Here is a post that I just posted on Mystical Paths and here is a link to a previous post to help provide the background for this post:
For some time now I had been trying to figure out how the black fire in the rakia (outer space or the background of the mazalot) for 60 days will unfold in the events of the redemption.
According to the Zohar (VaYeira 119a) it was supposed to take place in 5766, but because of bad behavior it was delayed until now 6 years later in 5772. This is rock gut Geulah. What could possibly be the time and the event that would kick it off?
This black fire is the immanent presence of G-d hidden in the events that seem to unfold moment by moment which brings Mashiach ben Yosef by the end of 5772. Now if events have to unfold so that by the 17th of Tamuz we are in full blown redemption, the 60 days have to begin by the day after Pesach Sheini. 60 days after the day after Pesach Sheini is the 16th of Tamuz.
What event awaits us on Pesach Sheini this year? It is the potential loss of the French presidency by Sarkozy (according to Medrash Sefer Eliyahu the last foreign leader HaKSaRO before the appearance of Mashiach). In the medrash it is the opinion of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai and it is pronounced halakhah in the medrash as Hey Kaf Sin (or Shin) Reish Aleph that he would be the last foreign leader with influence of Eretz Yisrael to hold us in galut. Now if we understand the Hey to be a Hey HaYidiah as in "the" or "that particular one", then the remaining letters are KSR followed by a vowel which is probably an O because earlier in the same medrash it says that the last leader of the Erev Rav to be Prime Minister would be TRML and Aleph (O) which of course was Olmert backwards. Now as was discussed on my blog several years ago. Nicholas Sarkozy fit this description exactly since he has a very common nickname, SaRKO. What happens when SaRKO loses the presidency? If this theory is valid, about 100,000 French Jews within the next 60 days will make Aliyah, running away from the Socialist/ Muslim coalition of the new President of France as fast as they can. Now this 60 day period if it begins the day after Pesach Sheini when the results of the election are known would end on the 16th of Tamuz (since the 17th of Tamuz is on Shabbat this year.)
When 100,000 French Jews show up in the Land of Israel, the Jewish population of Eretz Yisroel will finally rise above 6 million Jews, zecher nishmot HaShoah. This will be a miraculous moment indeed. When there were 600,000 Jews in the Land of Israel in 1947, the first miracle occurred, the founding of the State of Israel.
When there were 600,000 men from 20 and up in the Land of Israel in 1967, the 2nd miracle occurred, the 6 Day War.
And now we are ready for the ultimate miracle when there are 6 million Jews in the Land of Israel?? As Shlomo Carlbach said when he was davening at the Krakow Shul in Poland, he saw the neshamot of the 6 million. And they asked as he was davening, "Is this the way to Yerushalayim? Let's dance." Read the introduction to the Krakow Nigun (Crakow Nigun) for more information, or listen to the actual tape with full introductory dialogue on Shabbos with Shlomo double cassette tapes.
You may think that the Shomron (West Bank) north of Nachalath Binyamin should not be included in the Army of Yehudah. We are in Nachalath Binyamin,so we are included amongst those that are included in ancient Yehudah, which included Yehudah and Binyamin.
Interestingly, the Erev Rav views the areas of the Shomron north of the Binyamin region to be a soft target. It is why Sharon chose the four yishuvim (Jewish towns aka settlements) in the northern Shomron to be evacuated in 5765 along with Gaza.
The key to understanding the breaking off point between the presence age and the Age of Mashiach is to understand how far Shaul HaMelekh was able to go as King of Israel in Sefer Shmuel Aleph. After losing his dynasty in chapter 13, Shaul is lingering around a pomegranate tree in Migron. Then his son, Yonatan also known as Yehonatan, who could have been Mashiach ben Yosef (since the Meshichut of Yosef is matrilinear as previously discussed) if his father had not already lost the dynasty, takes on the entire Philistine garrison at Michmash.
I recognize (can see from my home) the plateau where the Philistine garrison existed between a craggy rock face wall and Geva Binyamin. And Migron is right in front of me (the view from my town) as the battle of Yonatan and his armor bearer is to my right. So Binyamin Netanyahu, the probable gilgul of Shaul HaMelekh, is stuck right now. He can take the nation of Israel no further than Migron. He is not equipped to take on the entire world. He is missing his Yehonatan.
