In order to continue I must digress. The red on the flag is said by some to represent hardiness and valour, but while these can represent Ya'akov, the fact that the color chosen is red definitely indicates Edom. As a matter of fact the old group of G-7 economic world powers (USA, Canada, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Japan) plus Russia to make the G-8 nations only have one color in common on all their flags. Take a guess what that color is. It is red of course. The green on these flags where it exists represents the Bnai Japeth who have taiva (desire) that comes through their eyes. So the red represents the Gaiva (pride) of the heart while the green represents the taiva of the eyes. The situation in the world is reversed for the Bnei Shem and Ham. Yishmael for instance is the gaiva of the eyes (a collective arrogance of sorts). The Saudi flag represents this the best by being a sea of green. Islam on the individual level is not gaivadick only on the collective level. The red on Hamitic/Yishmael flags represents taiva of the heart (Bnei Ham) as opposed to the green of the Bnei Japeth which is taiva through the eyes. Now this is true for the majority in the Islamic World, the Sunni world. In the Sunni world, the religion is Islam, but the leaders historically have been from Ham. In Europe the leaders have been from Edom, but the common folk were from Japeth. The interesting anomaly in all this is the Shiite minority in Islam. The Shiites have always been far more extreme than their Sunni counterparts. The world Assassin for instance has Shiite origins where their loyal adherents would get high on Hashish and became Hashishin, and then they would be in a mode to do the Middle Ages version of the suicide bombing mission. So I would contend, with enough understanding of history, that while the red on the flags of the Sunni majority represents Ham, who is the leader in most cases of the Sunni majority, the red on the flags of Shiite dominated countries is the red of Amalek. So Shiism is unique, it has the collective gaiva of Islam and the individual gaiva of Amalek. So in Persia nothing has changed from Haman to Achmadinejad. So the Torah tells us not to stray after our hearts and after our eyes. After our hearts in both the realms of taivah and gaivah is the color red. And after our eyes in the realms of taivah and gaivah is green. The seat of taivah is the animal soul, our nefesh behamith. Taivah after our eyes has another name in both Hebrew and English. It is called kinah (envy or jealousy). So taivah after our hearts is lust and desire. And taivah after our eyes is envy and jealousy. The seat of gaivah believe it or not is the seven lower sefirot of our upper soul, our neshama. We often call this the nefesh elyon. It is worth noting that while animals may have taivahs. The attribute of gaivah is exclusively a human attribute. Not even lions have gaivah (pride). What we mistakenly think in lions as gaivah is really a very predatory form of taivah. The reason why it is exclusively human is because animals do not have a nefesh elyon. Only humans have this. And as it turns out, gaivah of the heart is far more dangerous to the well being of civilization than any taivah could possibly become. It is why Amalek who represents this gaivah of the heart more than any other force in human society has no place even in Yemot HaMashiach, while Ham who represents the taivah of the heart does have a place. And then there is Yishmael who uniquely created a society of gaivah through the eyes, a collective gaivah. They do this through a principle that they call Jihad (Yichud in Hebrew). As individuals they are submitters to G-d. As a collective they want to take over the world, and all other ways of connecting to G-d will have to be necessarily over time abolished. As we can see in various places where they are dominant, if one is not from one of the two Dhimmi religions, Judasim or Xtianity, all other G-d centered folk either convert or are decimated. Ask the Bahai what it means to be a G-d centered minority in a Muslim country. The other aspect of Yishmael is equally unpleasant but more self-destructive than destructive of others. It is their often Hamitic animal soul. The word hamur in Hebrew means jackass. The same root with different vowels means materialism. Like all Hebrew roots of three letters, one can see two two letter roots with a common letter. Hamur can be broken up into Ham and MaR, meaning bitter passion. So that is what a jackass is, and that is what the religion of materialism is. There is really no difference between the behavior of hundreds of thousands of jackasses romping around Tahrir Square engaging in gang rape and other outrages and hundreds of Black Friday shoppers stomping over a dying man to get a deeply discounted sweater or DvD player at Target. In both cases they are Ham Mar.
