Sunday, October 06, 2024

Twelves Months of Fighting the Erev Rav

 Bibi has morphed into Mashiach ben Yosef (even if he really is Ben Yamini from Shimi ben Geira ben Kish from Zekhariah 12 verse 13).  He is the last PM who MIGHT be thrust through with a dagger by Armilus (Olmert?) in Zekh 12 verse 10.  He is that PM, though.  So all the positive prophecies regarding him must come true while the negative prophecies need not come true if tikkunim for his life have been successful throughout the Centuries.

Here are verses 10-13 which in detail describe his Assassination, funeral, and Shivah if this 5th Mashiach ben Yosef must die.  Notice once again from his Yichus, his ability to destroy Amaleq in the world comes matrillinearly from Shimi the Binyaminite, not from Ephraim (to be discussed later).  In the meantime, these are the four verses in Zekhariah 12 that describe the Assassination (G-d forbid), funeral, and Shivah of this last PM before Ben David.  

Also note that the first four MBYs who have all died violent deaths are likely:  Yoseph Trumpeldour, Avraham "Yair" Stern, Yonatan Netanyahu, and Rav Meir Kahane.  Rav Kahane's arch-enemy was Ehud Olmert who wrote the Kakh Law in 1988 banning him from running in the Knesset where he likely would have received 18 seats or more.  Instead, Kahane was assassinated two years later.  So maybe Olmert has outlived his usefulness on the Assassination front.  I am not specifically accusing Olmert of doing the heinous crime, but Rav Kahane was taken from us shortly after Olmert successfully stopped him from reaching his goal.  Again, look at Medrash Sefer Eliyahu in the sidebar of this blog on how Olmert, spelled תרמלא in the Medrash is supposed to be the last leader of the Erev Rav when Mashiach comes.  This has been discussed multiple times on this blog.

י  וְשָׁפַכְתִּי עַל-בֵּית דָּוִיד וְעַל יוֹשֵׁב יְרוּשָׁלִַם, רוּחַ חֵן וְתַחֲנוּנִים, וְהִבִּיטוּ אֵלַי, אֵת אֲשֶׁר-דָּקָרוּ; וְסָפְדוּ עָלָיו, כְּמִסְפֵּד עַל-הַיָּחִיד, וְהָמֵר עָלָיו, כְּהָמֵר עַל-הַבְּכוֹר. 10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication; and they shall look unto Me because they have thrust him through; and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born.

יא  בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא, יִגְדַּל הַמִּסְפֵּד בִּירוּשָׁלִַם, כְּמִסְפַּד הֲדַדְרִמּוֹן, בְּבִקְעַת מְגִדּוֹן. 11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.

ב  וְסָפְדָה הָאָרֶץ, מִשְׁפָּחוֹת מִשְׁפָּחוֹת לְבָד:  מִשְׁפַּחַת בֵּית-דָּוִיד לְבָד, וּנְשֵׁיהֶם לְבָד--מִשְׁפַּחַת בֵּית-נָתָן לְבָד, וּנְשֵׁיהֶם לְבָד. 12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart: the family of the House of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the House of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;

יג  מִשְׁפַּחַת בֵּית-לֵוִי לְבָד, וּנְשֵׁיהֶם לְבָד; מִשְׁפַּחַת הַשִּׁמְעִי לְבָד, וּנְשֵׁיהֶם לְבָד. 13 The family of the House of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of the Shimeites apart, and their wives apart;

So the Good in this prophecy that must occur must include:

1.  Including winning Wars.

2.  Including being a Baal Teshuvah before he dies even if he spent most of his life not having Emunah.  This comes from the Targum Yonatan on Zekhariah 12:11 where we hear that (G-d forbid) after he is assassinated, this figure, a Levite from the House of Natan, will have a funeral compared to a funeral that never occurred.  It never occurred that there was a king of Israel or Judea (Yehudah) that was killed by HaddadRimon in the Valley of Har Megiddon (Armegeddon).  Achav ben Omri the notoriously idolatrous king of Yisrael was killed by Ben Haddad I son of TavRimmon  in a battle between Yisrael and King Yehoshafat's Yehudah against the Arameans, and Yoshiyahu the teshuvah King of Yehudah was killed next to Mt. Megiddo by Pharoah Necho.  Achav unlike his notoriously wicked wife, had one redeeming feature.  He loved his people, his nation Yisrael, probably as much as he loved himself.  So he usually won his battles, but he was killed "accidentally" by a stray arrow in this battle with Ben Haddad son of TavRimmon.  But the battle's location was Ramot-Gil'ad.  So the story of this final PM is incomplete without understanding that Yoshiyahu the great teshuvah king was killed in the Valley of Megiddo.   

3. When he dies, he will have a great hesped (eulogy) given for him.  This would indicate that this last PM will be great, probably toward the end of his reign or term.  

4. He falls as Mashiach Ben David's Malkhut is rising at the same time.  And just as King David sat Shivah for King Shaul when he was killed along with Yehonatan at Mt. Gilboa, so will Mashiach ben David sit Shivah for this last PM as described in the above verses.

5. Including going to war against Amaleq in the Persian Empire as was the case with other descendants of Shimi grandson of Kish, as we read about the lineage of Esther and Mordechai in the Book of Esther.  