How he shows up is the deepest secret of the Redemption. It is truly the meaning of Tzafun (the hidden Afikomen) at the Pesach Seder before we drink the 3rd cup of wine (Mashiach ben Yosef). The Yud Key Vav has to be in the first name because the Meshichut of Moshiach ben Yosef has to be from his mother not his fallen father. Since Netanyahu's last name is from his esteemed father, he is stuck and still unable to move beyond his present status of being Shaul fixated on Migron.
I have no idea how the next 60+ days will release the Yehonatan that he needs to take on the entire world precisely because it is the Final Redemption's most closely guarded secret. It is the essence of the Afikomen. All I know is that it must be an incredible miracle, the most powerful hidden miracle of the last2000 years.
There are 600,000 Jews (of Yehudah) beyond the Green Line including parts of Yerushalayim that are beyond the Green Line. I believe that the Jewish pop. of the annexed areas of Yerushalayim is over 250,000 and the population in Yesha is now over 350,000. These are all minimums. The figures are actually greater than that. So there are 600,000 soldiers of Yehudah beyond the Green Line included in the soon to be total 6 million Jews (of all Israel).
I wrote about this phenomenon in 6 million for Machzit HaShekel which is in the sidebar to my blog years ago. So now we have arrived. One must take into account "the world's perspective" in understanding this. All of us here (in Israel) are in a fight for our existence against the Arab World. But only 600,000 of us are in a position of Yehudah to take on the entire world.
From Zecharia and other places, it is obvious that in the End Times disgust with Klal Yisrael over Eretz Yisrael by the entire world relates to the parts beyond the Green Line including half of Yerushalayim itself (Zecharia 14). As crucial as it is to be here, as you know the world could care less. They crave the desolation of the places where the 600,000 Jews live beyond the Green Line, not the places inside the Green Line. (I am speaking about the world at large, not Amalek in particular or the Arab World [which desire the destruction of all of the Land and People of Israel].)
So those with the spirit of the Erev Rav are in tune with world public opinion and in general crave the same thing, which is the most difficult part about living here (the hatred against us beyond the Green Line by the Erev Rav). Personally I could care less what the world thinks anymore. Yet, the hatred displayed by so many of my fellow Jews is difficult and painful.
I should say that it definitely is related to the Vav (6) million Jews to soon be in Eretz Yisrael. It is from the mystic force of the letter Vav that this process is being pushed along in accordance to the Zohar VaYeira 119a. It is the Yesod (the foundation) of Mashiach ben Yosef. Beyond that we are not supposed to know until it happens. And like the matza from the first Redemption from Egypt, a great extraction (matza) will occur. In the end after all these years we have no great merit with regards to our collective deeds. The Zohar on VaYeira 119a is peculiar. It repeats the Vav twice. At the first redemption from Egypt after G-d remembered the deed of our fathers with the death of Ramses II, we only had to wait ten long years in the reign of his son Merneptah for Moshe Rabeinu to show up. And the greatest Egyptian dynastay lay in ruins in a period less than one year. So the ten years of Merneptah along with the ten plagues corresponded to the Yud in HaShem's Name. The five times multiplier at the Sea corresponded to the Hey in His Name. So the Zohar says with the final redemption, the process would repeat itself except this time it would start with the Vav in His Name. And it specifically refers to the year 5760 as being the year of a Peqidah (a final Din V'Cheshbon) before Mashiach would appear in the Galilee in the 2nd half of 5766. So on the last day of the year 5760, the Al Aksa Intifada began and claimed hundreds of lives and maimed thousands for life over the course of about 4 1/2 years. Then came the Disengagement in 5765, a test that was failed miserably by the Erev Rav and the Erev Ze'ir (without getting into the details now). And 10,000 people were removed from their homes for no apparent reason accept about one or two days of positive World Public Opinion and lower oil prices for the United States. So when the summer of 5766 came along, the Galilee was bombed into submission including Red Haifa starting on the 17th of Tamuz, but the only appearance of Mashiach in the Galilee was that the plan to unilaterally disengage from Judea and Samaria by TRMLO was tossed into the garbage, and all future unilateral disengagements from settlements recognized by the Israeli government were canceled. So yes something very horrible was prevented and it was miraculously stopped as the human debris PM TRMLO was eventually discarded by the Israeli public. So this is where the Zohar on VaYeira gets peculiar. It says that the six years of H-ll between 5760 and 5766 were not H-ll enough. We would have to wait and additional six years (possibly) before Mashiach ben Yosef or ben David showed up. Well if ten years of Merneptah were enough to correspond with the Yud in HaShem's Name to bring about the destruction of Egypt, why did we have to repeat the Vav twice?? Why 12 1/2 years more instead of just 6 1/2 years after year 60? Well it now is obvious the answer. Because we are so buried in the klipot of the Erev Rav and the Erev Ze'ir, we really have only one merit to bring the Final Redemption. It is the incredible amount of suffering of Jewish History. So after the horrible and obnoxious behavior of 5765, six years were tacked on to 5766 1/2 to bring us to the summer of 5772. And as the Jewish population reaches 6 million, the 6 million souls that were extinguished at Alot HaShachar 72 years earlier (Alot HaShachar is 72 minutes before sunrise) would be remembered, and only then we would be allowed to dance. So the neshamot of the 6 million asked Reb Shlomo, "Is this the way to Yerushalayim? Let's dance!"
