forever in their tuxedo holster and a silencer to quietly kill Jews.
    Ron Paul seems to be a finance geek with no slick at all, I grant that I mostly like his hard to find econ education and that he was one of the few not to vote for censoring Israel for bombing the Iraqi Osiris reactor in '82.
    R. Dov at some point would you also mind directly discussing some of the more alegorical bits in Tenach in depth such as the horns in Daniel.


  13. Hashems taking out of amalak is his bussiness many jews according to zohar-bereshies are oviousely amalakite and have been throughout the golut . The best explanation i heard of the shoa the amalak in them was attracted to the amalak in us !

  14. May be you can also comment on
    PS Anonymous 1/06/12 1:09 is me, i had javascript off by mistake.

    Shabbat Shalom

  15. Ah, Dr. Ya'akov Tabak. Yes, Daniella, I will read what he has to say carefully. Any discussion about a timetable for th End of Days must include the analysis of Dr. Tabak. The only problem that I would have with an international time table to divide Jerusalem in 5772 is really two fold:

    1. The Western World might be too bankrupt to do it before the coming Shmittah year 5775.

    2. Obuzzard, America's 11th horn candidate, needs Jewish liberal money to finance his re-election campaign. This puts off a lack of an American veto at the UNSC until mid-November 2012.

    Otherwise, everything that Dr. Tabak writes must be looked at seriously.

  16. Joseph Herring1/08/2012 5:58 AM

    So Interesting. I have so many questions. I do not like the people that are libertarian in my country very much. Nor do I like their economic ideas. I traditionally do not like the Republicans, so how could I support Santorum. However, if what you say is true, than maybe I need to reevaluate things. At the least, I support Israel.

  17. Just received the info that Mitt Romney is the Vatican's candidate. Sure you want Esav/Edom/Amalek's candidate? I sure don't.

  18. Dov,

    Sorry to contradict you, but I had 6 years of Latin in school, so I do remember a little bit of it. The word esta is not Latin: it is EST:

    1 sum sumus
    2 es estis
    3 est sunt

    Also, maybe you meant 'PULSA', beaten? Pulsi would be plural masculine. Not pulti, anyway.

    I would write it as such:

    Roma pulsa est, or

    Roma est pulsa.

    Hope you don't mind the correction.


  19. Dr Tabak says that there does not necessarily have to be a confrontation, only an army which is theoretically capable of dealing with one. He also quotes a figure of 185 thousand troops. It is not far-fledged to imagine that, in the upcoming war with Iran, some forces get deployed in Israel; it is also realistic to imagine that the command would be located in Israel (this was the case during Iraqi war, too). An invasion of Iran will likely require over 200 thousand troops - this was the case for Iraq, which is much smaller. This scenario would not imply any openly hostile gesture by Obama which would annoy his Jewish liberal voting base. It would be an unpleasant and intrusive presence, but no one would be in a position to say a word, especially if we consider how much IDF is dependent upon US military advisors. Would Jerusalem be actually divided? I hope not. It was divided until 1967 and may that be enough.
    Of course this is all speculation and it may or may not come to pass, but it sounds realistic. The financial problems of the West would only accelerate such a scenario, as unemployment drives the public opinion towards jobs in the military (which rarely lays off, and in any case, pays good pensions) and hi-tech orders to suffering businesses would be much welcomed.

  20. Looking forward to Your comments on the "downgrade" by S&P of sovereign debts of various european countries, the multiple recent events in relationships between USA and Israel, and the problems with the ship "Concordia". Do you see any relation with the latter and the nevua haYeled?

  21. i have up dates to geula and gog magog 5772.. from purim to chodesh nissan war should start

  22. Dov give it up and make a post on my blog already we a i have many followers its on rav yitzhak kaduri timeline!!
    Pesach is start of process going till Tammuz התשע"ב with venus transit בניסן

    So sorry for the USA

  24. It seems not one of your 'predictions' has ever come to pass? Perhaps quit while the going is as 'good' as it gets?

  25. I am out of the predicting business. I will only conjecture in the future as an extrapolation of events that have already occurred and or are already occurring based on Chazal's ancient sources about the End of Days. On the prediction about Santorum, all I said is that America will no longer be blessed if he loses. And he has now withdrawn from the race. So now the likely 11th horn in Daniel 7, Obama, will likely be re-elected. And America will likely cut itself off from the source of all Heavenly blessings and will not prosper anymore until after the Messianic Era has commenced.

    Yet, on the issue of giving exact dates and prognosticating about those dates, I will not be doing so anymore. It was a big mistake. I am sorry that I started up that road even though I believe the actual events predicted will soon happen.

