Sunday, May 12, 2013

Overdrive Toward World War in Syria

Here are three links to see how the world is being pushed by the hand of Heaven toward world war in Syria, albeit at the end of the nine months instead of during the nine months.

1. Even American leftists are admitting that Benghazigate was Obama's clandestine attempt to arm the Muslim Brotherhood Jihadists in Syria by using the Turkish Consul in Benghazi as a go-between.  Geraldo Rivera   Obama did this in order to get around an international obligation to not counter Russian support for Assad in Syria.  So he had to do it surreptitiously and then try to cover it up.

2. By trying to cover it up, Obama now risks impeachment proceedings about a cover-up which is more explosive than Watergate.  At least with Watergate four Americans did not end up dead.  Impeachment looming  So here one has a pacifist Muslim loving President who under most circumstances would never go to war until it was too late especially in the Muslim World.  Yet, he is being pushed by "unseen forces" aka the Hand of G-d to do something to attenuate what could be the political indictment of the century.  If it was the secret support of Al Qaeda and the Muslim Bros. in Syria that put him into this hot water.  What is the best response?  Make what was private and surreptitious into public policy!  The Saudis are already all for it.  So all Obama has to do is go with the flow.

3. Pretext:  a) Russia is now arming Assad with super duper laser guided accurate missiles.  Israel is threatened.  If he, Obama, goes to war, he can always blame the Jews for bringing him in.

b) It has already been proven that Assad has used sarin gas on his own people.  Obama has admitted this even though his gut instinct was to simply fudge his original red line on the use of these chemicals.

c) and now over Shabbat there was this in Turkey.  If the Turks insist that it was Assad who blew up those bombs, what is a NATO ally to do?

When Divine Providence finally shows Its Hand, learn to expect the unexpected to force the sleazy pacifist reprobate (menuval) to do things that he normally would never do.

Monday, May 06, 2013

The Archduke Ferdinand Moment??

Anyone following this blog knows that we have been following the 40 weeks of pregnancy since Tisha B'Av 5772 as if there was a conception that took place last Tisha B'Av according to the Zohar VaYeira 119.  It was all based on that Zohar that the molad for Siwan 5772, a star in the east (the sun) swallowed seven stars in the north (the Pleiades or the 7 Sisters).  It was a widely covered annular solar eclipse which marked the birth of the new moon (the molad) for Siwan 5772.  This was a verse from the Zohar.  Then on the 8th of the month of Siwan, the Flame virus was reported because it had been discovered in the cyber-rakia (cyberspace).  Now the Zohar specifically says that a Flame of Black Fire would hang in the rakia for 60 days.  After speaking with Rav Ariel Bar Tzaddok, he told me that since it was a Flame of Black fire in the rakia, it was not necessarily an observable event.  It would be a spiritual event with a siman (in this case the flame virus) that would occur when the Moon for the month of Siwan "ruled" the sky.  According to Chassidut this takes place from 7 full days after the molad until 7 full days after the molad in the following month.  Yet, we did not have long to wait.  The announcement about the Flame virus was mamash on the 8th of Siwan after the molad.  60 days later was Tisha B'Av 5772.  Now many many bloggers including myself were expecting a major event to take place on Tisha B'Av last year.  What happened was actually striking because it has to do with the very next verse in the Zohar VaYeira 119:  There will be wars (or a World War) in the north in which two kings will perish.  Suddenly without notice, the Syrian Civil War in which about 1000 or 1500 people had been dying per month since in started in 2011, exploded, and at least 5000 people started to die per month.  And over the last nine months at least 50,000 people have died, just in that period of time, as the death toll has skyrocketed above 6000 people dying per month, more than half of the dead being civilians.  For several months it seemed that the war had been quarantined because any country entering could trigger a world war.  The Russians on Assad's side kept telling us all along that the situation was contained 6000 people dying per month.  And so it seemed to be stable.  Suddenly in the last few weeks it has been proven that Assad has actually used sarin nerve agent on his own people and against the rebels, many of which are foreign Islamicist fighters.

Yet, the next verse in the Zohar VaYeira 119 perked my curiosity.     Then all the nations shall combine together against the daughter of Ya'akov in order to drive her from the world.  It is of that time that it is written:  "And It is a time of trouble onto Ya'akov, but out of it he shall be saved." (Yirmiyahu 30:7)    There is is from the Book of Jeremiah.  So I  decided to look a little deeper into this verse by examining the verse in context.  Then I made a striking discovery.  The previous verse Jer. 30:6 spoke about a pregnancy:  Ask now and see if a male has ever given birth.  Why then do I see that every man puts his hands on his loins like a woman in childbirth and all faces turn pallid.  30:7 Woe!  For that day will be momentous!  There is nothing like it.  And it (will be) a time of trouble for Ya'akov, but out of it he shall be saved!  Now it was already 4 months and one week into this pregnancy since Tisha B'Av 5772 when I first noticed this.  I believe it came after the big UN General Assembly vote for Palestine on or around the 15th of Kislev four months plus one week after Tisha B'Av 5772.  At that point I considered it important to keep track.  It could become hairy in one of two ways.  There would be a major buildup in tension until the end of nine months at which time there would be a release from the pain an suffering.  It did not progress in accordance with that path  although a slew of events had occurred in the very short time from the 14th of Cheshvan (Hurricane Sandy) and the 15th of Kislev (the UN vote on the  Gregorian anniversary of the partition plan of November 29th, 1947.  It seemed to me with that vote our time of real trouble had commenced even though the 9 months and two weeks had begun on the previous Tisha B'Av in accord with the Zohar VaYeira 119.