A follow up since the the loss of Sarkozy of the French presidency on Pesach Sheini: It is now known that Sarko did indeed lose. So what happens next? All the Erev Rav and foreign leaders mentioned in the Medrash Sefer Eliyahu have ruled and will not rule again.
As mentioned in a previous post, Binyamin Netanyahu is likely the gilgul of Shaul HaMelekh back for his final tikkun. And that tikkun is related to planned destruction of Migron and other places in the Binyamin inheritance scheduled for later this summer. (It is worth noting that all three places that the Israeli not-so-Supreme Court have slated for destruction are all in the Binyamin region: Ulpana neighborhood of Beit El, Givat Assaf, and Migron.) And that it relates to a Yehonatan who may very well be the Yehonatan ben Malkah (Queen) who is in an American prison for over 26 years now.
Did the 60 days begin on the 15th of Iyar the day after the French Presidential election? Or is it more tied to the 60 days after Isru Chag of Shavuot which ends on the day before Tisha B'Av? It seems that the Venus (Noga) transit has a part in all this since whichever of these 60 day periods it is, the Noga transit takes place during both 60 day periods. This is necessary because after the darkness of the Shoah which corresponded with Alot HaShachar ruled from 17th of Elul 5699 until 5705, Klipah Noga (one of the klipot of the Erev Rav) was supposed to rule for 64 years since the gematriah of Noga is 64.
So the State of Israel was founded on Hey B'Iyar 5708, and the klipah has now ruled for a full 64 years. And on the 15th and 16th of Siwan (16th of Siwan in Eretz Yisrael) this year Noga will have its 6 1/2 hour transit between the earth and the sun. It will appear like a tiny black ball on the face of the sun for about 6 1/2 hours. Metaphorically, the Noga transit represents sunrise on the Redemption when Ya'akov is healed from his limp at Peniel so that the light of Noga itself is subsumed in the light of the sun, and the Noga transit in Eretz Yisrael will actually be occuring at sunrise on the 16th of Siwan.
Exactly what will happen between now and Tisha B'Av is uncertain, but two themes should be kept in mind.
1. At what point are there 6 million Jews here in Eretz Yisrael with most likely the final push from France?
2. How do these events bring a miraculous salvation to Migron by Tisha B'Av since this is part of the final tikkun?
3. How does Yehonatan, Mashiach ben Ephraim (matrilinearly) show up?
All of these things are part of Tzafun at the Pesach seder before the third cup of wine (the Vav in HaShem's Name). They are part of the great secrets of the Final Redemption so secret that like the Afikomen itself they are hidden away to bring about the greatest miracles even greater than the miracles of the Exodus from Egypt.