Into this colorful sea of those who use there animal or upper souls to pursue their eyes and their hearts comes a sea of blue. Blue more than any color is the color of the spirit, the color of spiritual transcendence. For the three children of Noach we had Ham (taivah of the heart = red) and Japheth (taivah of the eyes or envy = green) and Shem (taivah which transcends and follows the dictates of the neshama = blue) Shem whose animal soul was totally guided by his divine soul began the process of distilling our evil inclinations that exist within through the heart and in the world through the eyes so that this inclination would be a prisoner to his neshama. Since the neshama has ten dimensions or sefirot and the nefesh behamit (the animal soul) has seven emotional sefirot totally tied to nature, a grand total of ten times seven nations = 70 nations were made possible in the world. In the beginning of this process, Shem and his descendants were the obvious choices to be the leaders of the Spirit in the world. The problem developed when because the neshama itself is a tricky thing. It too has seven "emotional" sefirot or dimensions which can lead one astray after the heart or the eyes as discussed above. Only with Wisdom (Chochmah or analyitical reason), Understanding (Binah or inductive reasoning) and the crowning glory of the One true G-d does Mankind have a chance to control the straying nature of His animal soul and the emotional parts of His divine soul. Further Birur (selection process) was required before someone, Avraham, could come forth from Ur of the Chasdim and say that there can only be world peace if there is reverence for G-d. From Japeth came 14 nations who had an intense interest in establishing nationhood so that everyone could be envious and keep up with the Jones's. From Ham came 30 nations, but those nations were far more splintered because one who follows his heart is far less concerned about what others think of him while he is exploring his own passions that come from within. So from Bavel we still have the ancient nations of Germany (Gomer or Ashkenaz) and Greece (Jawan) and Meshach and Tuval (who collectively became Russia) and Magog (Mongolia and the Apache and Navajo nations). All these ancient Japhetic peoples survived into the modern era because nation building was important for them in order to do things that were pleasing to each other so that they all looked good to each other. Amongst the children of Ham, it is very difficult to discern nations that have survived until the modern era. Modern Egypt may have Mitzraim in it, but it is also very Greek and filled with Arabs who were (meuravim from which one gets the word Arab) from the time of Senchariv who mixed up (AiRuBed) all the Semitic peoples whom he conquered. So most of the Semitic peoples are accounted for because the Assyrian Empire was pretty vast and covered most of the Semitic world. So most of the Semitic peoples were mixed up by Senchariv and became the Arabs (the mixed up ones or me'uravim). Most of the Hamitic peoples of the world were not conquered by Senchariv, but because their nature did not lead to nation building, the only Hamitic nation from the 70 nations to survive intact in the modern era is probably China (Sin). Believe it or not Sin is a son of Cana'an and was destined to be enslaved. In the modern era the Chinese for the most part are slaves to Communists. How they survived as an ancient nation into the modern era is a story into itself, and perhaps the Chinese can tell it better than anyone else. Yet, as we see in modern China including Hong Kong and Taiwan, the best way to remove one from the necessity of being a slave to others is to enslave one's own animal soul to serve his upper soul. The final birur is to then make the upper soul a servant of G-d.
