
Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Molad for Siwan Solar Eclipse and the 60 Days of black fire in the rakia

This is a post based on series of comments to the Shiratdevorah post Please read this post then read my combined comments to her post below.  This is unedited, but because this solar eclipse is imminent, I wanted to get this post up beforehand.  I am not sure if I will be able to edit this post until Monday or Tuesday.  Thanks for your patience.

These are a series of recent comments that I posted to here:  It is important to note something that Devorah included in her post as her post first appeared originally that the alignment at the molad for Siwan at 11pm Israel time tomorrow night or Sunday night also includes the Pleiades.  This came upon me suddenly as I was looking at her post on early Friday morning at about 2 am when I saw that the eclipse includes the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters) in the alignment.  This is monumental because a page of the Zohar talking about the year 5772 1/2 specifically mentions this as an astronomical event, and wow there it is or will be tomorrow night 11 pm Israel time on the 29th of Iyar.  It turns out that the eclipse will actually first be seen over China and Japan in the eastern sky as the sun is rising on the 29th of Iyar, but will quickly cross over several time zones and will be seen on the Western Coast, Rocky Mountain area, and Western Texas parts of the US in the afternoon of Sunday the 28th of Iyar since it crosses the international dateline heading east (it therefore becomes a day earlier when doing so.)  I cannot begin to express how monumental this is with regards to the Final Redemption.

This does not negate my previous correspondence about how the loss of SaRKO in the French elections is exactly 60 days prior to the day before the 17th of Tamuz which is on Shabbat this year like Tisha B'Av.  It is just that that 60 day period will be dwarfed by the one that is about to start with both 60 day periods happening simultaneously.  It has to be that way since the Erev Rav is brought to heel on the 17th of Tamuz since they caused the Sin of the Golden Calf and since the Erev Ze'ir is brought to heel on Tisha B'Av three weeks later because of their part in the Sin of the Spies.  So we have two simultaneous 60 day periods which end on the day before the 17th of Tamuz and the 9th of Av respectively.  The Zohar specifically concentrates on the latter, but it must be remembered that the Erev Rav must be brought to heel before the Erev Ze'ir is because the greater Evening (Mincha Gedolah) comes before the lesser Evening (Mincha Ketanah).  So it has to be in that order.  Yet, if the sins are ultimately repaired in reverse order, then this implies that there will have to be a follow up event next year 5773 also on the 17th of Tamuz because the Sin of the Spies has to be repaired first before the original sin of the Golden Calf.  How this is ultimately worked out is difficult to know for sure, but with this eclipse and the verse in the Zohar being played out exactly as stated in the Zohar in the year that it was stated to take place, we are definitely in for a very very big summer.  Baruch HaShem for that!!

Of course Chazal knew that the sun was star. and they knew that all the stars were suns in their own right.  It is why the time between sunset and the appearance of the stars is called "bain haShmashot" which means between the suns.  So they knew that the stars were suns.

Secondly, what this all seems to mean is that this is definitely the event in year 72 1/2 that the Zohar is referring to.  It is an astronomical event of the alignment of the moon in front of the sun which in turn is in front of the Seven Sisters.  Yet, it has practical significance.  The star on the east might be a reference to Persia which is to the east of Eretz Yisrael.  The 7 stars are a reference to the 7 economically powerful nations that are meeting at Camp David this weekend.  In the mid 90s, Russia was added for geopolitical reasons so that the Russians would be joiners instead of being isolated and therefore prone to cause trouble.  So here is the latest news from Camp David to confirm all this.  Remember what used to be called the G-7 is now the G-8:  

Notice that the 7 economic powers all have one thing in common: the color red on their flags meaning that those 7 nations (USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan) all are linked by Edom with Japhetic (bnai Japheth) followers.   So this event in some way represents a subsuming of the 7 Edomite economic powers + Russia (who is totally allied with Persia) to the interests of Persia in the world.