If you have a question about why the Meschichut (anointment) of the sons of Rachel and Yosef himself must be matrilinear, this should provide the answer:
I specifically mentioned in the article that the Meshichut of ben Yosef is matrilinear not patrilinear. In addition this applies in many ways to all the Bnai Rachel. We learn that MBEphraim will surely be a descendant of Yehoshua bin Nun. Yet, Yehoshua was only blessed with daughters, implying that the anointment of MB Ephraim would come through one of his daughters. Also we learn all the laws of inheritance for women from the daughters of Tzelophchad from the tribe of Menashe, another indicator that the passage of what would normally be a patriliear right which would normally be passed from father to son, in the case of Bnai Rachel would be passed on through the daughters. Finally oh finally we have Esther HaMalkah from the Tribe of Binyamin itself. Koresh previously had started the process of the return of Jews to Judea under the leadership of Zerubavel. It was stopped by Esther's wicked husband, Achashveirosh. Any progress on building the 2nd Temple came to a complete halt. Yet, it was Esther's son Dariyavush (Darius) who was called Mashiach HaShem because he oversaw the completion of the 2nd Temple during his reign 70 years after the 1st Temple had been destroyed. So from all these three examples we see that the anointment of the sons of Rachel as opposed to the sons of Leah and the maidservants is matrilieal not patrilinear.
So you may ask how about Ephraim himself?? If the anointment (Meshichut) of ben Ephraim has to be matrilinier, how could he receive anointment from his father? The answer is that he did not receive anointment from his father Yosef. He received it from his grandfather Ya'akov who blessed Ephraim and Menashe. The difference between the Meshichut of Yosef and his son Ephraim is that Ephraim would be a king in Eretz Yisrael (b'kerev haAretz) while his father Yosef was only a 2nd to the King in Chutz LaAretz. So the Meshichut had to come from Ephraim's mother, Osnat Bat Potiphora. Now everyone knows that Potiphar was a saris (a eunich) of Paro. So he obviously was not the father. So it turns out that Osnat's father was Shechem who raped Dinah. Now even though Shechem was a non-Jew, we can begin to see why the Bnai Ephraim inherited the city of Shekhem in their inheritance. So in this case the Meshichut of Ephraim through Osnat came from her mother Dinah who had received her X of Meshichut from Ya'akov Avinu, who blessed Ephraim to be a king in Eretz Yisrael. The conflict over EY between the Bnai Ephraim and the Bnai Yehudah is another host of blog posts which can be discussed later. So from whom did Ya'akov receive this X of Meshichut? from his mother Rivkah who received this X from her father Bethuel. Now this is where one has to deeply understand something about the Torah. Usually the Torah sticks with the patriliear descent of who begot whom? Bereishit is filled with the patrilinear descent of the various nations, progenitors in the pre-Flood world, and even the ten generations between Noach and Avraham. It is all patrilinear. The exceptions are notable. Na,amah daughter of Lamech is mentioned according to Rashi because she became Noach's wife who entered the ark with her husband Noach. It is noteworthy also that Noach married a daughter from the line of Kayin not Sheith. Again after the mention of Na'amah the lack of daughters whose names are in the Torah is almost deafening. Finally near the end of the ten generations leading to Avraham, we get the mention of another woman, Milkah, the feminine side of Malkhut (kingship). The verses at the end of Bereishit 11 beg the question. We learn that Terach begot Avram, Nachor, and Haran. And Haran begot Lot. Then we learn that Avram took for himself a wife named Sarai and that Nachor took himself a wife named Milkah. Now this Milkah's father was Haran who also begot Yiskah (Jessica) and as we just learned also begot Lot. Rashi identifies Yiskah as being another name for Sarai, and it becomes obvious later on when Avram insists on calling Sarai his sister, and the Torah itself calls Lot his brother. The fact that both Sarai and Lot were his sister-in-law and brother-in-law were besides the point. Neither Avram nor the Torah were lying. So here is the question. If it were so important for the Torah to tell us that Milkah was the wife of Nachor and mother (later on) of Bethuel who was the father of Rivkah, why doesn't the Torah tell us who was the wife of Haran??? Haran was a full fledged brother of Nachor (and of course Avram). Surely if it is important to know his brother's wife and the mother of Nachor's children, then why should we not know the name of the mother of Sarai and Lot?? Yet, again the Torah is silent. We do not know Yiskah's/Sarai's mother. Yet we do know Bethuel's mother is Milkah. And we know it because Milkah is the feminine side of Malkhut who passes on the Meshichut of Mashiach ben Ephraim in Eretz Yisrael as opposed to Ephraim's father's Malkhut outside of EY. So whether it is from Rachel to Yosef and Binyamin or from Osnat to Ephraim and Menashe, the Meshichut is all matrilinear.
I should mention in passing that the Yehonatan who is in an American jail for over 26 years now has a mother named Malkah which as mentioned above refers to royalty. Hmm.