This is a work in progress. The final point is that the last line in the 4th Aliyah (the Wednesday Aliyah) of Vayeitzei is the reason for all the ecstasy in the world markets yesterday. "And Lavan said unto him (Ya'akov), 'If I have found favor in your eyes(according to R. Aryeh Kaplan: Haven't I earned your friendship?) I have learned by divination that HaShem has blessed me on account of you!'" Think about how that can cause a nation that is half Edom and half Lavan to get ready for the collapse of the original Edom (Germany and Rome) in Europe. Lavan is oblivious to the full spiritual collapse that is at his doorstep. He is too busy being a deceiver in order to rob us blind. And he has just discovered that Ya'akov in his midst as an employee has made him a very wealthy man. He is as high as a kite, and has no interest in letting Ya'akov leave his guilded cage. Here is a piece of Lavan's deceptions in the United States: The lies and deceits are simply exploding as we get closer to the end which hopefully will reach a climax by the end of next week, Parshat VaYishlach. Then there is this. I thought that the number 400 (Ayin Ra) might catch your attention:
An important addendum to this post: There is much information left out of this post that is relevant because the subject is so vast. One point that should be noted is that in the final birur of the neshama and the emotional part of this upper soul, Avraham was not Israel. Israel/Ya'akov is all blue with the white field of Avraham Our Father. Avraham was like the white dove who left Haran for a place unknown to him because it was the dove who plucked an olive branch from the Land of Israel when the Flood was subsiding and said better is the the bitter fruits of the Hand of G-d than the sweet fruits of the Hands of Man. So in order to distill Israel out of Avraham, one has to realize that white separates out into Green (Yishmael) and Purple (Yitzchak). Now purple is an unusual spiritual color. It is very rare on the flags of the world. It represents such humility that for a person that exists in a purple state like Yitzchak, Olam Hazeh and Olam Haba are one. Yitzchak had a Gan Eden existence in this world when he had to choose between good and evil. After the Akeidah all of his choices were black and white. And all Yitzchak had to do was to choose white. He did not have to deal with pesky issues such as extenuating circumstances. When evil encroached upon him, Yitzchak just moved away and dug a well somewhere else. 99.9 % of us do not live in such a world. So another birur was required. The Purple representing Yitzchak had to distill into red and blue. Esav became Red, and Ya'akov became Blue. So Ya'akov was the ultimate man of the Spirit. He had to deal with practical issues of making the best of his extenuating circumstances and to always make the best choice that was available at the time. So here you had a man who totally represented Emeth. Yet, when the future of the spiritual world lay in the balance, for the sake of Pikuach nefesh, he had to steal his the blessing that Yitzchak meant for his brother Esav. In the world of extenuating circumstances, Ya'akov had no other option. Through his adventures in the physical world, he towered over the other Avot, his own father and grandfather, blazing a trail for every Jew who would ever live and also for righteous gentiles who needed an example of how to cope and make moral decisions in a very dark world. He was blue in his nefesh behamith, an inheritance from his ancestor Shem. But he was also blue in his Divine
soul too. So he dwelt in Spirit next to the blue sapphire brick that makes up the Heavenly footstool for the Heavenly Throne.
What should we make of these flags:
ReplyDeleteCanada [red and white] -
Greece [blue and white] -
Japan [white with a red circle - looks like a panic button]
Australia [mostly blue....not as much red as the UK]
Everything's falling into place now, it's getting easier to see how close we're getting to the time when "even a child will be a able to see the date of Moshiach's coming clearly" or words to that effect anyway.
There is much info left out of this post that is relevant because the subject is so vast. One point that should be noted is that in the final birur of the neshama and the emotional part of this upper soul, Avraham was not Israel. Israel/Ya'akov is all blue with the white field of Avraham Our Father. Avraham was like the white dove who left Haran for a place unknown to him because it was the dove who plucked an olive branch from the Land of Israel when the Flood was subsiding and said better is the the bitter fruits of the Hand of G-d than the sweet fruits of the Hands of Man. So in order to distill Israel out of Avraham, one has to realize that white separates out into Green (Yishmael) and Purple (Yitzchak). Now purple is an unusual spiritual color. It is very rare on the flags of the world. It represents such humility that for a person that exists in a purple state like Yitzchak, Olam Hazeh and Olam Haba are one. Yitzchak had a Gan Eden existence in this world when he had to choose between good and evil. After the Akeidah all of his choices were black and white. And all Yitzchak had to do was to choose white. He did not have to deal with pesky issues such as extenuating circumstances. When evil encroached upon him, Yitzchak just moved away and dug a well somewhere else. 99.9 % of us do not live in such a world. So another birur was required. The Purple representing Yitzchak had to distill into red and blue. Esav became Red, and Ya'akov became Blue. So Ya'akov was the ultimate man of the Spirit. He had to deal with practical issues of making the best of his extenuating circumstances and to always make the best choice that was available at the time. So here you had a man who totally represented Emeth. Yet, when the future of the spiritual world lay in the balance, for the sake of Pikuach nefesh, he had to steal his the blessing that Yitzchak meant for his brother. In the world of extenuating circumstances, Ya'akov had no other option. Through his adventures in the physical world, he towered over the other Avot, his own father and grandfather, blazing a trail for every Jew who would ever live and also for righteous gentiles who needed an example of how to cope and make moral decisions in a very dark world. He was blue in his nefesh behamith, an inheritance from his ancestor Shem. But he was also blue in his Divine
ReplyDeletesoul too. So he dwelt in Spirit next to the blue sapphire brick that makes up the Heavenly footstool for the Heavenly Throne.