On a deeper level, there are two very important things going on.  Matan Torah was in the desert and was the highlight of the Redemption from Egypt.  On Shivah Asar b'Tamuz we were supposed to receive the Luchot HaBrit, and on Tisha B'Av that first year we were supposed to enter Eretz Yisrael.  But two things went dreadfully wrong.  1. the Erev Rav forced Aharon to make the Golden Calf so that we could be like all the other nations of the world.  Klal Yisrael with the exception of about 3000 Bnai Yisrael, actually thought that G-d Himself would dwell between the horns of the calf, and by doing so would make Israel's utopian vision for Mankind to be prosperity since it is the adult calf that pulls the plow and makes us all prosperous.  Now this was a huge error but was not outright avodah zarah but delayed entering Eretz Yisrael to the following year 2449.  But the intent of the Erev Rav was to help us to "melt" into the other nations of the world by being like them.   The root of the last avodah zarah of the Jewish people is that we should worship a god called "World Public Opinion".  This avodah zarah was created on the 17th of Tamuz 2448 by the Erev Rav and will be destroyed on the 17th of Tamuz 5772 and 5773.  The subsuming of Noga (Venus) in the rare Venus transit on the 16th of Siwan will contribute mightily to this process since Noga is the final klipah of the Erev Rav.

2. In the year 2449 when we were supposed to finally enter Eretz Yisrael after our hiccup, the Golden Calf, another group of wayward folk lead us astray.  In this case it was from the tribes themselves, not from the Erev Rav.  They wanted to continue to study Torah in the desert in part because the Shekhinah was with us and provided all of our needs.  Who wanted or needed to rough it in Eretz Yisrael when everything was provided in the Diaspora, in this case by G-d Himself. At the End of Days we still have such folk with us as in the 111th generation after Sinai has to undergo the same tests.  (This is counting 30 years between generations even though a single generation unto itself is 40 years.  It is 30 years between generations because the average age of childbearing is at age 30 for women where they have half their children before 30 and half after 30 years.)  So 3300 years after Matan Torah was the Gregorian year 1988 (5748).  The 30 year cycle after 1988 is therefore a retest of our Primordial sins: the Golden Calf and the Sin of the Spies.  The Gematriah of the word Aleph, which means one, is really 111.  So the 111th generation is the redo of the Dor HaMidbar.  (This is all in my lecture notes from Rav Matisyahu Glazierson from 1984 when I was learning at Dvar Yerushalayim.  If anyone ever wants to see my lecture notes, I will gladly show them to you.)  continued.. 

So in this generation we have the Erev Rav that was described above and here we have another group of troublemakers called the Erev Ze'ir. They are very different than the Erev Rav.  They do not want to be like the other nations of the world.  They simply want to learn Torah in the Diaspora where they think that the Shekhinah will dwell with them as long as they are there, or they want to divey up parts of Eretz Yisral so that the nations of the world won't bother us or shoot missiles at us for the same reason to learn Torah without Geulah.  And what is the main feature of the Geulah do both the Erev Rav and the Erev Ze'ir have in common?  that Eretz Yisrael can be diveyed up so that a) the world will love us and then we will have peace and quiet or b) that learning Torah is a desert outside EY is preferable to living inside Eretz Yisrael with a lower standard of living, so they the Erev Ze'ir think.  This has blocked the full Geulah process since 2448 and 2449when the first three months of the year were so promising (Nisan, Iyar, and Siwan), but the next two months were catastrophic (Tamuz and Av).  So the Geulah was divided.  The Geulah from Egypt was with the Yud and the Key in HaShem's Name.  And the final Geulah would be with the Vav and the Final Hey in His Name.  

So the Zohar on page VaYeira 119 says that the Final Redemption would begin with the mystic force of the letter Vav in HaShem's Name.  And that Mashiach could not come b'itah until the year 5666 (1906), 2/3rds of the way through the 6th Millennium on the last day of Pesach.  That was the earliest that Mashiach could come b'itah.  In honor of that occasion the Rebbe Reshab of Lubavitch launched two projects at that time 1. and entire year of Sichot called the Samech Vav sichot  2.  Seudat HaMashiach which was for the first time celebrated on the last day of Pesach 5666.  continued.