.  אִישׁ יְהוּדִי, הָיָה בְּשׁוּשַׁן הַבִּירָה; וּשְׁמוֹ מָרְדֳּכַי, בֶּן יָאִיר בֶּן-שִׁמְעִי בֶּן-קִישׁ--אִישׁ יְמִינִי. 5 There was a certain Jew in Shushan the castle, whose name was Mordecai the son of Yair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite,

ז  וַיְהִי אֹמֵן אֶת-הֲדַסָּה, הִיא אֶסְתֵּר בַּת-דֹּדוֹ--כִּי אֵין לָהּ, אָב וָאֵם; וְהַנַּעֲרָה יְפַת-תֹּאַר, וְטוֹבַת מַרְאֶה, וּבְמוֹת אָבִיהָ וְאִמָּהּ, לְקָחָהּ מָרְדֳּכַי לוֹ לְבַת. 7 And he brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle's daughter; for she had neither father nor mother, and the maiden was of beautiful form and fair to look on; and when her father and mother were dead, Mordecai took her for his own daughter.

This would seem to indicate that she was Yair's brother's daughter.  The koach to destroy Amaleq in the world is matrilineal, but the X chromosome can go to a Man for one Generation.  Yet, it must be passed on to a daughter in the next Generation.  This explains why the vehicle of destruction of Amaleq in the Persian Empire in the generation of Esther and Mordechai went specifically through Esther as the agent of Amaleq's destruction.  Mordechai ben Yair was the Gadol HaDor, but Amaleq was destroyed through the action of his cousin, Queen Esther.  So in order for a Mashiach ben Yosef or Binyamin figure to arise as a Man, he must receive this koach from his mother not his father.  In our case we know that Bibi is a Levite from the House of Rav Natan Mileikovsky HaLevi.  Rav Natan would write his Torah works with his proper Name Rav Natan Mileikowsky, but whenever he wrote essays on Zionism, he used the pseudonym, Netanyahu, placing his first name into his pseudonym.  His more Zionist sons, Elisha and BenTzion HaLevi, chose the pseudonym for their last names, once again stressing that that they were from the House of Natan.  And BenTzion's children were Yonatan, Binyamin, and Dr. Iddo all Levi'im from the House of Natan.

Also the only time that Bibi took on the American Administration when Obama was President was when he gave a speech before the US Congress on Ta'anit Esther on the 3rd of March of 2015 to prevent the Mullahs in Iran from getting Nuclear Weapons.  The speech was at 11am on the 12th of Adar in Washington DC, but from yours truly's perspective it was seven time zones ahead, 6pm on the 13th of Adar, the day of the War against Amaleq in the Persian Empire in the Book of Esther.   Sunset in Kokhav Yaakov on the 13th of Adar 5775 was at 5:38pm.

Also as mentioned before, notice in the Yichus of the Shivah for this last PM, in the case of him being a from the House of Natan and a Levite, the verse says "House of" indicating Patrilineal descent, but when is refers to Shimei as an ancestor, the verse only says from the Family of Shimei, once again indicating matrilineal descent.  And just for good measure, Zekhariah reminds us that Mashiach ben David is patrilineal by indicating that the family of the "House of" David will mourn the passing of this last PM. G-d forbid that it happens this way, but seriously, this is how we learn about the Yichus of this last leader.   And notice that in spite of what Xtians say this has nothing to do with Yoshke (who was not a Levite from the House of Natan).  Nor was he a descendant of Shimei from the House of Kish.  Believe it or not, Xtians actually think that this person who is thrust through (with a dagger) is Yoshke.  This is OBVIOUSLY not the case.

Finally, it must be mentioned that All these positive things from Zekharia 12 will occur.  And because there is a prediction in Chaza"l that the last and 6th Mashiach ben Yosef will be a descendant of the daughters of Yehoshua bin Nun of Shevet Ephraim, I have discussed here why I believe in my heart of hearts that Yehonatan Pollard will be the Defense Minister to replace Yoav Gallant to complete this horrible war, when the Rules of  Engagement set down by Edom for us no longer are of use to us.  As discussed on this blog, it is fantastic that the prostitute amongst the nations, France, seeking approval and love from a Majority Reprobate world hates us. So we must be at the finish line.  In a majority Reprobate world, it is the French who desire deeply to be loved and popular amongst the growing majority of Reprobates, and more than any other Edomite nation, they are now our mortal enemy.  

This has been a very very hard year.  I believe this was perpetually slowed down by the cadre of Erev Rav fools in the War Cabinet and in the IDF.  Slowly but surely they have resigned from their posts.  Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot resigned about four days prior to Shavuot, and Aharon Haliwa just recently resigned to take his fat Army pension.  This war is also massive teshuvah for the Disengagement over 19 years ago, a process of destruction that also took about 1 year and 3 months from Sharon proposing it to it actually happening on the 10th of Av 5765.  I do believe that as Sefer Kol HaTor seems to say, that the Erev Rav keeps Mashiach ben Yosef in check for 999 steps.  Even though this process has been unfolding since 5542 (1782) as Sefer Kol HaTor implies, the progress has been breathtakingly slow.


Anonymous Avremel said...

Thank you!

10/06/2024 11:09 PM  
Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

I should mention that Bibi Netanyahu has the Netzitzot of King Shaul that he did not rectify in his lifetime.
1. His failure to destroy the Philistines in Chap 13 of Shmuel Aleph
2. His failure to destroy Amaleq in Chap 15 of Shmuel Aleph.
This is his last opportunity.

10/06/2024 11:10 PM  
Blogger Dov Bar-Leib said...

My comments about France do not apply to French Jews. Come home, please.

10/06/2024 11:27 PM  

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