great post - moving to Israel will empower you
ReplyDeleteThis is how the world works:
ReplyDeleteThe answer is in the Torah(Genesis 2:10-14). From what I learned from Rabbi Dov Bar-Leib and other sources, I guess this is what happens:
The first river has gold and the gold is good. This gold symbolizes Israel(Jerusalem of gold or practice of Mitzvahs), good means kosher. Israel is kosher
and the spiritual center of the world(5772 years history to this day), Judaism demonstrates how to conduct righteous relationship with HaShem and between
human beings. The first river also has crystal and the onyx stone. The stones symbolize China(about 5000 years history), the most populous country on earth
and it also shows how to form unity and build solidarity among human beings.
The second, third and forth rivers represent the USA(235 years history so far), the wealthiest and the most technologically advanced country on earth. It
teaches the world how to make money and produce high technologies. Since creating wealth and high technologies are a necessity, but not holy, it is not
mentioned what is actually in those three rivers, they are actually oil(with oil, you can make anything).
Although all four rivers have the same origin, the first river doesn't join the other rivers, that is why intermarriage with non-Jews and non-Chinese is not
required and not needed. The USA has the least human involvement(e.g. vending machine, ATM machine, smartphone, online payment system....), the rest of the
world(except Israel and China) is copy of USA or mini USA and owned by the USA.
As you already notice, no one country can have it all(soul, heart and interest/resources), but Israel, China and USA are interdependent of each other, to
bring the world into the Messianic age per the Talmud/Torah's words.
Yes, there will be world war before the Messianic age(so to produce the permanent imprint in human history that peace and harmony is hard-earned). After
that, there will still be nations and borders, but nations will be kinder, more truthful and selfless toward each others.
The Messianic age will last one thousand years, this world model will be copied to another planet and the cycle of life continues into eternity.
The world's most important cities(even during the Messianic era):
1)Israel: Yerushalayim, Tel Aviv
2)China: Beijing, Shanghai, GuangZhou, Hongkong
3)USA: Los Angeles
The world's most important languages(even during the Messianic era):
1)Israel: Hebrew
2)China: Mandarin, Cantonese
3)USA: English
The world's governmental systems(even during the Messianic era):
1)Israel: Kingship monarchy
2)China: one party system
3)USA: two party system
4)the rest of the world: multi-parties system
now i know how they coined the phrase "green with envy"- comes from yishmael
ReplyDeleteFirstly at what point does Elliyahu Hanavi get sent in to help us? He has the smicha of Moshe that is otherwise extinct he is a cohen who has done the avoda and so knows where the mizbayach and kodesh kedoshim must be placed. We could bring korbanot tomorrow morning if we just knew for sure where the mizbayach was located and had access to har habayt.
ReplyDeleteSecondly if you are familiar with Strauss-Howe generational theory do you feel that this generational pattern and the business cycle are built into the worlds fabric as possibly indicated by the return of land to blood descendants of Yaacovs 12 sons and cancelation of debts at the Yovel, and just debts in the shmita?
Third, simple math shows most of us except Levim and Cohanim are probably not blood descendants not of the 12 tribes but of erev rav with a few other gerim over the centuries mixed in, most of the 10 tribes are still lost in deepest forgotten gallut. What effect does this have on us? Will the 90% blood erev rav rent once the land goes back to its rightful yerushim or is this why the fat borders of the messianic era will be needed?
Lastly where did the blood descendants of the erev rav go after we entered the land in the generation of Yehoshaua ben Nun? What of the 3 generations before Mitzrim can marry a Yisrael, did this apply to them or were they made fully normal Jewish with the benai Yisrael, Levim, and Cohanim at Har Sinai.
Robbin: that's exactly what I thought.... esp because I have green eyes [although hopefully not green with envy!]