Then this page of the Zohar introduces a concept called the threshold of the 6th Millennium.  Now one might think that that year was 5666, but it is not.  It is the first century mark after that year, 5700.  In order to know why, please ask Rav Glazierson or someone else that has been talking about this process for at least 30 years like he has.  I don't have it in my lecture notes, but it is assumed that the year 5700 is the threshold year in this particular page of the Zohar.  By the way, I forgot to mention that the verse that is being analyzed is from this week's parsha that was just completed:  "I will remember my covenant with Ya'akov, and my covenant with Yitzchak, and my covenant with Avraham I will remember, and the Land will I remember."  This is important because this is the only pasuk in the entire written Torah (5 Books of Moses) where Ya'akov's Name is spelled with a Vav.  So this entire page of the Zohar is seeking to explain why.  Then the Zohar continues:  60 years after crossing the threshold of the 6th Millennium there will be a pequidah of the daughter of Ya'akov.  Now for a tzaddik a peqidah is pretty good since he has no liabilities.  So Sarah was remembered with a peqidah on Rosh HaShana before Yitzchak was born.  But for all us bainonim, peqidah takes into account assets and liabilities, and requires a final tikkun for all the neshamot that were here in Eretz Yisrael at the time of this peqidah taking into account all previous gilgulim too.  So in the year 5760 on the last two days of the year the Al Aksa Intifada began, meaning that the peqidah was on the previous Rosh HaShana 5760.  On Erev Rosh HaShana, just before 5761, Jews were already being injured by rocks being thrown over the Western Wall from the Temple Mount.  Then this page of the Zohar says to wait 6 1/2 years (in honor of the Vav in the name Ya'akov and because zechirah is usually associated with Nisan and not Tishrei), and in the year 5766 1/2 there would be a full zechirah of the daughter of Ya'akov.  So what happened at that time was amazing.  Sharon had already evacuated Gush Katif with his number two man Olmert.  After Sharon's (the foolish Shepherd from Zech. 11 and 13), Olmert planned to do the same thing to Judea and Samaria that his predecessor had done to Gaza, except that Olmert called it hitkansut (let's all get together) instead of hitnatkut (disengagement).  It sounded so much nicer, didn't it?  Yet, on the 16th of Tamuz the war began, and on the 17th of Tamuz Hezbollah started to bomb the Galilee with a massive bombardment.  Red Haifa was pummeled for slightly over 30 days.  After the war all of Olmert's plans were thrown out the window, and all further unilateral demolitions of established and accepted yishuvim ceased.  That was the miracle of the year 5766 1/2.  But the Zohar says something slightly different.  It goes on to say the following:  Then another 6 years will elapse, a second Vav number of years, making altogether 72 1/2 years.  In the year 66 Mashiach (ben Yosef) will appear in the Galilee.  Well, keep in mind that what happened in 5766 was the ending of all unilateral disengagements from the rest of Yesha because of the bombing of the Galilee.  To understand this you have to understand that we are at an extremely low level spiritually.  The Erev Rav and Erev Ze'ir have a tremendous hold on the Jewish people throughout the world.  So for that reason alone, the Holy Zohar says that one 6 year cycle would not be enough.  We would have to wait a 2nd six year cycle until 5772 1/2.  Then comes the humdinger pasuk.  continued....

A star in the east will swallow seven stars in the north, and a flame of black fire will hang in the rakia for 60 days.  So this is it.  We finally have arrived.  So the question is since this coming solar eclipse for the molad of Siwan is the event that triggers the black fire, does the black fire itself begin on the 29th of Iyar and end on Rosh Chodesh Av.  Or does it begin on Isru Chag, the day after, Shavuot and end on the day before Tisha B'Av.  It could go either way.  Keep in mind the purpose.  It is to begin the completion of the Final Redemption process by attaching the Vav in HaShem's Name to the Yud and the Hey from the First Redemption.  In order to do this, the happy and rising times from Nisan through Shavuot have to be attached to the consequences of the 17th of Tamuz and Tisha B'Av at their root.  This way by the end of this summer, the Yud Key Vav will all be attached together which is an integral part of the Final Redemption process.  bringing Jews collectively to finally realize 1. World Public Opinion is meaningless to the idea of coming close to G-d, which trumps all of our silly pre-conceived notions about constantly worrying about what others might think about us before we do the right thing in G-d's eyes.  2. The only way to collectively complete our service to G-d in this world is to do it from Eretz Yisrael.  no more pretending that we G-d is going to remain in the Diaspora with us forever and ever.  The Diaspora concept by Tisha B'Av this year will come to a close.  There will be 6 million Jews here in Eretz Yisrael to witness the Final Redemption.  And they will be here before school begins in the Fall.  So come now, and be a part of the action as the G-7 nations go plop, down whatever spiritual of financial sewer they eventually end up in.  Yes, Persia is on the rise.  but do not fear, from this set of circumstances not only will we have Mashiach ben Yosef within the next few months, but it is the West and the Persians who will duke it out in the Shmittah year 5775, and Eretz Yisrael will only be saved by more and more miracles.  Please come now if you can.