Please keep in mind that everything that was written above was my thoughts and not meant to be misconstrued as exact predictions or prophesies. It represents general trends now that back door Geulah was chosen for us by the Erev Rav and the Erev Ze'ir, especially the Erev Ze'ir, seven years ago when we failed so badly a test of our basic common decency, that Gog W. Bush could not be the final Gog, and what was supposed to complete in the Shmittah cycle of 5762 on Hoshana Rabba (Fall of 2001) when Bush started bombing Afghanistan and completed in the Fall of 5769 (2008), the beginning of the next Shmittah cycle, was actually delayed to the next Shmittah Cycle. Now instead of Gog son of Gog Bush, we have the anti-Gog, the 11th horn in Sefer Daniel as our nemisis, our Paro as it were. Instead of the Xtian who wants to secure the prosperity of Western Civilization for America and its posterity, we have the half iron (Rome) and half clay (Yishmael) guy who wants to destroy his own country and divide its wealth amongst the 3rd World. We, well some of us at least, brought this rock gut Geulah process on ourselves. And now that it is here, be forewarned that it is not clear that Persia will be destroyed by Rome at the end of this process (all described in Medrash Sefer Eliyahu and the Yalkut Shimoni). Just keep that in mind when we post further.
Final Addendum: In response to Ya'ak of Yeranen Ya'akov I made the following comment on MysticalPaths:
First Ya'ak's reference: page 7 of Rav Yekutiel Fish's Geulah comments on Parshat Emor:
I must also say, Ya'ak that it really is the best confirmation of any peirush dealing with the Shoah that it be confirmed by our most profound scholar/ Tzaddik on the matter, the Klausenberger Rebbe Rav Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam. Of all of our sages who suffered through the Shoah, his faith amidst the flames made him a spiritual giant on all matters dealing with intense suffering. I will never forget the story about how as he was listening to the Ba'al korei read the Torah on Shabbat ki Tavo. When they reached the Aliyah of the tochachah, the Ba'al Korei in the ancient tradition of reading that Aliyah quieted his voice and was reading it as quickly as he could. The Klausenberger Rebbe pounded on the table and asked the Ba'al Korei to pronounce every word loudly and slowly as he would every other word and Aliyah in the Torah. The Ba'al Korei was stunned and professed the Truth, that he was reading it as it always has been read throughout the centuries. Then the Klausenberger answered back, paraphrasing: The Satan has no power to prosecute us anymore with regards to the words of the tochachah. All of its words have already been fulfilled. The Shoah and all the sufferings that preceded it have fulfilled those words. So you should now read it slowly and succinctly since doing so will not cause another Churban. That was a paraphrase of what he said. We have truly suffered enough. And apparently at the end of the day, especially after what happened in 2005, it is our only collective merit.
Dov, What do you mean by, "be forewarned that it is not clear that Persia will be destroyed by Rome at the end of this process (all described in Medrash Sefer Eliyahu and the Yalkut Shimoni). Just keep that in mind when we post further."
ReplyDeleteCould you be thinking that Israel ....?
Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteSo a ger and am-haaretz who is living in the shtakim but cant seem to to find parnasa and has to move soon, which is preferable for klal yisrael and the family? Hang on a few more weeks in the mountains of Yehuda in the Gush area til after Shavouot or get moving now to a real possibility in a small yeshuv east of Ramalla?
Our hearts broke at Kfar Maimon when the leaders of our army of families and children were talked out of marching into Aza to reinforce our brothers and sisters. We have still not recovered and are now in a malaise, where is our king, even shofet, where is our navi, where is a leader we can trust?
We are getting so weary of the blockage in history.
Probably very incorrect but I wonder if you are describing something like this as form the black fire layer of the rakiya.