  26. I think it's unfair to criticize Dov. He posted his opinions on a blog, he did not even write a book, and certainly he never claimed being a navi. All those who are upset at him, should take their righteous anger elsewhere, for example may I suggest the fake "rabbis" which are all over the internet and who falsely claim endorsement by respectable Rabbis abusing their reputation and good name, in order to solicit money, acquire undeserved honor, and much worse.

    We all know that Moshiach will come before 6000, that may come at any time, and that we have to take care of our committments in the meantime. Dov wrote his opinions and sometimes wishful thinking - I am sure everyone wishes Moshiach this very day, I am also sure everyone is prepared to wait as long as necessary and that everyone wants things to happen b'rachamim. It's unfair to criticize Dov, he always presented his opinions as such, and nothing more.

  27. Isn't it really the year 5937 or somewhere close to that since 165 years were clearly covered up? The First Temple was destroyed in 586 BCE, and there are historical contradictions with the belief that it was really destroyed in the early 400's BCE. So we are probably in the year 5937, or at least somewhere in the 5920's or 30's.

  28. Wow, and it is amazing that your name is Daniel. Did you know that Rav Shimon Shwab, zt"l wrote a very important essay on this very subject? At the very end of his essay he pointed out that a certain bloc of Jewish history during the Persian period after the Temple's rebuilding was hidden from view sealed away by Daniel in the the Book of Daniel. And that the gematriah of Sod Daniel is 165. Near the end of his life, though, Rav Shwab changed his view on this very important matter. He perceived two very big problems.

    1. The Persian Exile is much shorter than the historians on this matter perceive it to be because the Persian and Median kings had overlapping reigns. So it is a big mistake to add up the years of the reigns of the kings of the Persians and the Medes to get the full length of the Paras/ Madai exile. Therefore the Persia/Media exile was much shorter than simply adding up the reigns of all the kings. It was definitely not 165 yrs. longer than Chazal said it was.

    2. We can't play footsie with the Jewish calendar. It is a holy calendar which cannot be messed with. For instance in the Book of Esther there is an exact code to the exact year of the ten Nazis who were hung at Nuremberg (5707). The Tav, Shin, and Zayin are encoded in miniature in the names of the ten sons of Haman whose dead bodies were hung the day after they were killed. That date would be meaningless if the calendar was off by 165 years. Yet, Rav Shwab seriously did consider this to be a problem for a couple of decades. When he confirmed that the reigns of the Persian and Median kings overlapped, he changed his mind.

  29. Sorry, one small mistake: Rav Schwab of blessed memory was from Germany so that his last name had a Germanic spelling, Schwab.

  30. Your analysis on topics like the Holocaust seem spot on. But your 'predictions' for the future are as dodge as those of Nostradamus.

  31. That's absolutely true about Bible Codes like the one in Esther, but it still does not dismiss the possibility or likelihood that there is 165 or so missing years. The coverup of the 165 years would obviously be forseen by G-d and perhaps by other prophets, so it would be clear that the dates of any codes of events happening in the future would need to be adjusted accordingly, so that for example, a 5707 in the codes would still be accurate because it really is 5707 according to our awareness due to the coverup, but in reality, according the real accurate year counting, it could really be 5872. If the real date occured in the code, we'd never be able to discover it, so there certainly wouldn't be an issue with the accuracy of the Jewish calendar. Also by 422 BCE, the Babylonians had already long been conquered by the Persians, and less than 100 years later the Greeks had already conquered Persia. This doesn't match up with the chronolgy in Ezra and Nehemiah. So it seems likely that there must have been a coverup of the real year. There must have been a good reason for doing so.

  32. According to one of the experimenters I spoke to in E'Y who was working for the Torah codes team the codes only work after the fact he thought this was something built into the world so causality and free will wouldn't be affected. I wonder if this is the same for all but general open prophecy. Reb Dov even if it is not something specific we appreciate your commentary and analysis of prophecy and tenach. Dont be tight with your thoughts even if they prove incorrect, there would be no learning at all if there were no exchange of ideas including some not well proven in a beit midrash. Increase the level of the mabul of Torah in the world.

  33. So from memory the small 11th horn of Daniel replaces three torn out horns and talks loudly, I think we all would love some in depth analysis. My classic Gemara/halacha schooling almost never never covered eschatological topics and mostly used the Navim and Ketuvim for halachic raias and some mussar topics.


Please be careful to use no vulgarity. Please do not quote the New Testament as source material.