There is a vort that is from the Sefas Emes that the Rabbinic festivals are lunar reflections of the three pilgrimage festivals that are compared to the sun.  So we see that Purim is exactly 30 days prior to Pesach and that Chanukah is exactly 60 days after Isru Chag of Sukkot.  So it is brought down that at the End of Days there will be a lunar reflection of Shavuot too.  Now for this we have to understand that Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones is such that there are two "thus saith the L-rds" and therefore two prophesies in one.  The first is is on the Atzamot (the dry bones) to gather up and flesh to attach and to stand up an entire population of Israel (whether that be 600,000 or 6 million is open to debate.)  So there were 600,000 people in Eretz Yisrael at the founding of the State of Israel in 5708, and the date was the 5th of Iyar, exactly 30 days prior to Shavuot, and even the words Atzamot (bones) and Atzmaut (Independence) are virtually the same.  Yet, there is a 2nd "thus saith the L-rd", this time on the four winds, the spiritual part of the Final Redemption.  Now it just so happens that exactly 60 days after Isru Chag of Shavuot is the day before Tisha B'Av, and since Tisha B'Av falls on Shabbat this year in effect pushing off the fast, we are talking about a monumental event the day before Tisha B'Av.  just passing this along.  So the 60 days of black fire (the immanent presence of G-d) could either start on the 29th of Iyar and end on Rosh Chodesh Av or can begin on Isru Chag of Shavuot and end on the day before Tisha B'Av.  I lean toward the latter because it connects receiving the Torah in the midbar (the desert) and coming to Eretz Yisrael within 60 days which was the original game plan anyway in 2448.  And then we shall see what miracles can be wrought for 6 million Jews in Eretz Yisrael.  But this is so clearly where we are headed with G-d's help.  The pre-equisite to the 60 days of black fire is the lunar eclipse where the sun is in alignment with the Pleiades.

Recent addendum:  According to NASA, the annular eclipse will begin at sunrise local time in southern China, then pass over Hong Kong; Taipei, Taiwan; and Tokyo before reaching its greatest extent in the Pacific Ocean near Alaska's Aleutian Islands. After entering California, the moon's shadow will block almost all sunlight from Reno, Nev.; the Grand Canyon in Arizona; Albuquerque, N.M.; and Lubbock, Texas. 


  1. here is 7000 soul to help make up the 6M. Awesome, Right!

  2. Hi Dov,

    60 days after the eclipse is Erev Rosh Chodesh Av, not Erev Tisha B'Av

  3. Yes, I know and this is what I wrote:

    So the question is since this coming solar eclipse for the molad of Siwan is the event that triggers the black fire, does the black fire itself begin on the 29th of Iyar and end on Rosh Chodesh Av. Or does it begin on Isru Chag, the day after, Shavuot and end on the day before Tisha B'Av. It could go either way.

    What this means is that it remains unclear when the black fire hangs in the rakia that is from what date. The only thing that is obvious is that it must be starting on the 29th of Iyar or on Isru Chag of Shavuot (the 7th or the 8th of Siwan), the day after Shavuot. I mentioned in the article that I am leaning toward it beginning on Isru Chag of Shavuot. This is how I put it in the post:

    So the 60 days of black fire (the immanent presence of G-d) could either start on the 29th of Iyar and end on Rosh Chodesh Av or can begin on Isru Chag of Shavuot and end on the day before Tisha B'Av. I lean toward the latter because it connects receiving the Torah in the midbar (the desert) and coming to Eretz Yisrael within 60 days which was the original game plan anyway in 2448.

  4. Is there any particular teshuva we can do, mitzvot or averot we should watch out for, or even segulas that will help individuals or the am? I imagine it will be exciting for us here.

  5. 1. Avoid all rechilut (talebearing gossip) about others. Make sure that talking about what others say is permissible by the Chafetz Chaim's Shmirat HaLashon.

    2. Speak well of Eretz Yisrael to people from outside of Eretz Yisrael, whether they are thinking of making Aliyah or not. For those thinking of making Aliyah who are afraid of the power of the Erev Rav here, be careful to recognize their concerns without disparaging Eretz Yisrael itself. Get them to read the Sefer Tuv HaAretz or to listen to Rav Pinchus Winston speak about that sefer online. Then they will come to understand how the Erev Rav will ultimately be defeated here without harming those who are not part of the Erev Rav. Hashgachah pratis is so much more precise here in EY than it is elsewhere.