For those who regularly follow this blog I have been vigilant to heavily post in what could be described as the 6 week period of the 9th months.  Starting with Obama's arrival around the 9th or Tenth of Nisan and his Beast car that could not start because it was filled up with the wrong fuel.  Since then with a slight break for the first day of Pesach, I have been posting much more frequently than normal.  I had committed myself to fully cover this six week time spread from the tenth of Nisan until the 25h of Iyar, the stopping point of the end of the 40th week since Tisha B'av, the time span of an average healthy pregnancy.  Suddenly on the last day of my coverage, it happened.  You can read it right here:  From what I can tell it was a real game-changer.  This attack was not a missile fire from Lebanese airspace against a convoy of Persian trucks carrying very accurate laser guided long range missiles, things that had been promised to Hezbollah.  Today the attack was against a munitions facility in the heart of Damascus.   This attack killed and wounded many people.   It was a real gamechanger.  Now I am not going to guess what happens next.  There are many possibilities how this can continue to blow up, but this time I believe it will.  For now let us mark the 25 of Iyar as the end of the 40 weeks of pregnancy which began last Tisha B'Av.  And something of significant escalation did take place today.  What seems to be evident is that the birthpangs have really become to press at the end of the 40 weeks, not in particular during the weeks of the ninth month themselves.  Time will tell......  

Friday, May 03, 2013

Who Will Cry Out to HaKodesh Baruch Hu in Galut Yishmael

Pirkei D'Rebbi Eliezer asks why is Yishma'el in the future tense.  G-d will hear.  It does not refer to when Yishma'el cried out to G-d when he was dying of thirst in the desert (Gen. 21:17) because there G-d heard in the past tense.  (Yet it must be said that the word וישמע takes the future tense Yishma and the Vav turns it into the past tense.)  So we learn that G-d pays special attention to Yishma'el's prayers when he prays to Him.  Yet, at the end of days, it is Yisrael that will scream out from the pain of Yishma'el's wretched barbarity (now that Malkhut Edom is subservient to him).  I have no idea who will hear the pain in this story and scream out to G-d.  Some of you will, and some of you will not.  Who will cry for Evyatar Borovsky, zt"l.  My next story will be a happy story.  Right now, this is what I can write.

Who will cry out for him?  The barbarity of the father who praised his murderous son is beyond words, but I have heard it all before and before and before.  I know this animal by now.

Update: Speaking of barbarity, I ran across someone discussing the Barbary Pirates that two of America's founding fathers went to war to destroy and obliterate from the face of the earth.  Thomas Jefferson and James Madison had a bit more gumption that Bibi Netanyahu that they brought the US Marines to the Shore of Tripoli to obliterate evil.  Both Jefferson and Madison stand in sharp contrast to the present menuval sitting in the Oval Office.  But it is obvious that with Yishamel, there is nothing new under the sun.  I love the name Musselmen for Muslim.  It actually creates and imagery of primitive sea creatures more than applesauce or weight lifters at the beach.  I am sorry for insulting the primitive sea creatures.

I am quoting a commenter on Glenn Beck's The Blaze.  I am sure that both the commenter and the author of this article might enjoy the publicity.

Who said this?
The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every musselman [muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.
This statement was a part of a March 28, 1786, letter from John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, the United States Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Continental Congress, concerning their conversation with the Tripoli ambassador as to why his pirates/terrorists hijacked our merchant ships, stole the ships and cargo while holding the sailors for ransom.
? Here are the main points:
a. “it was founded on the Laws of their prophet”;
b. “that it was written in their Koran”;
c. “that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners”;
d. “that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and”;
e. “to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and”;
f. “that every musselman [muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”
The litany of cowards at that time was pretty large.  Every single useless European nation simply paid the ransom to the Barbary Pirates.  The exception seems to have been Sweden?  Jefferson when he became President did not waste much time to destroy these thugs from over 200 years ago.  He made some errors in dealing with the thugs to get prisoners released at the end of the war.  So it required James Madison to fight a 2nd Barbary War to finish what Jefferson had started.  Nothing much has changed in the last 200 years except that America now has joined the ranks of the cowards.  I guess that Netanyahu has joined them too, and the barbarity has simply gotten worse.  And now Edom simply has surrendered.  Well it was bound to finally happen one day.  Edom's angel did eventually come down from that ladder that Ya'akov saw on Ulpana Hill in Beit El while he was asleep, and what is left is a brown stump in at the bottom of a swamp called Islam.  I realize that there are 1.5 billion people who are attached to this cult of death in one way or another.  In the end if you want to argue that Dhimmitude is preferable to dealing with these creatures, go ahead.  But you won't get a sympathetic audience here.  I am ready to destroy the heart and soul of their cruel religion that by and large has brought nothing but pain and suffering to humanity.