europe is collapseing there is no path for world econonmy be saved
ReplyDeleteIn the previous Shmittah cycle, Gog W. Bush was the Gogster who at the end of the seven year cycle in 5768 (2008) would have easily won against Persia. And Rome would have trounced Persia before it could even get nuclear weapons. This was Gog ben Gog's original intention from his Axis of Evil speech right after 9/11 when he incorrectly outlined an alliance between Bavel (Iraq), Persia, and North Korea. He failed to realize that Iraq and Persia were bitter enemies, but at least he got the evil guys straight from the beginning. If we had simply been decent to each other in 5765 (2005) when the test in common decency lay at our feet, the entire process would have been wrapped up in only 7 years. It began with the aerial bombing of Afghanistan on Hoshana Rabba 5762 (Fall 2001) and would have ended before Bush left office on Hoshana Rabba 5769 the beginning of the next Shmittah cycle. Yet, lo and behold we blew it so badly that we simply pushed off the redemption to the next and final pre-Messianic Shmittah cycle. We exchanged the kinder and gentler Gog ben Gog for the 11th horny half Xtian, half-Muslim dude from Sefer Daniel. Yet, we are only in year four of that cycle. This is where Medrash Sefer Eliyahu becomes more frightening. It says that from the point that Persia becomes a world power (by finally producing nuclear weapons) it will come up against Rome (the West) in three consecutive years (5772, 5773, and 5774) before it expands its gains against Rome for 12 months in 5775 (the Shmittah year). So even if Mashiach ben Ephraim shows up or asserts himself before the end of 5772, we are talking about a longer and drawn out process before the cataclysmic war between Persia and Rome in the Shmittah year. Then the medrash says that three mighty warrior/kings will then come up from the West (Here the medrash literally says from the West without even mentioning Rome.) But these three warriors will be handed over into the hands of the King of Persia. Then the lowliest of the kings, the son of a slave woman whose name in Gigit, will confront him from the West. These are his signs, for Daniel has already foreseen him: His face will be long. There will be a bald patch between his eyes. He will be very tall. The soles of his feet will be high, and his thighs will be thin.
ReplyDeleteAt this point the medrash moves on to another subject. I have no idea if the medrash is talking about Obama. The name Gigit does not ring a bell like having a mother named Stanley. And any physical description of Obama could never leave out his ears. Yet, it is clear from the medrash that for an entire year, the West is taking a beating from Persia, and the final dispensation of that war is not even mentioned in the medrash itself!! So when ben David finally shows up in 5776, if he tarries that long, there seems to be no way of knowing who wins the final war. G-d willing ben Ephraim is very very close. Yet, we all know the story of his prophesied fate when the world comes to divide Yerushalayim. Yet, ben Ephraim has a mission to complete before this, and he has not really begun.
What is the name of Bashar Assad's mother?
ReplyDeleteHe fits the physical description, that is, if it is physical and not allegorical. Just can't rectify the "west" part.
Who are the other horns?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so sure that Obama will win? Do you not think that the "time and times and half a time" refer to him?
ReplyDeleteThe 11th horn will rule or is supposed to rule for seven years also based on Daniel 9:27. This is true if the end of the 62 previous septets already resulted in the destruction of the 2nd Temple. So the question then comes: When does this final septet take place? It appears to be the last Shmittah cycle at the End of Days. The mute abomination might be, with some more evidence, the Dome of the Rock referred to at the end of Sefer Daniel. There is one small problem, I admit. In the year 5772 (2012), it has only stood for 1325 years. Yet, it is 45 years as of this very day after the 6 Day War. So if the 11th horn rules for one Shmittah cycle starting in the year 5769, then we are only half way through that Sabbatical cycle, and very soon we will be half way through his reign. From other pasukim in Daniel, the 2nd half of his reign, the time, and times and half of a time will be Hell on Earth. I would advise you to be here in EY especially since whent he is re-elected, if this is the case, a new sign will be erected at NY Kennedy Airport: Welcome to Hell.
ReplyDeleteThere are two opinions on who were the first ten horns.
1. the first ten princes of Edom at the end of Parshat VaYishlach including Magdiel who destoyed the 2nd Temple. St. Iram (Santorum) had the potential of being the 11th good prince of Edom that makes it into Yemot HaMashiach with his nation intact. Yet, it was not to be.
2. The other option is that after the imminent financial collapse, the world will be divided into ten economic superstates each with its own currency and Governor. America, Canada, and Mexico will have the amero, etc. Then as the verses say the 11th horn will arise and overthrow three of the ten Governors and come chasing after Israel which will only lead to ruin for his entire civilization. These are two existing possibilities. Therefore according to possbility number two there has to soon be a collapse of the economy of Western Civilization so that people like George Soros can then divey up the world into ten economic superstates which by the way are already past the planning stage. NAFTA, MEFTA, and others are either already in existence or have been drawn up and ready to go.
Good Shabbat.