    3. Drop all pretenses about worrying about what others think of you when you do what is good in G-d's eyes. Shun the god of World Public Opinion and its twin goddess "popularity" or Sheker HaChein. Both have the face of a dog. Be like Kalev who told the Truth about Eretz Yisrael and its goodness irregardless of what ten of his eleven companions thought to convey. Be like Yonatan ben Shaul, who took on an entire Philistine Garrison while his father dilly dallied at Migron with 600 soldiers. Trust in G-d. Don't worry about what others might think of you. In the end your public image means diddly squat.

  6. It is worth noting that Kalev ben Yephuneh has the same leters as Pnai HaKelev. Yet Kalev showed us all how to behave in this final generation.

  7. If you need to speak to people privately about gripes that you have about living in Eretz Yisrael, keep it private with people who will keep it private. And it is best to limit discussions about problems that you have about living in Eretz Yisrael with people who already live here. But, G-d forbid, that we should have such problems especially as the Erev Rav loses its grip on power.

  8. The Russians just.discovered a computer virus infecting middle east countries including Iran. They think It the United States and/or Israel who developed It. It was discovered the day after Shavout. The name of the virus: ”FLAME”

  9. And today exactly 60 days prior to Tisha B'Av on Isru Chag of Shavuot in galut, 7 Western (northern Edomite) countries just expelled their Syrian ambassadors. So things are picking up. The real war in Syria will really be against Iran as this blows up. So Iran is the star in the east.

  10. I say this while obviously, Australia being one of the countries, is way in the south and only spiritually a "northern" country. And I am not sure but the US has already expelled its Syrian ambassador. Mysteriously missing from the "Western or northern" countries so far is Japan. But Japan is having major problems of its own with one of the reactors at Fukushima totally hanging on by its fingernails according to physcist Dr. Michio Kaku. If reactor 4 melts down completely it will be a disaster ten times worse than Chernobyl, and so far it is just as bad as Chernobyl without another tremor in northern Japan.

    On a side note, it is funny that Michio is a 100% Japanese American but is more American than Obama. His ancestors immigrated to California one or two generations ago. And both his parents survived Roosevelt's internment camps for Japanese Americans. Michio himself built a nuclear accelerator in his family garage in Palo Alto as a teenager. Edward Teller the Hungarian Jew who developed the Hydrogen bomb for the US recognized Michio's talents in Physics and got him a four year scholarship to Harvard. Yet, being the child who grew up in the San Franfreako Bay area that he was, he was not going to help anyone develop the next generation of nuclear weapons. Yet, his opposition to nuclear power is based on solid scientific principles. He is no crackpot.

  11. The Russians called the virus ”FLAME” and the hungarians called it ”SKYwipe”.
    Can this be the flame In the sky that the Zohar is talking about?

  12. Yes Anon., this computer virus is likely a manifestation of the Flame of black fire hanging in the Sky for 60 days.

    So is the fact that 7 Western nations expelled their Syrian ambassadors today setting up a confrontation with the Persians within 60 days.

    So is the fact that here is Israel, the sky turned pitch dark with very unusual dark clouds, for the third to last day in May, rolling in.

    G-d is in control of all these disparate details, all at the same time.

    So is the Bifurcated Sociopathic behavior of people investing in the stock market on a day when housing prices and consumer confidence both plummeted, and Spain started davening that all the zombie developers should pay back bad debts. You people still in the stock market are the worst sort of idiot on G-d's green earth.

    So for real for real, the 60 days have begun exactly 60 days before the 9th of Av.

  13. I hope you know what you are blogging about, in a public forum. You have been wrong before, have made predictions which have not come to be (ie false) and you cannot show where the Holy Zohar says a 'black flame' will be a defined virtual computer cyber virus and at this time.

  14. Obviously there is a lot more going on than The Flame virus in cyberspace. Have you noticed that the Euro is actually collapsing this time?? The Flame virus is just a manifestation of massive change on many levels happening at the same time. I am sure though that only some of you have non-perishable food supply in a country or a small town location. You have obviously had more months to do this now than I previously thought. Yet, it appears what was going to happen in Cheshvan and Kislev is happening in Siwan and Tamuz. more after Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom.


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